8 "To the Masaki house"

"... .... Miah, Miah"
Early in the morning, Fuku awoke, she went to wake her husband Seina, when she got to his room
a breeze blown from the window rocked the yarn at the end of the fluorescent light over where seina was sleeping.
"..................... Miah!" Fuku jumped at it instinctively . the cat in her was tempted.
Boom crash !! the weight of fuku broke the light off the wall and it fell onto seina's face
"Mya! ... ... Miah?"fuku said
"... ... Good morning, Fuku"Seina said gently
Seina went downstairs and peeked into the living room. the fallout from the party last night had been cleaned upSeina headed to the kitchen, and found a box lunch there with a note.
"We made breakfast for you -Kiriko."
"I am hungry, should I eat it now?"
Seina took out the green tea pot from the refrigerator and poured a cup.
"Oh this is very tasty,"Seina murmured while stroking Fuku.
"When I finish eating, I'm going Tenchi-senpai's place. what are you going to do Fuku ? Will you come with everyone else later or will you go with me?"
"Miah, Mia!"Fuku clung to Seina
"alright, then let's go together"
Seina went to the back warehouse and met again with the old "Kai Special".
Seina straddled the "Kai Special". And put Fuku in the front basket,
"Well, let's go"
He made his way up the slope with no difficulty.
"Oh, wow! Bio-Enhancement is really amazing.
"Hey, over there is Tenchi's house, let's go!"
"Miah !! Mia! Mia!"
"Let's see how fast we can get there."Seina pedaled vigorously.
"Haha! Ahahahaha!"Seina lightly peddled and it felt more like he was riding a car then a bicycle. On Earth Seina was definitely a superman far stronger then a top athlete.
"I've changing ... That's it ... That's why I can not return to the earth ... I am an alien now Ahahahaha ~ ~!"a tight curve appeared in front of him. He stepped on the break, but it broke
(ahhh!?) Seina became a superman through Bio-Enhancement, and now he was flying through the air like one
"Mya ~~~~~~~~~~~ !!" He flew through the field for about fifty meters with his bicycle
fortunately he landed in some soft soil and was uninjured.
"……Are you okay? "he heard a nostalgic voice that he never could forget
Tenchi Masaki was staring at Seina with a nostalgic as seina lifted his face from the dirt. And beside him was Ryo - Ohki who was staring at Seina surprised.
"Mia!"fuku said to Ryo-Ohki. they had met each other as ships, but it was the first time between the ships brains. Besides, Ryo-Ohki left in a hurry last time, so they didn't really get to talk.
"Mia! Mia!" Fuku started running towards Ryo-Ohki with a bit of tears in her eyes
"Miya!"Ryo-Ohki like a sister greeted Fuku and firmly hugged her.
Seina and Tenchi looked at each other and smiled.
"Oh, good morning" Kyoko who was sweeping in the garden smiled as the girls got up and came into the kitchen.
"Thanks for the lovely party last night."
"has anyone seen Seina-chan?"
"oh Kiriko Onee-chan! Onii-chan, left a letter saying he was going to Tenchi's place"Yoshiko called to kiriko.
"she must have gone with Fuku-chan, I've been looking around here for her but i don't see her"
" Fuku probably wanted to see her sister."
"Oh ... ok, then i guess it can't be helped"
"Ms. Neiju, once you eat breakfast let me know so we can head out towards the Masaki family home ..."
"why are you in such a hurry, don't you want to eat breakfast?"
"uhm well ... ...."
It was less than five hours since banquet has finished. the girls all had heartburn and hangovers.
"haha why don't you have some tea to wake you up, I'll see if I can get my husband to take you in the van"kyoko said with a laugh.
"But we can walk ..."
"Well think of it as a sightseeing tour, there were a lot of rumors spreading about you girls yesterday, we got plenty of inquiries at the shop too, Well all publicity for the store is welcome but I'm not so sure you want that... "
"No we don't .. thank you for thinking about that..."
"Nieju are you going too? I'll miss you."
"I'll be back later today, but Fuku-chan might stay over there ... ... she want's to see her older sister ..."
"ok I'll wait for you to come home"Yoshiko said smiling.
In the fields of the Masaki family home, Tenchi and Seina were filling the empty holes in the field and were doing leveling work. Ryo-Ohki and Fuku were watching the situation.
"You know you don't have to help me"
"I'm sorry, I made a big hole in your field ... But, it's still good to see you after such a long time Tenchi-senpai"
"I'm just glad you're alright.I was surprised when I heard from Airi that you joined the GP. It was forbidden to take an earthling like you into space, so most of all, I was surprised it even happened in the first place. "
"I was surprised to wake up on a space ship and even more surprised when I arrived at the Academy and Kiriko was there."
"but not about the Space Pirates on the way?"
"... ... ... Well, I was surprised a bit ...... but i was more worried about how badly Onnainin was panicking, I feel sorry for him."
"so...is the president of the GP really your grandmother?"
"that's right"
"Is that so .... I've gotten use to it by now, but in the beginning it was strange that she was young, and yet really your grandmother."
"She get's angry when I say grandmother... I hear Airi has gotten you involved in quite a few predicaments."
"Well yes ... ...Those I have not gotten used to ... but there isn't much i can do about that because of her position"
I heard you also met with Seto,"
"yes, I also met Juraian Emperor and and ms. Minaho and Kanemitsu, I've been able to meet lots of people ... ... Oh yeah! and Tenchi's older sister! I met Tennyo, I thought she was aunt Kiyone at first ... ... I thought she was alive ... "
"... ... ... ... ... I actually I cried a little"
"Ha ha, it's ok... me too" Tenchi also smiled shyly
"She appeared dressed just like my mother, it was a pretty frightening surprise... "
"I'm sure she had a good reason for doing that ... ...."
"Yeah, but Airi, good grief, that woman ..."
"She's a piece of work isn't she?"
"Yeah" They looked at each other and laughed sadly.
Ryo - Ohki wanted to join in she pulled the hem of Seina 's clothes while Fuku was on his head.
"Ryo-Ohki-chan, thank you for helping me this afternoon"
It was a short conversation but Ryo-Ohki was happy and she ran off toward the ridge.
"so tell me all about what happened ..."
Tenchi placed his hoe in the ground and sat down beside it and beckoned Seina to sit there. Seina nodded and sat next to him.
"I heard you got a GP brochure which is what triggered you to go into space, but why where you given such a thing?"
"In front of your house my bicycle's tire punctured and I tried to draw water from the pond to check the hole in the tube, then suddenly I lost conscience from the shock of a tremendous impact ..."
"Wow ...... just like mihoshi. I thought that Amane was better then that .... or maybe it's just common for people to do that without a guidance beacon?"
"I thought that Amane was a friend of yours. she gave me a pamphlet to join the GP, it thought it was a promo ad. Well, i took it home and filled it in and well ... .... "
"next thing you knew you were in space ... ...."
"That's right."
"Ha ... ... well there used to be another gate in another place for ships and people from outer space but Washu had recently changed it's location to the pond for added secrecy and so larger ships could be docked... "
"so if she hadn't done that I guess I never would've went into outer space .... It is strange to think of it that way, I guess it was lucky for me,"
"yeah but you were chased by a great number of Space Pirates, and now your in way more danger on a regular basis ..."
"yeah that's what Kiriko was worried about when I first came to the Academy, but I don't regret it."
"... well ... I guess that's good." Tenchi nodded as if he was relieved. No matter how much others had heard it, he wanted to confirm Seina's decision directly.
"By the way, when did you find out you were an alien? I heard that they tell their kids when they become adults, but weren't that old yet, were you?"
"In my case it was irregular ... Well that is to say .... it starting when I accidentally woke up Ryoko, and then everyone sort of gathered here and well here we are now ... ... It's a long story ... but I'll tell you it eventually..."
"... I understand well ... but I guess you're struggling too,"
"No, at least not like you." Seina heard in his ear, he turned sideways there was Washu 's face right beside him.
"What ?! aaaahhh!?"
"Hello, it's me! Washu-chan ~" Washu was quite satisfied with Seina's shocked reaction.
"Myamyamyamiaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ~ ~!"
Fuku was amazed to see her mother Washu, she ran at her, but was picked up by washu.
"Myan Myan Miah!"
"uhuhuhu ... is that so..."
Washu gazed at the jewel on Fuku's forehead and was interacting with Fuku. They were talking to each other and taking notes. there must have been some kind of communication going on, but Seina couldn't understand how.
"Hmm! that's quite the interesting way of raising her, it's really very interesting."
"I'm not doing something wrong am I? There may have been a lot of incompetence with raising her at first, and I worry I may have messed her up.... .... "
"well her degree of growth is quite biased, but she needs a bias like that to be compatible with her husband Seina, other wise she wouldn't perform as well as needed."
"Huh ... biased?"
"her spiritual growth is happening abnormally fast, that's what i mean by biased, thanks to you Seina, she has gotten a lot of experience in a very little time. of course, there had also been an impact oN her emotional development, but her spirit is still healthy. It's probably because i used a good Astral Core to make her fit with you. "
"Astral core?"
"how do i put this....a soul?"
"You put someones soul in there?" Seina suddenly became uneasy. And he remembered Fuku's cold eyes upon seeing the rescue victim.
"I can't say who it was, at least not right now, but she strongly wanted to be with you Seina ... ...so i fulfilled her wish."
"With me, but who the hell would want that ...?"
"It was enough for them to extinguish their own life, to put it gently."
he had various concerns about the ship,but building thE ship using someones astral was quite a shock. Washu continued talking.
"There is no need to worry, that person was not sacrificed for you Seina, their death was already near, they decided to make the choice to become closer to you Seina. they don't have the original's memories or personality, but I think that you should still take care of their reincarnation. "
"...... Yes, I see, but there's something I've been a little worried about, there was an incident on our way here, and Fuku's eyes looked completely different persons ... ...."
"her Eyes?"
"they seemed surprisingly cold ... ... as though her personality was replaced by someone else's, and the atmosphere around her changed ... ...." Seina shivered remembering it. It left such an intense impression.
"Well, there might be something like that, I know about the case from your report, she was probably trying to defend you Seina, because she recognized it as an enemy to you that's probably the reason for those eyes."
"Because it was my enemy?"
"Don't worry as long as she doesn't turn those eyes towards Seina and those around you, you should be fine, but I'll tell your more about this whole thing when the right time comes."
"I understand"
"Miao ... ... Miu, Miu"
"What is it Ryo-Ohki?" Washu gazed at Ryo-Ohki who was in the form humanoid girl, she wanted to play with fuku. Washu let Fuku go.
"That reminds me fuku is still an animal, will she ever become a humanoid like Ryo-Ohki-chan?"
"Oh haven't you seen her outside of her human figure?"
"Huh... ...?"
Washu got in front of Ryo-Ohki, she clapped in front of her and she turned back into a cabbit.
"Miaaah." Surprised Ryo-Ohki turned into a Cabbit and rolled down the hill.
"Mia!" Fuku thought it was a game and chased after the rolling Ryo-Ohki.
"... ... She transformed!? ... ... Oh... that's the one that sasami-chan always has with her ..."
"MIAH!" Ryo-Ohki came rushing toward Seina back with terrible momentum for some reason.
"Are you mad at me? Why? ... Waaaa!"
Ryo-Ohki kicked Seina to use him like a wall, and jumped into Washu with a huge burst of force.

Washu, fell down on the ground and Ryo-Ohki started tickling Washu's weak points. Fuku followed and joined in. Like Ryo-Ohki, Seina was used as a stepping by fuku, they started tickling her together.
"Mia! Mia!"
"Mia, Miha, Miya!"
"I'm sorry I'm sorry! I'm sorry I'm sorry, no not there! I am sorry, forgive me ~ ~ ~"
Washu cried out as she begged them to stop.
"Ryo-Ohki, Fuku-chan that's enough."
"Miah!" Ryo-Ohki and Fuku stopped tickling when tenchi said so and together they jumped up into the basket full of carrots.
"Why were they tickling you?"
"You should be careful ... that is a powerful technique when applied to certain key point."
Washu raised her upper body in a daze as she caught her breath.
"Uhm.... I don't mean to interrupt you catching your breath... but ... if Ryo-Ohki-chan can become a humanoid, can Fuku be a humanoid?
"She can, but it depends on how you raise her."
"H.... how I raise her?" seina was worried about how his luck would effect that.
"If you nurture her normally, she should be able to...."
"Haha, ok then I will try hard to do that."
"Well... but... if you do it the wrong way, she will turn out like my other daughter, so be careful."
"Offfffft!"Tenchi, who noticed the meaning of Washu's words nearly fell over laughing.
"Oh there's another one?"
"Seina it's a joke... you and Fuku are fine." Tenchi said to Seina who seemed uneasy.
"... ... I'm confused...."
Sasami came over with a big basket.
"Oh! Seina is also here! and Fuku-chan is with you"
Sasami wasn't short of breath even though she ran for such long a distance with a considerable speed.
"Mia!" After eating some carrots, Ryo-Ohki came running towards Sasami with Fuku.
"Wow you're so cute ... ... you look just like ryo-chan when she was younger....I brought you all a morning snack, there are lots of things to eat, please enjoy them everyone."
Sasami opened the big basket and got out the food. Ryo-Ohki and Fuku ran to the edge of the basket, and looked inside.
"Here, have a carrot sandwich"Sasami took out the sandwich from the basket, Ryo-Ohki and Fuku's eyes shined. The scent made them hungry.She gave it to them.
"So is it delicious?"
"Miao, Miao ~ ~"
"Everyone please dig in, I brought both milk and black tea"
"Oh! Sasami, I forgot to say it yesterday since I was busy, but I met Mahma when I was on Jurai, she was worried about you Sasami. she wanted me to tell her about you."
"Yes, I know "Sasami stood up and bowed deeply to Seina.
"Seina, Thank you so much for doing that"
"Mahma seemed to be very worried about you, she is a really kind person and treated me very well."Seina said
"... Yeah ...I'm glad you met her she's a wonderful person, isn't she?"
"Yes, but she is very worried about you, she asks me to tell her all about you ........."
"Well for now we have to keep far apart, We can't talk easily, so it can't be helped."
"Well, yes, but when I told her about you she seemed relieved ....
"Thanks you Seina for speaking to her for me, thank you."
"I hope you get to see her again soon."
"Yes me too."Sasami gladly said with a smile
A small truck stopped in front of them, Noike came out from the inside.
"Oh Washu, when did you get here?"Noike rushed over to Washu and saluted like a soldier.
"Ms. Washu, I heard from Kiriko a little while ago and there all on their way here."
"OK, I understand"
"Noike! Look seina brought ryo's older sister!" Sasami ran to Noike holding Ryo-Ohki and Fuku.
"Nice to meet you Fuku-chan" Noike gently stroked Fuku's head, and turned to Seina.
"Hello, Seina, I'm glad to see your doing alright."
Noike did the GP salute.
"By the way, I wanted to ask you, since you put in your resignation, have things on Melmas settled?"
while riding the Van Kiriko spoke softly to Neiju who was sitting next to her.
"Seto has already done her best to deal with it, now it's just a wait and see situation"
"Without a shrine maiden on Melmas will things be okay? Is it okay for you to be out and about like this?"
"Don't take this the wrong way, but that's not my responsibility anymore."
"What does that mean?"
"It is pointless, even if I cared about Melmas right now, it's pointless... We can't tell if anything is going to happen just yet .... but if it does, what's the big deal that's just the price they gotta pay right?"
"uhm.... but... uh... ... I understand."
Kiriko gave up realizing that that further questions were pointless. Information was not a thing always given upon asking. Especially with this kind of political thing which was hard to judge. Kiriko decided not to worry about it
----eventually she is replaced with ciel who we never get any info on really---

" It's a stunning carrot field, isn't it?"Nishia said with a sigh
"There're so many of them, but as far as I know only a small amount of them go to our store, but they sell really well..."
"Are they really that good?"
"Yes, their sweet and tasty, some of our customers are hardcore fans of the carrots, they're sold out almost as soon as we get them in stock, yet we can only get them to give us a small amount ... "
Nishia stared at the carrots in the feild a little upset.
"I wonder where all those other carrots go ...... I don't think there shipping them anywhere, when I ask Tenchi he only says they have a big eater at home... "
"Well, that's not wrong ... ...."
Tenchi was embarrassed to admit that Ryo-Ohki alone ate up all those carrots.
"Oh look there's Noike ...... and Tenchi, Seina's there too! "
Nishia noticed Noike and Tenchi in the field and stopped the van.
Tenchi was loading the carrots on the truck and also loading up the agricultural equipment alongside it. a Little ways away from there, the others were chatting with Seina.
"...... Noike, aren't you Seto's adopted daughter? I'm indebted to Seto."
Aahaha no doubt that's her doing... has she tried to hook you up with anyone yet?"
"Ha...well." Noike and Sasami smiled bitterly. Those who knew Seto always made the same face.
Seina noticed the van stop.
"Thank you uncle. You can leave us here. don't worry!"
Kiriko said to Nishia as she got out of the van
"Oh kiriko why don't you go wait in the house, there's no need for you to be out here."
Noike said after she ran to Kiriko
"There's no need to wait around! let's go for a ride! Everybody back on board. Hurry up! actually... take it slow and watch out for seina..." Washu said getting on the bus
"Well then, I guess we're leaving..."
They waved them off as the van drove away.
"Noike,we should hurry up and get this harvested don't you think?"
"Yes, I understand. Tenchi would you like me to get Ayeka-san and Ryoko here to help us?"
"They're over at the shrine right ... hmmm .... let me do it! Seina, will you come with me? maybe grandpa can do a ceremony on you for your luck?"
"Hahaha ... sure I'll go I haven't seen grandpa or the shrine in a while."
"Well then I'll take care of Fuku-chan while you go."
Sasami scooped up and hugged Ryo-Ohki and Fuku.
"Thank you Sasami chan ... Senpai, are you going to bike there with me? it's an awful long walk"
"Well ... I think I can manage it.."Tenchi tilted his head with his arms folded. seina had seen that gesture a few times before in the past
"Well then shall we race, I'm pretty confident I can make it there first."
Tenchi challenged, Seina accepted it with a smile.
----------end of chapter-----
Click for chapter 9