2 "Round way"

---------Disclaimer:extremely edgy content.-----------
"We did it! We've captured the kamidake and it's crew."Tarrant jumped up his chair in response to his aides report.
"We will arrive at the rendezvous Point in 30 minutes."
Thirty minutes later the Daedalus, which jumped out to rendezvous point, opened its huge mouth-like hatch and swallowed the Kamidake.
Tarrant payed little attention to the unique ship rather his interest was directed to the detained women who were being transported off of the Kamidake .
Tarrant 's subordinates had their eyes fixed on their prey as well as they were brought to the Daedalus.
The human's who were brought aboard the Daedalus, always ended up as toys for tarrant's crew without exception. In the end they all end up as pieces of meat.
Only Tarrant was truly psychotic, the others in his crew were in fact only that way because they took drugs to ensure they would act that way, they took them to be just as psychotic as tarrant lest one of them slip up and be purged for not being able to perform an expected act satisfactorily.
This time however Tarrant's only interest was Seina and Kiriko. He showed no interest in the other women, even Amane and Gyokuren with their rare beauty,
In other words, his subordinates were excited because they got to handle the other members of the crew.Even the subordinates who were too low rank to probably participate would at least have a high probability of being allowed to watch.
Even with their enhanced madness there were those who thought that disposing of the girls afterwords was "outrageous". In fact, among the executives, an arrangement was made to divert Tarrant's attention and to store the girls outside the Daedalus. All they could do for now was to pray that Tarrant didn't notice.
"At last, we meet again" Tarrant headed from the bridge to the front of the large armored dock, he didn't look at the others but instead walked right up and stared straight at Kiriko and Seina's faces.
"Tarrant, you bastard" Kiriko said. Tarrant came close to Kiriko and stroked her gruffly.
"... ... Finally, I'll get to make you mine ... ... uhuhuhu ' Tarrant enjoyed seeing Kiriko's intimidating gaze that glared at him with the same murderous expression he had once seen. It gave him sexual pleasure.
He Hurried and diverted his line of sight. The main dish was still ahead of him, Seina was the hors d'oeuvres. Tarrant 's eyes then turned to Seina. His scared expression was also a treat for Tarrant.
"Do you remember this?"Tarrant took out the knife seina had stabbed him with and flashed it before Seina's eyes. he raised his sleeve and showed seina the scars that had been left behind.
"I let it scar up so I wouldn't forget to get my revenge on you, ... Seina Yamada"
"............"Seina 's gulped in fear. It made Tarrant feel even better. Tarrant 's hand trembled with the knife .
"Good!" Tarrant restrained his hand with another hand. he had to calm himself so he didn't end seina right then and there.
"Tarrant, I've prepped the usual room." Tarrant's aide said.
"Huh! Oh is That so ... Let's get them back there so I can take this nice and slow but first...!"
Tarrant pressed the switch on the knife and the blade sprung up. he jammed it right into Seina's arm where he had been stabbed. And when he did the room was enveloped by a flash of light, a huge explosive blasts hit Tarrant's ship.
"What was that !?"an executive on the bridge shouted
"The Enemy ship has launched an attack! I'm reading a High Level energy reaction !!"another operator shouted as the kamidake began firing
The Daedalus ruptured from the inside like a watermelon exploding.
"The Daedalus has exploded ... ... It was completely destroyed"
On the bridge of Kamidake, Seina who was supposed to be caught was staring at the blown up Daedalus.
"Captain, are you ok?"Kiriko who noticed seina's expression seemed a little confused.
"... ... ... ... was it really ok for us to do this .... Of course I know that the other party was Tarrant but... ...."
"we have standing orders to destroy the Daedalus if we ever discover it."Amane answered brightly.
"but what if we killed prisoners they had on board..."
"On the Daedalus, there are no living human beings other than the crew, this is a well known fact among the other pirates." Erma gave a smile with discomfort mixed in.
"I'm still surprised they fell for those ani-roids"
the things on tarrant's ship were just holographic force field bodies with a pseudo-body that moved based on personal data.they weren't even programmed well enough to fight but they somehow worked as decoys.
"Yeah, it's a good thing we figured out that fuku could make them... even luckier that fuku figured out what was going on... We should have been more observant."Seina lowered his head towards Kiriko.
"It's OK, it's okay! .... we haven't had the ship that long, and this was a surprise event ..."Kiriko said and then she looked at Fuku.
Earlier the boy and the other bioroids who had been taken onto the ship had begun to make their move when fuku detected them, and she brought it up on screen for everyone to see and she brought the aniroid system to their attention and sent the bioroids to a fake version of the bridge to capture their fakes.
"we were safe thanks to Fuku-chan" Kiriko stroked and caressed Fuku's head.
"You did a great job, Fuku"
"Mya ~ ~" Fuku was very happy.
"At any rate we now know it's possible to control those force field bodies remotely .... we should study the system a little more, it could be very useful, I can think of a large range of applications ."
"I never expected Airi-san's perverted personal data constructs from NB to be useful, Ahahahaha"
"It's a strange feeling being helped by her perverted hobbies." Hakuren said everyone nodded. Especially Kiriko. she remembered when the force field body of her was touched by Tarrant and shuddered like it was her own.
"Even so, I was amazed by the enemy 's bioroids, they were difficult to detect and even read as normal humans to all our sensors ... ... "
"There's a rumor that Tarrant has preserved the technology development department that the Shank Guild owned back in it's prime ... ... the rumors may be true."
"well we should get a sample of one of the bioroids and send it to Airi."
"I wonder how Fuku found out and how she knew how to act in anticipation of the enemy's movement? she's just been born and has no experience ... ........"
Seina was concerned about Fuku's expression he had seen earlier. she had on a cold-hearted blank eyed expression that was different from Kiriko, Seto and Airi's... and yet he felt he had seen that expression somewhere.
"Well the Kamidake has all the crime data from the GP database, maybe she assumed what to do from there ..."
"Washu did make this thing...it probably has an advanced crime prediction program."
"We can't even begin to imagine how powerful the Kamidake really is ... or how powerful it will be. For now, we better not read into it too deeply. we can ask her when we meet her. " Kiriko said
"I agree"Seina said pushing his anxiety into the bottom of his heart.
"Well then... let's wrap this case up and take a vacation."
About an hour later, Airi received a detailed report from Kiriko. Airi nodded after reading it
"OK, we'll take everything from here, have the bioroid body looked at by Washu-sama."
"Thank you for your hard work. Have a nice holiday Kiriko. Good luck."
"But Airi san ──"Airi sent a meaningful wink, and switched the broadcast off quickly
"Hmm... it seems like tarrant is still hiding the old shank guilds scientific research lab doesn't it?"
Mikami, who was watching Airi 's exchange, said
The original Shank Guild was in the past a Space Pirate Guild on a scale comparable to the current Daruma Guild. It was said that they had a large research organization similar to the Juraian Royal Academy before being dismembered after losing a war with Jurai. However, when the Guild was dismantled no trace of it was found... ....
"They developed the Daedalus and a weapon that sank a third generation ship ... ... It wouldn't be possible for them to keep making things of that magnitude now ... but they are certainly working on some things "
"I doubt it will help them against that ship. "
"With the data that the Kamidake has Washu should be able to solve the mysteries of the Daedalus for us, I'm glad they took the bait."
The incident of the Daedalus was also reported to the headquarters of the Daruma Guild, the big Daruma.
the big daruma always moved and never stayed in one place. Inside of it there was a small natural planet which was protected by outer armor. There was a satellite as large as the moon orbiting it.
The figure of Daruma was hidden in the dark darkness, and even the silhouette of his appearance could not be confirmed.
"... Is that so, the Daedalus has been destroyed?"
"It seems the rest of the organization is hiding now somewhere from what I've heard"
Tarrant 's subordinates were swapped by violent purges so often that it was difficult for them keep spies from joining. Although it was doubtful whether Tarrant even cared about having spies.
"However Tarrant's death has not yet been confirmed."
"Ho, that's quite a shame. Well the Daedalus is one of the great legacies of the Shank Guild. If it's gone it's entirely possible he is too."
"... ... It's troubling"
"Although he is a nuisance, Tarrant, is the heir to the guild, but he only thinks of their technology as tools to play with, so he isn't really a threat as far as I'm concerned... ... That boy though... we have to reconsider how we deal with him. "
"Are you going to have us go after Seina Yamada?"
"If he took down Tarrant, He can take us down, this is going to be even more trickier then dealing with jurai or the academy ... ... what's more there is the issue of that boy's new ship."
"There is a rumor that it's the same type of ship as Ryo-Ohki. There is certainly a bit of data on it we have that is quite worrying."
"What about the data?"
"It is difficult to tell because we have insufficient information, but there are reports that there are mysterious gaps in the navigation schedule of the new ship ..."
"Is it a royal ship?"
"The possibility is not zero, because it's said to be the same type of ship as the Ryo-Ohki..."
"hmm so what your saying is that the rumor is that this ship has ultra advanced hyperspace traveling systems ... I want you to investigate this with all your power, and tell Tarrant's remaining crew about the Daedalus.We must make sure to keep whoever succeeds him a part of our guild"
"I am aware that their guild is necessary for keeping the daruma Guild afloat, we need both their personnel and the research data of their research organization."
"Even so ... If only one person's probability bias can have this much of an effect on us, It won't help, but I think the experimental fleet were trying may be the trump card we need."
"It's ironic at any rate. we got the idea for that fleet from Seina Yamada."
"How is that going?"
"Although it's still in the testing stage, it has yielded quite interesting results."
"... ... Ho, this is much more than I ever expected." Looking at the data displayed in front of him, Daruma smiled.
"Yes, the development team is also surprised with these results honestly. we have future plans to organize 10 fleets of the same type as soon the final test is done, were planning mass production if the operation goes well."
"If all of our guild ships become part of this new fleet, we will have nothing to be afraid of, not even Jurai or the GP ... Fuhuhu ...... A ~ ~ Ha ha ha ha!"
For Daruma it was the first time in a long while he had laughed since Seina went into space.
"This is dangerous but we have to keep this under wraps for now" the report from daruma was leaked to Nakita who was visibly upset
"I'm sorry." Nakita said that while looking at the black cloaked men. he said with a slightly irreverent attitude. He was offended by the curious behaviors of the men.
"Huh! Well good ... anyway Tarrant should known better! I bet he's fine"
"He's a crafty one."
"Yes but we can't underestimate Seina Yamada's power."
"His probability bias is a nightmare that for sure."
"But, if you look at his achievements so far, you can't dismiss his own capabilities as a factor."Nakita said
Nakita was not originally from the Kuramitsu family. He was a soldier who through his ability was able to move up the ranks till he was able to marry into the family from the outside. Though it was still immature, he could see seina's talent ... ... he even felt a bit threatened by it.
"With the new ship given to him and those attached to him as assistants, It's obvious that his constant victories are just a natural result."One of the black cloaked men said. Nakita wanted to challenge what he said, but remained silent.
"Have you been able to get any detailed data on that new ship? I'm glad it's on our side!"
"I heard from rumors that the Kamidake is the same type ship of as the Ryo-Oh-Ki......"
"It's just a rumor! Washu Hakubi is still missing! ... her whereabouts are unknown!" blacked out man cursed Nakita 's words.
"Has any one ever even confirmed that Ryo-Ohki is Washu Hakubi's work?"
"No, But it's true that Ryo-Ohki fought equally with the royal ships, if anyone could build such a thing, who do you think it would be? Washu Hakubi, Naja Akara, or one of the other top philosophers?"
"Tarrant's Daedalus is more useful to us than such a ship."
"What do you mean?"
"Ryo-Ohki's invasion of jurai is a good example showing how impractical royal ships are.their offense power is orders of magnitude greater then anything else, but that's it, it's a deterrent but it sucks at acting defensively. and they're extremely lacking in diversity. One on one it's unbeatable, with nine at once if can easily be be defeated. Especially if they're forced into playing defense.
"Hmm ... ... I heard that the first version of the Kamidake is going to be Jurai's next major ship, so that might not be the case."
"Well Tarrant's Daedalus is still better then a general-purpose ship made for mass production, if we can acquire that technology, we can use it to buff up our military."
"In that sense, his mistake may be a good opportunity for us to acquire his legacy! Notify us immediately when Tarrant's death is confirmed Nakita."
"yes of course" Nakita gave a salute and went out of the room quickly.
---------end of chapter---------
Click for Chapter 3