6 "Fuku · First mission"

"we have Permission to depart from central control to head out on the rest of our course." on the bridge everyone was sitting in their seats
"I'm sensing three small vessels around this general area of space."
"We should be careful to avoid them, we don't want to get ambushed while trying to jump into hyperspace."
"Then let's enter hyperspace from satellite orbit using a water mirror." kiriko suggested.
a water mirror is a jump where they flatten out the gravity in an area to distort space and use it as a hole for entering hyperspace, using that method it was possible to enter hyperspace even on a planet, but it would cause the planet serious damage, however if used in satellite orbit, the planet would normally be unharmed.
---- this is the jump that seto uses to appear in the middle of the pirate ships in chapter 3 / episode 3---
"Ok well that should be simple enough to do with this ship."
Normally, a water mirror had to be generated using three ships, but in the case of the Kamidake or a royal ship, three compressed high energy bodies could be used as the core. it was simple to pull off if you went through the steps one by one.
"Roger that."
"Charge completed."
"Injection point confirmed. Cores launched."
The three cores launched from the Kamidake and generated circular fields in satellite orbit that looked like a water mirror where the three circular fields overlapped. "Program Loaded! Initiating hyperspace jump!" The Kamidake rushed into hyperspace a few seconds after breaking through the atmosphere.
"Seto, The Kamidake has started moving from the midway point and had made a hyperspace jump in satellite orbit" an operator on the Mikagami's Bridge reported to Seto who was again laying on the throne exhausted.
"That's nice... I'm just going to take a nap for a while..." Seto said as she laid in her throne
"How about taking a break in your room?" "I don't want to be haunted"
"do you have a ghost in there?" The operator strangely looked at the operator next to her. she was confused.
"Gyokuren got angry and relapsed back into that scary state of hers once she looked through NB and saw what was going on with the Kamidake."
"Oh ... so that's what this is."
"between her and Suiren I am exhausted. "Seto fell asleep on her throne.
The operators turned away but when they later turned and looked in her direction their hairs stood on end and they suddenly turned away and buried them selves in their work. what they saw was Suiren standing over Seto who was sleeping on her throne.
Even though Seina's luck was bad, they didn't encounter Space Pirates every time they jumped. However his probability bias naturally flared up eventually the more they jumped and it activated on their third jump out.
"I'm reading 5 pirate ships and 3 unconfirmed vessels!" fuku activated the ships weapons and set the ship to attack them. "No!" Kiriko shouted forcing the systems to reset. "Mia!?"
"Don't attack our enemies!" Kiriko said strongly to Fuku who was confused about the attack being canceled. suddenly the pirate ship fired at the Kamidake. "Mia !!" Fuku panicked and stiffened up on the center table. their ability to control the ship was disturbed.
"Mia! Mia!" Fuku, who was driven by fear, ran to Seina, and and crouched down under him. "Fuku, it's all right!Fuku!" "Fuku-chan!" Neeju moved next to Seina and picked Fuku up.
"Don't worry, we'll be be fine." Neiju firmly embraced Fuku. However, as the ship was fuku's main body, Fuku's fear, which was a fear of being exposed to the attacks of the Space Pirates, was not easily dispelled. Moreover, kiriko had to keep canceling attacks fuku was setting to be fired.
"Emergency jump!" Neiju shouted.
The Kamidake made a hyperspace jump. "Fuku, are you OK?"
They entered into hyperspace and confirmed they were safe. seina looked over at fuku and she jumped away from neiju and ran to his knee trembling. Seina couldn't let fuku attack the pirates no matter how she felt, it would violate his orders. all he could do was pet her head to calm her down.
"Fuku, I'm sorry, but everyone is working hard to make sure you don't get hurt, so please be patient." "... Miah" Fuku looked up at Seina with watery eyes.
"Captain, we will return to normal space soon" "roger that" "Fuku,come to me, I'll hold you" "Miaa!" But Fuku hated the thought of leaving Seina.
"I'll take her now big brother." Neiju took fuku from seina.
"We have returned to normal space! I'm detecting a surveillance ship!"
"Mia!" Fuku cried out suddenly. suddenly.
"a few dozen ships are jumping out!" Erma announced
Amane had already known what fuku's cries meant and had steered the kamidake out of the way of the pirates attacks.
"We're getting a request for communications from the Mikagami!" NB reported
"OK! Emergency jump!" Seina told kiriko and they quickly set an alternate route.
A few seconds later, the Kamidake jumped into Hyper space. "Mia! Miaa!" Fuku cried.
Heavy vibrations occurred on the hull.
"Three ships have followed us into hyperspace and are firing on us, It's the three that we picked up when we left the planet!" "so that's what a near miss feels like in hyper space ... ...."
"We need to jump out, it's stupid to try and fight in hyper space!" Amane cried, as they suddenly left hyperspace, one ship kept following them but the other two failed to jump out.
"I'm not willing to sacrifice us because of one ship!"
The enemy ship came close to the Kamidake and launched a desperate attack.
"Energy values increasing!This must be a suicide bombing!"
"Jump out!"
"there in too close a proximity! Even if we jump out we can't escape!" the other ship would come out with them.
with the Kamidake's shielding ability, it was possible to endure a suicide bombing from a much larger ship but that was only when the Kamidake was in a perfect state. There was no guarantee that they could do it while having an immature fuku at the helm. the enemy ship was wrapped in white light, Seina quickly got up and reached out to pet fuku on the head as she trembled against neiju's chest.
"Fuku!" he said
"Myan !!" Fuku's scream caused the bridge to light up and it shot off ahead of the other ship. Kiriko who had stiffened to prepare for the shock raised her face in confusion
"what happened? where's the explosion?" Kiriko asked checking the monitor where nothing but hyperspace was displayed.
"big brother!" "huh?" "I think we got away because you touched fuku?" neiju said everyone looked at Seina all at once.
"There's no way.... I just barely touched Fuku ... ...." he also seemed surprised.
"Maybe fuku chan was able to read your intentions?" Fuku shook her tail happily as she looked at Seina,
"We can investigate that later, but for now we have other things to take care of."
"Kiriko, we have passed the designated jump out point what should we do?"
" captain please let us know when you wish to jump out"
"OK! Let's do that now! "
"alright. Jump out!"
The Kamidake entered back into normal space
"I'm reading a surveillance ship! ......it's the ship that nearly missed us last time!"
"... ... Erma, what's their status?"
"I don't think they've noticed yet ... !!! so wait I'm sensing many ships jumping out at once !" Erma was a little shocked
"Mya! Mia!" Fuku cried to warned them of the battleship approaching. soon they surrounded the Kamidake.
"What do we do?" Amane asked while dodging the ships
"Emergency jump!"
"That wont be nessesary!" Neiju said in a somewhat grown up sounding voice
"Ms. Kiriko, the mission is complete now!"
"understood!" Kiriko realized that Seto had wanted to call to tell them that the mission had ended. "Fuku, Don't worry we will protect you" Kiriko cried out, targets were displayed on the ships and a beam shot out but it diverted and missed.
"what? Fuku !?" the rest of the targets were removed. Amane diverted her eyes from the monitor and looked at fuku in the corner of her eye "Mia! Mia!" Fuku was trembling. Although the mission was over her fear was keeping her from targeting and attacking accurately.
"We're Detecting heavy gravitational waves. Oh this pattern..."
" It's the Seventh fleet! That's kanemitsu's fleet!" it was a pattern Kiriko knew well.
The fleet jumped out and soon destroyed the pirates.
"whyew..." with clapping applause Amane unexpectedly whistled in admiration.
a communication from Kanemitsu came in.
"I'm sorry we're late. are you alright? "
"Thank you for your help, we're safe." everyone stood up and saluted.
"That's good ... oh? how is that little one doing? " Kanemitsu said when he noticed Fuku
"... .... Miah!" Fuku looked at Kanemitsu and shook her tail.
"Hahaha ......good. well we will handle things here for now, please head on to meeting point." communication's ended. with that they made a hyperspace jump toward their destination.
The Kamidake jumped out near a food resource planet in Juraian space. in satellite orbit there was a large space port for exporting food.
*** this seems obvious from the description....This has to be planet Kanemitsu.Washu's home planet
"Why would Seto choose a planet like this?"
"it's an agricultural planet, there are few outsiders here and it's exports are distributed to various places, so it's perfect for camouflaging movement. and large containers are also very convenient for large supermarkets."
"so you're saying it's so they could hide a royal ship sized object?"
" maybe even a fleet too"
"I've connected to the guidance beacon" Erma announced breaking the conversation between Amane and Kiriko.
The Kamidake entered the space port. they passed through the gate,into a wooden harbor like you would see on Jurai, where Seto 's Mikagami was anchored.
Seina traveled through several transfer gates and came to a park with an observatory for looking into the planet's skies.
***like Washu's orphanage***
"is that that damn old hag I see over there ...?" Amane wrinkled between the eyebrows as she confirmed if the person she saw by the fountain was Seto
"Seto-sama!" Kiriko also saw Seto and called out to her. There was seto looking like an over worked manga artist who had been kept up all night long working to fill a deadline. behind her was hakuren's group waving to them. However, contrary to her appearance Seto's expression one of the joy of freedom.

"Seina!" Gyokuren walked toward Seina like a magnet attracted to steel And the other three who felt the same feelings as Gyokuren, followed her all at once.
"Seina, please don't leave us again." Gyokuren, seemed like a puppy who had just seen it's master after a long vacation away from it.
"I'm glad you are all safe." Hakuren said
"Thank you, Hakuren"
"Hold on my mission isn't over yet." Neiju walked towards Seto.
"Oh, that's right." Seina began to follow Neeju.
"Seina, welcome back ~ ~, it's good that you're safe ~ ~,I'm happy ~ ~, I was waiting ~ ~ ... ..." Seto said exhausted
"I'm not home yet .... uhm Ms. Seto are you okay?"
"she's a little tired, I'm sorry" Seto 's officer who was waiting in the shadows rushed over, and put up a cot and a small tent on the spot.
"... ... sorry if this is a little impolite" seto went in and then shortly after seina and the gang went inside after her the curtain at the entrance went down. The awning formed a secret wall and inside was an acceleration space.
"please go over there" Hakuren returned to her female official mode and guided Seina to a table with a large roof. everyone was seated and served sweets and tea, Seto who got plenty of sleep in the acceleration space before they entered sat down looking much better.
"I'm sorry to put such a burden on you."
"It's ok we saw quite a lot of interesting things on this mission." Amane said without complaint "That may be so but I know it was hard work to finish this mission, and I expect you to tell me all about it in a detail... ... but first Would you please introduce me to the little one?"Seto said
"Hi there, I heard you're Ryo-ohki's Sister, we're all looking forward to meeting you." the officers ran to fuku to crowd her
"Miah!" Fuku ran to hide behind Seina.
"It's All right, Fuku" Seina urged her to stand up on the table,but he didn't force her, he left it up to Fuku to decide.
"... ... ... Miah?" Fuku gradually observed the officers, and proceeded forward with caution, but unexpectedly walked forward upon seeing Seto's face. she got up on the table without assistance and walked up to Seto 's hand she looked at Seto' s face and wagged her tail.
"Nice to meet you, little one" Seto slowly reached out and hugged Fuku.
"... .... Mia?" Fuku felt something familiar about Seto, but didn't know what it was. However, Fuku, felt nostalgic about her warmth, and let down her guard. "Mia, Mia!"
slowly the other officers came to greet her and pet her and everything went smoothly until Gyokuren came to pet her.
As soon as Karen ,who was holding Fuku, tried to hand her over to Gyokuren, "Mya? Miau!" Fuku jumped out of Karen's hand and onto the table where she took an offensive position towards Gyokuren. "Fuku-chan !!"
"Oh, my how intriguing." Gyokuren said as she stared at Fuku
"Animals, and sometimes children, just naturally fear Gyokuren's uhm......... " Hakuren told Kiriko loudly before mincing her words at the end. Kiriko and others quickly remembered when Seina had seen Gyokuren's true nature before.
"well... ... If I could sense that madness, I'd instinctively watch out for it too I guess." Kiriko whispered to Amane and Erma so that Seina didn't hear her. But Seina, didn't understand what hakuren meant. "Fear, but Fuku doesn't seem to hate Gyokuren ... ..."
"What ?! ......... oh!" the others stared at Fuku, Amane was the first to notice what he meant. Even though Fuku was in an alert position, they noticed that the expression fuku had on and how she was wagging her tail showed that she was happy. "Hey Gyokuren, move little bit away from Fuku" "What?" Gyokuren took a few steps back from Fuku. Then Fuku got closer to maintain the distance. "oh dear!" Gyokuren who understood Amane 's intentions repeatedly approached and stepped back several times. Sure enough, Fuku repeatedly moved to keep a certain distance from Gyokuren.
Gyokuren was a little relieved. "I see ... ... so she likes me but her instincts or body are making her keep a safe distance from me" Hakuren grabbed Fuku softly and took her away Gyokuren was glad that she was not hated, but was still sad that she couldn't touch Fuku.
"Perhaps, when she grows up she might be able to control that instinct, and you can hold her." Amane said to comfort Gyokuren "I hope so," she said with a sigh.
Fuku was lastly handed over to Suiren. "Nice to meet you"
When she received Fuku, she kissed fuku lightly on the forehead and gazed at Seina. Then Seina rose quickly and came to Suiren to take Fuku.
"... .... Um, maybe if seina hugs Fuku ... ...." seina understood the intent of Suiren 's words, but her voice vanished. as soon as he received Fuku, he approached Gyokuren slowly. fuku didn't move "............" Gyokuren slowly reached out for Fuku while being embarrassed. ten centimeters, five centimeters, four centimeters, three centimeters, two centimeters, one centimeter, and her hand touched Fuku's head. However, Fuku stood on Seina 's arm without running away.
"......" Kiriko let out a sigh of relief. Gyokuren stroked Fuku's head happily.
"Well, then, that takes care of that.... well then you have a two-hour break, Seina and then you will be returning to the Academy"
"Oh, Seto, I have something I want to ask" Seina held Fuku and turned towards Seto.
"What is it?"
"About this mission... can you tell me why Neiju was used as a decoy?"
Although Seina's words contained a slight anger, Seina understood that seto wouldn't be phased by it. he also knew that he would not necessarily receive an answer if he asked if it was a confidential matter, perhaps it was strange favor which Neiju could not refuse.
"............" Seto kept silent and pretended to think a bit. she had to think how to phrase this so she could say something that would satisfy hakuren's girls and not upset Seina, Gyokuren, and others were clearly enjoying the conflict going on in Seto's head.
(this is bad but at the very least, I have to keep Seina on my side!) Seto slowly lifted her face while sweating dripped down her forehead." "Well .... I can understand your frustration, especially because you don't particularly like putting others in danger, especially not a young girl."
"If possible, I think you could think about her safety a bit more ... .... she's not like me, I have nothing to loose as a decoy." It was dangerous to be a decoy even if it was simple, but when you combine that with Seina's presence, it attracts disasters to them and the degree of danger goes up by orders of magnitude, it was extremely difficult to protect someone under such circumstances.
"brother you did a good job making sure I could arrive here safely, but you see my job was actually to investigate you"Neiju said
"Investigate me!?"
"She has a kind of superpower, she was investigating the nature of your probability bias."
"Neiju-chan is that true?"
"There was no one who could have done it as well as she could have, I thought she would be ok because you were taking her on the new Kamidake, but ... I will be careful as much as possible from now on."
"I understand" Seto was careful not to apologize about the mission content.
However, as Neiju had clarified things, Seina was satisfied with her answer. "Well, a room has been prepared for Seina and the little one, so please go there and relax, the others and I have to talk." Seina got up and bowed and left.
"Well ... ... I'm glad that's over" When he disappeared, Seto smiled at Neiju. And suddenly Kiriko stunned with Seto and Neiju, with an angry expressions.
"You shitty old hag! How dare you!" Kiriko seemed to be sitting silently earlier but in reality she was being compelled to say nothing by Neiju's power to avoid anything else being told to Seina. "Kiriko! ... what do you mean by that?" Hakuren asked not knowing what was going on
"This Lolibitch can control the direction of the collective consciousness! she had her use it to control us"
"Oh, I see ... ..." Once the circumstances were known, Hakuren quickly regained her calmness.
"Is there a problem?
"You can't keep sending seina on missions like this... You're running him ragged. Seina's mental endurance is strong but he can only take so much. "
"I'm only using his misfortune to help others ... ...."
"Seto-sama ... ... don't act like this isn't a big deal. " Amane said
"No matter what you think, I ... ... No, the world will not let Seina be yours, you can't just use him at your convenience whenever you like to achieve victory without thinking of his well being! " " If that's what you plan to do...... then you can count us out too." Gyokuren said everyone glared at Seto.
"Fine, I'll get replacements."
"Replacements?" currently seina had 7 assistants. the were all talented, but Jurai and the academy had many talented people who could replace them. But only one ─ ─ Kiriko couldn't be changed. her long history with Seina ensured her position.
"hah ... ... you can do that for the rest of us ... but good luck getting rid of kiriko."
"uhm what about Kiriko's mother ...... "
"Right, and Mikami and Kuisu and Minaho would love to take your place, I have several others I can think of as well."
"maybe you can replace us in missions but you can't replace the spot we have with him in his private life."
"I wouldn't be so sure of that... that being said the current set up we have now already is the most ideal and I think you have a good point.... I just wanted to see you squirm for a bit. " Seto said becoming serious
"Ms. Seto, now that you're done having fun messing with the girls don't you think it would be best to address their concerns?" Neiju said
"yes. what did you find out about Seina's power?"
"Well, at the very least it is not the same as my own abilities, Seina's consciousness doesn't seem to have much influence in determining the flow of events"
"well that's one hypothesis down, Did you find out anything else?"
"There are defiantly other factors in play, but nothing all that simple: whatever it is it had nothing to do with conscious decisions by Seina,"
"Well, then what does it have to do with ......"
"I don't know yet ... but at the very least it's not worth keeping seina under strict control."
"I see, so what do you plan to do now"
"Well now that my assassins have been wiped out and my growth has been unfrozen, I think i should be going back home" neiju said
A large-sized container ship was moored a the large dock. The outside looked just like a container ship, but its interior was a first-class armored ship equipped with functions similar to a first-class mobile hotel built for VIPs.
"Neiju, sorry for causing you such trouble"
"No, I can go back to my country with confidence now thanks you big brother. but I'm sad that I have to part with Fuku ..." Fuku was sleeping in the waiting room now.
they judged it better for her not to see neiju give her goodbyes.
"I'll make sure we meet again. till then you can always call me in your free time"
"oh That's right, well then, please give me a call when you arrive home safely"
"Okay ! oh that reminds me... brother ...... I have a favor to ask of you ... ...." Neeju said and she looked a bit shy
"yes? what is it, if there's anything you'd like I'll try and do it for you."
"Well then, when I get bigger, will you marry me?" It was a very innocent request for Seina, but to Kiriko and the others it had a tremendous meaning.
(That.... That lolibitch ... ... ... What is she up to?) the other girls grew angry.
"Oh big brother! What's the matter?" Neeju was obviously upset as she looked at Seina who began to cry.
"did i make an unreasonable request? I'm Sorry ... I, just ..." "... ....that's the first time............ a girl has ever told me such a thing ... ..."
"Well I guess it can't be helped then, I can't exactly say no, ha ha."
"big brother ... ...."
"well... it's not like she will ever leave Melmas again" amane said to Kiriko who gave a small nod. "..............." to that extent kiriko and the others were relieved.
About twenty minutes later, a container ship for carrying Neeju arrived to take her home to Melmas and the issue of Neiju marrying seina when she grew up was concluded.
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