9 "Funaho"
Seina was riding his bike on the mountain path with his bike, the Kai special, at super human speeds However ... ...
"... ... How is Senpai doing that...... Magic? "behind Seina, Tenchi was running through the mountain with great speed. whenever his path was blocked by a tree he would just jump through it like a ninja.
"Has he been Bio-Enhanced? Shit he's going to beat me there." Seina sped up
enchi gradually caught up to him when
"Seina look out ahead!"
"What ?!"
Seina turned and saw the forest in front of him it was a familiar patch of forest from when he was a child. he tried to break but his breaks broke.
"Watch out!"Tenchi tried to grab the Kai special to stop it but it broke off in his hand and seina went flying off the seat and ended up rolling through the forest
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" He rolled right through it and into the pond where the tree funaho was...
"Seina!" Tenchi stopped him self right where the lake began and stared at Seina.
"gah!"Seina who raised his head out of the water
"I see your the same as ever."
"Eh!?" In front of Seina was Katsuhito.
" Thank you for the ride uncle"
"Feel free to call me when you need a ride back."
"Ok" Kiriko and the others wave goodbye to Nishia as his bus left to go back the way it came.
"Well, then everyone follow me." Washu greeted them and began leading the way while holding a flagged banner that said "guinea pig line" on it, as if she was a tour guide.
They followed washu and passed through a transfer gate into her laboratory.
"Hmm I expected... more ... I was imagining a place full of suspicious machinery and weird creatures." they came out into an area like a beautiful sunshine filled gymnasium
"shhh....! Don't give her any ideas." Kiriko put a finger to Amane's mouth.
"If you want some place like that I have plenty of them."
"No, this is fine" Kiriko said desperate to keep Amane's mouth shut and move on with things.
"Can we just get this done?"
"Of course, I want to finish by noon myself .... well then...Then take off all your clothes and accessories."Kiriko, Amane and others began to take off their clothes.
Washu looked around the ladies who took off their clothes and stopped at Kiriko
"Well then, Let's start with you first Kiriko."
"Yes!"Kiriko whose name was called by Washu reflexively stood upright in a stiff posture. Washu went around Kiriko and began to look at her body with enthusiasm.
"Hmm ... ... There is no abnormalities in your body, Bio-Enhancement level is 8. Hmm but you recently suffered great damage to both arms. I just need to do little adjustment."
There was nothing like a sensor in the vicinity, Washu was just observing all of this with her naked eyes. Kiriko's Bio-Enhancement level was top secret. She was astonished that Washu could tell that with just her eyes, Washu had even noticed damage both arms received during the battle with Tarrant.
"Don't worry you're one of tenchi's relatives, I won't bite." Washu lightly tapped Kiriko's ass and started walking towards Amane.
"Next is Amane · Kaunaq ... .... Mr. Kaunaq's granddaughter."
"Do you know my grandfather?"
"He runs a clothing company now, but I used to be his teacher, so I know a lot about him."
"I see.... I never knew that ..."
"Uhuhuhu, he used to be quite the voyeur is he still that way?
"uhm... ...." Amane 's grandfather was pretty obsessed with keeping an eye on the family, and always monitored them, they forced him to stop monitoring amane but her mother was still regularly monitored, but they were used to it.
"Haha the same as ever, anyways, your body is fine, Bio-Enhancement level 4 ...... and looking quite nice."
"I do my best to take care of it."
"Ha ha ha, ok then then onto the granddaughter of commander Balta, Ryoko · Balta..."
"Yes, nice to meet you Washu-sama ..."
"Hmm I see, so that name is taken from my daughter Ryoko's name... ... hmm... Bio-Enhancement level is 2 ...... but you have a special transformation ability."
"Ha ha, yes."
"Next is the shrine maiden of Melmas, Neeju · Na · Melmas. no Bio-Enhancement, an age fixed body .... but the age fixing has been lifted."
"Has seto told you anything about the political situation on Melmas calming down?"
As expected, Neeju was less tense than the others.
"No, but if you have a problem,I can always build a personal data construct to take your place over there."
"Okay I'll keep that in mind, thank you."
"Next is Hakuren. Bio-Enhancement level 6 ...... with thought acceleration specialization."
As Washu stepped around Hakuren 's body she entered Kiriko's blind spot.
"You four you sure are far from home aren't you?"
As expected, Hakuren kept quiet and feigned ignorance, but her hands were clenched firm.
"I do understand. Being royalty is a pain, I don't know why you're here, but it seems interesting so feel free to tell me about it anytime you want."
"……Yes" Hakuren said
"Well, next is Karen ...... Bio-Enhancement level 5. your body has been ideally trained, but uhuhu I sense a bit of spiritual fatigue.
Washu next pointed to Gyokuren with her thumb. Gyokuren bowed elegantly in response.
"Nice to meet you Washu I am Gyokuren."
"Hmm... ...despite your other side, you have a nice appearance .... And I bet you're used to using that as a weapon. Bio-Enhancement level is 6."
Washu looked into Gyokuren's eyes.
"Is that mental stability due to the presence of Seina?"
"Hmm, it's quite interesting."
Washu backed away a bit from Gyokuren. just out of her danger zone.
"Well then, that's interesting ... ... ... is that everyone?"
"Washu, next to you... Suiren"
Hakuren point, Washu turned.
"I didn't sense you, hmm you also have a biased probability, and your Bio-Enhancement level is 10"
"Ten!?"To this, Hakuren and the others couldn't hide their surprise.
That high a bioenhancement distorts the body and spirit and can destroy a person.
"Bio-Enhancement may be the cause of her thin presence, she wasn't always like this was she?... well ...I'll decide whether to adjust or detune her enhancement level after I do a detailed investigation.... I won't accept any objections, It needs to be done. "Washu stared at Suiren. Suiren nodded to give consent.
"Well then... get ready!"
Washu 's gave a signal, an object made of black slime appeared.
"Wow, Ms. Washu ... What is that?"
"This is my Precision Scanning Monster" Mr. Slimey Number 3 " ♡
"Monster!? watch out!" kiriko screamed
Mr. Slimey number three attacked Kiriko who tried to run away. and swallowed her.
"... .... Oh! it's been a long time."
Seina stayed in the pond where he landed but stood up and bowed to Katsuhito with a smile.
"Well, it seems like your just as unlucky as ever even after going into space uhuhuhu!"
"... Oh ... ... who is that ... ... what is that?"
Seina felt like he was being called by someone for a moment, he looked around.
"What's wrong?"
"Oh, uhm ... ... just now it seems like someone called me ..."
"Are you all right?"Tenchi came over and looked at him anxiously.
"uhm... ... do you hear that?"Seina looked around and searched for source of the voice only he heard.
"There is no one here but me and tenchi."
"I heard another person...... or something, a voice ... ...."
"Oh do you? I wonder if he's hearing that ..." Katsuhito slowly pointed behind Seina. The giant tree Funaho was behind him.
"The shrine's tree? ... .... Oh!" Seina had seen something very similar to this tree several times.
"...... That's right, why didn't I notice it soon .... ... ...."
Light was emitted from the tree, and it hits seina's forehead. Its voice sounded almost like fuku's and the light tickled.
"Oh it's a royal tree! Okay!wait....so the big tree was always a royal Tree!?"
"Yes, It's my first generation Tree, Funaho ... now that you know you can properly become friends with it."
"Funaho, often wanted to talk to you when you were playing here, it was sad that it couldn't comfort you when you'd get hurt and cry in public, it still kept an eye on you. "
"really how? ... ...."
"The trees in this village are the eyes and ears of Funaho, they know everything about this village, so it saw and wanted to comfort you, but couldn't."
seina had often felt a presence watching over him in the village but had never understood what it was.
".... Hmm so that presence I always felt ... ... was that you?...Thank you ...... Thank you, Funaho. I'm doing fine." Seina said and a flurry of joyous light began coming out of the tree.
As seina looked up to watch it he saw something come out of the sky and land on him.
"Hey Tenchi, Tenchi!"
Ryoko who came down from the sky stepped on his seina's head pushing him back into the water.
"That's not a rock Ryoko!"
"Huh?"Ryoko saw Tenchi glaring at her angrily and looked down.
"……oh! " Ryoko hurriedly got off of seina's head .
"Oh I'm sorry Seina, I didn't see you, I thought you were a rock, Ahahahaha!"
"Seina, This is Ryoko.... Washu's other daughter."Tenchi whispered to Seina softly.
"Washu-chan said that if you didn't treat fuku right she would turn out this way ..."
"That woman is not my mother!" Ryoko cried, and then she heard Ayeka's voice come from far away.
"Ryoko-san, Ryoko-san? "
Ryoko disappeared in a hurry, an angry Ayeka came in to take her place.
"Ryoko-san, It's your turn to do the cleaning! Where are you! Oh Tenchi, have you seen Ryoko ... ...."
Then Ayeka noticed Seina near Tenchi.
"... Oh, is that.... Seina?"
"I was looking forward to seeing you when I heard that you came home. ... why are you standing in the pond?"
"Oh, Ooop's I forgot, I fell in."
Seina hurried to get out of the pond. To be honest, it was hot and he was sweating from bicycling so fast in the summer heat, and the cold water felt nice which was half of why he forgot.
"Oh no! Have you see Ryoko?"
"uhm well... .... eeh em."
Katsuhito cleared his throat. During the conversation with Seina, Ryoko had been making a stupid poses behind Ayeka.
But Ayeka was used to this situation and from how Katsuhito and Tenchi were acting she realized this and turned to throw a broom at Ryoko like a spear.
"Ack!"the broom hit Ryoko in the face and she fell back against a rock.
"Nice shot." Katsuhito applauded Ayeka's skill .
"grrrrrr... ...."
The confrontation between Ryoko and Ayeka had led them into a situation where Ryoko was on top of the demon's cave,in which she had once been sealed, with Ayeka below it.
"Should we intervene?"
"That's not a good idea, It's dangerous to get in between them."
"Well, while there busy with that... let me tell you a story."
Katsuhito pointed to the demon's cave.
"Do you know about the legend of the samurai that sealed the evil demon in this cave?"
"yes... you've told me many times"
"Actually, the young man who sealed that demon was me, and that's the demon that was sealed."
"Hi!"Katsuhito pointed to Ryoko who raised her hand.
"Ha, Ryoko ... ... A demon?"
However, he thought about it and what he had heard in space and how he had seen Ryo-ohki glow bright red... and it made sense.
The horn-shaped protrusion on the hull of Ryo-Ohki was reminiscent of a demon's horns. If people on the earth saw that they would definitely call it a demon. Or maybe a dragon.
"... ... hmmm I guess I see it."
"Pfttt!"Ayeka giggled and got distracted from the fight
"Tenchi went and woke her up after 700 years a few years ago..."
"... ... A few years... wait... Senpai did you cause high school gas explosion ... ..."
"That was me ♡!" Ryoko said with a smile
"wait... and what about Tenchi-senpai's home in Kurashiki which burned down ... ...."
"Yeah that too ... but Ayeka,was the one who destroyed the Seto Bridge."
"I did not! The Seto Bridge was all your doing Ryoko!"
"... ...I wouldn't have had to move tenchi's house if you hadn't tried to blow it up!"
"Well, that is true ... but the Seto Bridge is absolutely Ryoko's fault!" Ayeka's face was bright red.
"...But I wouldn't have attacked in the first place if you hadn't attacked Jurai!
Ryoko and Ayeka went back into fighting mode and started bickering.
"Tenchi, It's time to head back to the house." It was Noike coming up from the stairs that saved seina and Tenchi from that awkward fight.
Click here for chapter 10