4 "Fuku · Birth"

everyone was on the bridge after resting ready to do a jump.
"......... Five, four, three, two, ...... jumping out. we've returned to normal space, I don't have coordinate confirmation, planned position error"
"No problem with both the hull and systems!"
"I'm reading something in the wide area radar! Shape is model D · 099.It's not in the ship registry, but it's probably a reconnaissance ship. It hasn't noticed us yet."
"We can detect things pretty fast, but they can't .... however they will notice us soon ... Captain!"
"I set a new route, urgent jump!"
"The other party has noticed us!"
"Twenty more ships have jumped out! ............ jumping in ten, nine ..."
"Three, two, ... .... Jump out!"
the Kamidake jumped back out into normal space where Space Pirates were waiting to ambush them as expected.
the pirates launched bombs at them but it hardly did anything besides making the ship shake.
crack! crack!
Cracks began to form on the spherical unit in the center of the table, and something like steam squirted from it.
"Ship control is down 3%!"
"The enemy ship is attacking use from the front!"
a ship jumped out to attack the Kamidake.
Amane, who was distracted by the cracking unit, made a sharp turn to avoid it
crack! crack!
"Control rate down 8% more! Amane!"
"I know!"
"Ms. Kiriko ready the escape pods! Neeju, move quickly!"
"Brother what's going on!?"
Neeju's puzzled tone was natural. They couldn't believe they were going to have to abandon their newly built ship made by Hakubi Washu, and it contents too - a mountain of treasure.
"Kiriko, please!"
Seina's sense of smell for crisis was usually reliable. Kiriko hesitated for a moment.
"roger that!"
Kiriko took Neeju's hand and went to the gate that contained the escape pods. But the gate suddenly disappeared.
"We've lost the subspace link! the Bridge is in quarantine! Communication is impossible! The Control system is barely functioning !!"
"I feel like I have something to do with this somehow."
"... .... don't say such a thing ... ... Washu-sama built this ship"
"I guess my bad luck surpasses even the greatest genius"
"Onii-chan,it will be ok, surely these old ladies will do something to save us."
"Don't call us old ladies you loli skank!"
"You shouldn't say such rude things you'll get wrinkles! old lady!"
"Don't fight! NB look for an access point!"
"On it now!"
"more enemies are coming!"
crack! crack!
The crack of the unit was getting bigger.
"something is jumping out!"
"Damn it! I can't dodge it like this!"
the pirate ship came out by the ship and shot it with paint bullets.
"Paint bullets! Ahh !!"
erma reported and then all the monitors on the ship went out
Steeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~~~ .............
Everyone was silent, as steam came out of the unit
"Neiju-chan ... I'm sorry ... but it seems that I can't protect you ............"
At that time Seina tried to look towards Neiju,
crack crack!
Suddenly, something long and shaggy began to come out of the crack in the unit.
the unit shook and then fell off the table
Everyone reached out for it reflectively but no one caught it.
everyone got down bracing for an explosion but one never came
instead they heard "mi ...... mia..." a weak cry.
"... ... What is that?" Seina looked up and saw a thing in the egg that looked like a Ryo - Ohki only a little smaller, he looked up at it
"Miah" a flood of light engulfed the bridge. something came up on the monitors
(Th-This is!?)
Kiriko was familiar with the installed software group. It was similar to what was used on the Mikagami's bridge. However, the version that was onscreen was newer than the one used by Seto.
although it's installation was still ongoing, the navigation software began running again and it showed what was going on outside. many other ships had surrounded them and they were all charging to fire at the ship
"Everyone prepare for impact!"Kiriko warned, everyone clung nearby chairs. However, the impact wasn't felt at all,
"Mi! Miaaaaa Ann !!" At that moment the hull responded instantly to the cry of the little cabbit.
a heavy low vibration noise occurred, the red paint adhering to the hull exterior flew off instantly.
the energy twisted enemy attacks around the hull .
"myaaaaaaaaa !!"
the ship moved so fast away that the bridge that should have been fixed in subspace, shook. Even though most of it was absorbed by inertia control, it felt like a magnitude 8 earthquake. the ship disappeared to the pirates
(We just Teleported! I'vc only heard of royal tree ships doing this with their exteriors blown off !!)
Kamidake quickly withdrew from the battle zone and went into hyper space.
"what is this...." Erma asked Outside was wrapped in light different from ordinary hyper space.
"This is a special type of hyperspace used for communication ... ... only the royal ships can pass in here by ship" kiriko answered her
"Only royal ships??" But!? "
"It's almost never used unless the royal ship is incognito. There are various problems that would pop up if it was known to the outside world ......."
The Extraordinary capabilities of the 'royal ships' were a terrible thing in the eyes of other countries. So various "behavioral restrictions" were placed upon them.
"Ms. Neiju" kiriko was concerned about neiju saying anything
"I was already shown it aboard the Mikagami" Neeju briefly said she smiled Kiriko to put her fears to rest. Kiriko responded with a small nod.
"This is going to sound weird ... ... but there are new sub spaces that have been added ...." Amane said
four living spaces had been added to the ship a field in spring, a summer ocean, an autumn mountain range, and a winter mountain range.
"This new Navigation system software is amazing it's better then Airi's"Erma said
"it seems like this little one hatching has given us new software."
they looked at the little creature
"mya, mi, mia ~ ~ ~"
it was still struggling to get out of the egg shell.
"Don't worry little one"
However, it didn't listen to Neiju and began to shake it heads and legs and began rolling
"mramya! Mia aaa"
Neeju caught it. the cabbit began looking around for something

it's line of sight stopped at Seina. and it began to cry.
"Oh, i see little one, you know who your husband is ... .... hey brother. will you help this child out"
"Oh, yes."Seina softly lifted the egg.
"Mia! Miah! Mia!"
the cabbit Pleasantly shook it's the tail that protruded from the eggshell as much as she could.
"Ha ha ha ... don't worry we will get you out soon"
Seina put his hands on the shell of the egg but it wouldn't crack.
"What's wrong, Onii-chan?"
"This shell, its really hard ... ..."
Seina's face flushed and sweat dripped down his forehead, his fingers became pure white with pressure and trembled as he tired to get the shell to crack. The power of Bio-Enhancement Seina gave seina a grip strong enough to crush rocks, but with all that power being used on the shell, the egg did not budge even slightly.
"Please allow me" NB approached the little one and thrust a flexible manipulator inside the shell.
"seriously!" amane said when it let out a strange groaning voice, and she kicked NB with her feet.
NB was blown away swiftly and was beaten against a large screen wall.
"What are you doing dummy, this is a little animal!"
"why are you trying to put strange things in it?"
"I'm not i put in a Laser cutter! I thought that it would hurt the thing's body if we cracked it from the outside, but this ungrateful little animal wouldn't let me!"
"Calm down little one, were trying to help you, be patient with a little while longer"
Neiju gently stroked the head of the child. as if understanding her it withdrew it's legs
"NB, what's the situation inside the shell"
"......the eggshell has an energy repelling substance to keep it from being opened by an ultrasonic cutter, but there are already some cracks in the shell so maybe you could use a hammer or something like that. "
"Is there such a thing on this ship ?"
"Oh! what about this?"
Amane grasped NB firmly while smiling faintly.
"ahhh what are you doing with me !?"
"Captain, please lend me that child for a moment"
Seina put the egg on the table and amane began to bash it with NB.
"Waaa! Waaa! No ! No! stop, stop, Amane~~ !!"
it screamed
Kin! Kin! Kin!
metal sounds reverberated on the bridge.
Kin! Kin! Kin! Kin! Kin! Kin!
" Stop it! Stop it! Stop ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
Ignoring NB's sorrowful screams, Amane kept hitting the egg until it cracked
The child jumped out of the shell and ran to seina
"Hahaha, it worked!"
"miyaaaa ♡"he hugged the creature and rubbed it's head.
"yay we did it. The little one is out!... but we can't just call it little one forever..., big brother give it a name."
"Why me?"
"Because your her master, isn't that right little one?
"well the name of the ship is" Kamidake ", what about giving it the same name?"
"That's just confusing"
"hmm... then let me thing of something."
"well first of all ......"NB suddenly interrupted and poked at the cabbit's crotch.
"Migyatt !!"the little one kicked NB with it's foot. NB was strongly slammed into the floor, it was surprising such force came from such a small body, Nb then bounced back up almost to the ceiling. After a long time in the air, NB came down to the floor.
"NB ... ... what the hell are you doing!"
"If you name it you need to know whether it's male or the female!... by the way it's a girl so name it something cute"
"hmm .... how about.... fuku"
good luck
"Yeah that's a good name, Fuku-chan ... your name is Fuku."
Neeju stroked Fuku gently. Fuku looked happy as she looked away from neiju towards seina.
"... ....alright then... Fuku. Your name is Fuku."Seina gazed at Fuku and called her name.
"... ... Mya! Mia!"she smiled as if she understood that it was her name
"Mia! Mia!"
"Oh....!"However, Amane disrupted the happy atmosphere because she notice a serious problem the other's hadn't
"... Well, where exactly have we been flying to the past few minutes"
Everyone suddenly realized what she had said
"oh no we forgot !!"
kiriko sat in the operator's seat and quickly checked their route.
Kiriko screamed greatly.
"What! What's up !?"
"We're way off course!"
"Well, that's expected ... the guidance system changed quite a while ago."
"It's not a joke! If we do something wrong, there's a possibility that we won't be able to apply for ship registration!"
There was a possibility that there would be trouble caused by rewriting the previous course plan when the application form arrived at a government office and was accepted.
"this is bad... hopefully they see it as a double application, if it is not registered right, they may treat us as a suspicious ship as soon we leave hyperspace!
"Ah, that's bad, if we come across a surveillance ship we'll get attacked if were not careful."
They would be able to fly in juraian airspace normally but the ship wasn't registered yet and they could also possible jump out into the space of another country.
" Kiriko-san, I have received a reply on the ship's application"
"Wow! ... .... really?"
"yes there's no reason to worry."
Kiriko stared at the document and took a big sigh of relief before she started entering the ship's registration code into the proper area of the OS.
it was about a year after that that Kiriko regretted that she didn't reconfirm the accepted application.
-------------------------I don't know for sure but I'm assuming this refers to GXP 12 when the GP army takes the ship. she didn't have time to look over or negotiate any of the fine print in the terms of registration... if it's not that this is something that has yet to come up in the Renza ark--------------
" Ship registration complete."
"System's Checks are also completed."
"Captain, I've completed all the checks, so it's time to jump out so please have fuku come back to the table."Kiriko told Seina who was playing with Fuku.
"Okay, then Neeju please take fuku back to the table."Seina handed her Fuku, he went to the captain's seat.
"Just to be safe, everyone please take cover in case there's a shock when we exit hyperspace."
Kirikos and everyone's chair was covered with an inertia dampening field.
............ nine, eight, seven ..."
as she counted down, everyone's face grew nervous except for Fuku who was in a good mood and not nervous.
"Jumping out! we've gone back into normal space."
"... .... really, that was a lot smoother then usual?"
"everything is reading green, there are no abnormalities"
However, an accident happened when they switched from autopilot to manual. The ship suddenly began to deviate from the course.
"What's going on!?"
Even though Amane did various things, it became impossible for her to control the ship And that that was not limited to just maneuvering.
"The OS is also acting abnormal! Access rates have suddenly decreased!"
"All weapon controls are cut! Controls are limited to minimal operation!"
Amane's decision was quick. she kept the cut off power to the minimum necessary systems and cut off all the others.
"The Operating system has returned to normal!"
"Erma,see if we can regain control by downgrading!"
"roger that!"Following Amane, Kiriko and Erma started working on downgrading the systems. Seina, who couldn't do anything, sat and watched them work
"Miah, Mia!"Fuku went towards Seina and looked up at him.
"brother!"Neeju who was watching Seina and Fuku called him.
"eh?"Seina looked towards Neeju, and noticed her gaze pointed at Fuku. And instantaneously, he saw what she wanted to say. Seina picked up Fuku with both hands, and approached the table in the center.
"Ahh, the access rate is rising!"
"No way!?"Kiriko who saw Erma 's report and Seina' s action's noticed the cause of this abnormality. And, as expected, when Seina took Fuku to the position where the egg unit was , the access value went to it's highest value.
"In other words, if Fuku isn't on the table, it's not possible to control the ship properly?"
"no. it's not just that. we were controlling the ship fine at one point even when she wasn't on it."
"Well then why?"
"hmm well Fuku is just a newborn baby."Neeju said confidently so kiriko tilted her head.
"I see so perhaps she is not familiar with how to access the systems"
"then we should keep her on the table during the mission right?"
"But we can't just keep her there 24/7."
"then we will have to make use of the acceleration space somehow, with that we should be able to maintain a decent performance as long she stays in the center of the table."
"Amane ...... I don't think that's what Neiju meant, I'm sorry, could you please keep Fuku-chan from moving from the center for a bit?"
"Okay, I got her."Neiju understood Erma's intentions and grabbed fuku
"Seina, can you move away a bit from Fuku-chan?"
"Yes,"Seina took a short step back from Fuku, as told.
"amyaa, miya!"
Fuku flapped her hands and feet to chase Seina. The access value began to fall gently.
"Seina, can you turn and look away?"
"Mia! Miah! Mia!"As Seina diverted his line of sight, Fuku instantly gave an uneasy cry. And the access value showed a sharp drop.
"it's alright. I'm sorry, Fuku-chan"
Neiju hugged and gently stroked Fuku who licked her hand as if she was relieved.
"Even if she stays in the center, the access values go up and down"
"so your saying it depends on how tense Fuku gets ... ...."
" Perhaps it may be better to say "degree of concentration," rather than saying that"
Kiriko watched Fuku walking back and forth between Seina and Neiju, smiling, a puzzled look emerged in her eyes.
(I see... this is going to be a tough job.)Kiriko began rechecking the systems.