16 "The Masaki family's Nostalgia"

--------Just a heads up I super abridged this chapter in parts... ---------
kiriko received an emergency call suddenly
"Yes, this is Kiriko Masaki ... ... ..."
Kiriko listened to the other side of the line for a while silently. her expression tightened and then she hung up.
"That was Airi, we've been given a return order, the deadline is 1200 at 0809"
"What! do that we will have to leave tomorrow."
" if we you use the Kamidake's special hyperspace navigation abilities,we can make it while leaving the day after tomorrow morning."
"well that's at least a bit better."
"I don't need to return, so please leave the rest you're miscellaneous affairs to me" ringo said
"Thank you Ringo,"
Kiriko hurried and started finishing up her work and preparing for tomorrow. she was working on a manual for making the lunch boxes she had thought up for the store.
"shall we tell Seina?"
"I we can wait till tomorrow mourning."
Just around that time, Mihoshi's ship "YukinojŨ" had detached from the space station orbiting the moon orbit.
"Thank you for your hard work!"
"You're coming back before next week right?"
"Oh, are you going already?"
Seina's classmates Kenneth and Rajau were talking to Mihoshi.
"bye byeeeeeeeee"
Mihoshi cut off communication after waiting.
"wow what a woman!"
Kenneth who rushed to look out the window at her ship as it went back to earth.
"what a beautiful woman~~ Ah ... ...I wish she was always here~~ ..."
"Kenneth, will you give it up already?I didn't invite you on this mission with so you could swoon over mihoshi."
"Even so ...... the Opportunity to meet such a beautiful woman is rare, and she's from the Kuramitsu family"
"exactly... you don't stand a chance.... now .....What do you want to do for dinner?"
Rajau said
"... ... what do you mean? there's something else here besides the meals set for us?"
"the menu here let's us choose, so what do you want to eat today"
" yeah but we can only choose from the GP-designated menu! they don't carry the junk food I love! and they don't carry the brands i like on an undeveloped planet like this ... "
"Haha! I'm surprised you accepted when i told you I could get you assigned to Earth"
"...I half thought you were joking though,"
"I guess as Seina's team mates we qualified for it, it's a rare sight isn't it?"
Rajau looked at the earth. It was a specially protected plant which they couldn't normally come near.
"Even so it's not like we can go sightseeing...what are we going to do here for the next week?"
"we can watch their television programs! "
"were only here for week,it's not like we can follow any of the shows here ... ...."
"Who needs that! we can see protected broadcasts from up here..."
they could watch programs that were age-restricted.
"And at this close range, i guess were also close enough monitor the situation on the ground, and they have no visual protections...."
As far as the technology of the universe was concerned, it was easy to see the details of a person on the earth from the satellite orbit of the moon. with the same tech that the video phones use to pick up the video there, they could also see inside buildings.
"Oh oh!"
In other words, they could peep in on anyone at anytime. Kenneth and Rajau laughed maniacally looking at each other.
"Come on, Kenneth! Let's stock up on nutrition and prepare for tonight!"
Certainly there was no protection or shielding on the earth. However, it was about two hours later that they learned they were blocked from accessing that equipment.
"Oh well... It's only a week ..."
Of course they were being supervised from afar and their instructors had recordings of them trying to do this, but because they were sympathetic from having gone through this in their youth the two were only punished with a warning.
In the morning, Seina opened his eyes and stretched with a yawn.
"huh ............?"
However, something was wrong...something was clinging to him, it felt like some plump rubber balls ... ....
"Wha....! Woah ahhhh!"Seina's screams echoed all the way to tenchi's room
"What's wrong, Seina .........?"
Tenchi jumped out of bed and froze up as he saw seina who was being held like a body pillow by a naked Mihoshi.

Tenchi blushed upon seeing mihoshi's glossy appearance, but quickly diverted his eyes and headed for the door in a hurry.
"Help me senpai! ... Senpai!"
Ignoring Seina's cries for help, Tenchi quickly jumped out of the room.
"Senpaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ~~!"
Tenchi's footsteps went downstairs. he was getting someone who could help better.
After a while, Noike came into the room with light steps.
"Mihoshi ~ ~ ~!"
the gentle Noike, exhibited a rare rage and thrust an unrepentant punch into Mihoshi's forehead.
bong! Mihoshi's grip relaxed a little, a tremor of deep bass echoed in the internal organs of Seina. And Noike quickly threw Mihoshi's hands and feet, off of Seina.
"I'm sorry,"
Mihoshi, wearing underwear and clothes from the pile that was scattered all over the corridor, apologized to Seina. Seina was looking at Mihoshi puzzled... it looked like her tits could fall from her tank top at any moment.
"Don't be sorry! ... Why did this even happen?"
Noike yelled at Mihoshi with a face like a teacher scolding a student caught pulling a prank.
"Well, let's see... .... After I said goodbye to the children I was training last night, I came back here. Since Ryoko told me that Seina was coming, I went to see his mother cause I thought I would say hello ... "
"Seina-san, I'm sorry this will take quite a while longer, please bear with me"
"Really?" she talked for half an hour
To summarize - Before going to greet Seina, she took a bath and took off her clothes, the light in Tenchi's room had recently changed from a fluorescent light to a miniature light bulb, and so from the light she thought she was in tenchi's room and she got in bed and begin petting seina's head and it felt good so she fell asleep.
"That's the dumbest thing I've heard all year! Apologize to Seina again!"
"I'm sorry!"
"Somehow I understand, she's just like Mitoto"
"ahaha yeah... That's right." Noike who was angry laughed.
"Ms. Noike don't you think your being a bit strict withMmihoshi."
"Well, yes,I am,I have to with Mihoshi, when I was a GP detective before becoming Seto-san's adopted daughter, I was her police partner, so I'm used to having to do this."
"I see .... that sounds like hard work."
"It is..."
they sighed...
"well... breakfast is soon... let's head downstairs."
Noike brought the futon used by Seina to the veranda to let it air out and they went down stairs.
"Noike ... ... I heard you talking about Mihoshi's mother is she really just like Mihoshi?"
"Yes Tenchi-sama, it's like Kiriko and Tsukiko."
"... I see...."
Seina listened to Noike and Tenchi as they descended to the first floor while nodding in agreement.
nd at that moment, before Seina's eyes a familiar face matched a familiar voice. there was Mitoto standing like she was supposed to be there.
"Ms. Mitoto!"
He knew she had a penchant for ending up in weird places, but never expected to see her here. Mitoto hugged Seina quickly and began to pet his head.
"Oh, Is that my mother!"
"Mihoshi! It's been a long time"
While holding Seina, Mitoto also embraced Mihoshi. Seina was sandwiched between both of their breasts, gradually it became hard for him breathe and he started convulsing.
"Oh my, it seems like Seina is in trouble."
Washu, who was on the side said, she snuck in pulled Seina's hands forcefully. Seina, popped out from between the two and breathed like he was out of air.
"Why is Ms. Mitoto here?"
Noike rushed to Seina to check on him, she asked Washu while rubbing Seina's back.
"I found her in my laboratory, so I brought her here."
"Really... ... was she cleaning up?"
Noike realized that Washu held a broom behind her.
"Oh!"Mitoto gently reached for the broom. Washu made a bitter smile. At the moment when mitoto's hand would touch the broom, Washu quickly moved the broom.
"My broom~~~!"
"Here... hug Seina instead..."
Washu took Seina by the hand, and threw him towards Mitoto.
"My brooooooooooooooom!"
Despite saying that with teary eyes, Mitoto was stroking seina's head firmly as she held Seina. Seina's crew cut healed the pain in her heart that she felt for her missing broom.
"Oh is that Mihoshi's mother ... they look so much alike..., why is she cleaning or... well.... brooming?" Tenchi asked Noike.
"Ms. Mitoto seems to pop up everywhere when she starts cleaning; Sometimes she is found tens of light years away, and sometimes even more. the cause of that is completely unknown and even confined she tends to escape so there's no choice but to pick up her broom too keep her from getting lost."
"............ hmm that's just what I'd expect from Mihoshi's mother..."
------------I find it weird that tenchi doesn't seem to recognize mitoto here. more evidence that the last episode of OVA 3 isn't considered fully cannon? no I think it's more tenchi doesn't remember someone who popped up in a conversation for like 30 seconds once over a year ago a few minutes before he learned how his mother died------
"Oh, oops I forgot!" Noike remembered something and she ran to meet up with Sasami to make breakfast. Seina received a call from Kiriko as Mitoto hugged him.
"Hi this is Seina ............ mhhmmm, oh I see.."
Seina broke off communication after a few minutes.
"Is that an order to return from Airi?"
"Why do you say that?"
Washu 's words surprised not only Seina but also Tenchi.
Tenchi hurriedly entered the kitchen and began discussing something with Noike.
"Well I told them that the maintenance of the Kamidake was going to be finished this morning, so I thought that this might happen."
"Is that so ... ... So did Kamidake have any problems?"
"Thanks to you Seina, I got a lot of valuable data, including all the improvements I needed to do. operating efficiency up by about 15 percent and the super high level hyperspatial navigation is now smoother than before. After that I ... "
"Oh! about the Super high level hyperspatial navigation ...... Why did you put that in if we aren't even supposed to use it normally?
"Oh, do you want me to recite "The dilemma of philosophers"? I thought you would be happy, you act like I gave you measles... There's no clear cut list of things you're going to need .... so I threw in whatever I could. some abilities might pop up as you go you'll never know which ones you might have to use..."
"I see..."
"I put equipment in the Kamidake to collect data, so the more you use it the more I'll be able to perfect what's in there.... and if it turns out you don't use certain things in the future I might remove them., but first let's see what your going to need."
"Everyone! breakfast is ready." Sasami came out cheerfully with a pot of miso soup.
"Seina, I heard you received a return order, are you leaving today?"
"Yes i did, .... but I'll leave here tomorrow morning."
"Oh good then you'll be here... Seina, come back here for lunch, we will be having a hot pot for lunch."
"Are you going to be having chicken?" Seina's eyes glittered.
"I'll see if i can get a chicken from Kei ...."
"I've wanted some since I got back to earth, I'm happy."
" Im going to go work the field for a bit."
"Oh, I'll come with you!" Seina followed after Tenchi
Kei looked into the house from the side of the living room, and called out. Next to her was, Kasumi and her grandson Taro.
Tenchi who was relaxing with Seina in the fields came back to the house
"Did Kasumi and Kei come by yet?"
"Oh there you are."
Kei handed a big package to Tenchi, and waved to Seina.
"*baby squeal*!"
Taro, who was held by Kasumi, looked at Fuku who was playing on the sofa and tried to reach out to grab her, even though it was impossible for him to reach her, Fuku hid behind Ryo-Ohki out of surprise. Ryo-Ohki took a position to shield Fuku. Ryo-Ohki had been abused by Taro before, a phrase that here means she was used as a pacifier and throw about by her tail.
\"*baby squeal!*"
"No, Taro. aww poor cat... did he scare you?"
Kasumi pushed back Taro's hands and smiled to reassure Ryo-Ohki and Fuku.
"It's been a long time. aunt Kei, Kasumi, Taro seems to have gotten bigger."
"We missed you Seina. We heard from kai that you've come back home with a bunch of pretty ladies."
"...... They're my colleagues and people who support me, I would have introduced you to them properly, but we just suddenly got an order to return to space."
"Then I guess It can't be helped... well we can always do it when we see you again."
"Here you go."
Sasami brought Kei a pot of tea and a glass in a hurry.
Noike took the box of chicken from Tenchi, and went back to the kitchen again.
"*baby squeal*"
Tenchi sat on the sofa in the living room holding Ryo-Ohki and Fuku. Taro kept trying to grab them from kasumi's arm
"Oh, how cute!" Mitoto came out from the door of Washu 's laboratory and noticed taro.
"Tenchi-chan, is this yours ...? ... Hey there cutie pie, what's your name?"
Mitoto came up to Taro and petted his head
"His name is Taro, he's about one year and three months old."
------This implies that Taro was like less then a month old in OVA2------
Kasumi handed Taro to Mitoto.
"Awww ~ ~. Cute ~ ~"
Mitoto hugged the Taro. Her expression was different from usual, Mitoto had the eyes of a calm mother.
"*baby squeal*"
Taro also liked Mitoto
"*baby squeal*"
Ryo-Ohki and Fuku were relieved that Taro was hugging mitoto and had given up on them.
(... .... Thanks Taro, you really saved me)
Washu, who was quietly watching from the gap of the door, muttered
Until a while ago Mitoto had been chasing her because she wanted her to return the broom.
(I can finally get back to work)
Washu gently closed the door quietly.
"By the way, Tennyo has told me a lot about your adventures Seina."
"Oh Kasumi do you know Tennyo-neechan?"
"She is the Masaki 's women' s organization manager, naturally I know her, I also know Katsuhito - sama 's wife Rea too. "
"As for you Seina, unlike Tenchi you are a pure Earthling right? I always thought that it would be impossible for you to see her again, so it makes me very happy to hear stories about your adventures at the Academy. "
"Oh, is that so?"
She must have heard the story about how he cried when he met her
"I also hear about you from my sister .... although sometimes Noike hears from Kiriko, and I hear about it from her." tenchi said
"oh ...... so then you all know what I've been up to."
"Of course were all rooting for you!"
"Oh.... thank you!"
Not just Tsukiko's family, but everyone in Masaki village was like a relative to Seina.
"Hey Seina, do you ever have any plans to return home?"
"Well someday .... but for the time being, I'm enjoying working in the decoy section of the GP ..."
"that was a bad way to bring it up Kasumi. what she means to say is a lot of us have returned here after working for a while with the GP, some of us still do and even have our bases of operation here, do you think you might ever want to do that? "
"Auntie Kei what do you mean?"
"well like I work for the GP too you know, I'm the director of the Earth Branch Delivery Division"
"What! Then you're my superior?"
Seina rushed up and saluted.
"Ahahaha! No need to do that, a lot of us in Masaki village are."
"Oh, I didn't know ..."
"Some of us retired and came back, but most of us still keep some position."
"Field work and keeping chickens are not my real job."
"Tenchi-chan ...... Mihoshi and Noike also do housekeeping and farming work on top of their other jobs, it's the same as that ... Masaki's village also has plenty of empty houses, some are for people when they come home ... So, Seina if you ever decide to come home, would you be interested in basing your life in the Masaki village? We can give you a house. "
"A house?......Here ?"
"Well, I know the Kamidake has a living space just like a royal ship, right?"
"Oh, yeah, yeah, it's pretty big, millions of people can live in it actually... ..."
"Then you should keep that for work, I'm not saying you have to permanently settle here to have a house... I just don't want you to forget that you're a child of this village just like the rest of us. "
Seina was pleased by Kei's words and began to cry.
The presence of the royal Tree, "Funaho" who kept watch, the People of the Masaki family, including Tenchi. the People in the village of Masaki who were always kind and gentle to him. the Scenery of a nostalgic valley. Seina himself had thought of coming back here, this was his hometown ─ ─ there was no reason to refuse Kei's suggestion.
"I understand .... I'll definitely come back here someday."
Whether it was once in several years, of once in several decades, he was convinced of the fact that this was his hometown, the root of his heart was here.
Fuku glanced casually as she looked up at Seina. she seemed to support Seina's decision. In a sense, Fuku's birthplace was also here.
"Mr. Tenchi, we've finished preparing for lunch time."Noike said
"Thank you Noike, everyone please stay and join us."
The Magistrate of hotpot in the Masaki family was Tenchi. Of course Noike and Sasami made delicious hot pot too ...but they were unable to do it better than Tenchi, so usually, Tenchi, the head of the household, was the one who did the hotpot cooking.
Tenchi carefully thought about arranging the ingredients.
Everyone there was silent looking at him. Tenchi was judging the state of the ingredients from the boiling sound of the pot. His concentration created a feeling of tension, and those around kept silent and watched Tenchi work.
"Hah ...... you cook hotpot exactly like Kiyone."Kei giggled
"Kiyone-oneesama was a demon with a hotpot. Nobuyuki could never endure the tension in the room when she made it."
"That's right."
"Of course, when ever Nobuyuki was out and about in the village during dinner time I know Kiyone-oneesan was making hotpot."
"As expected, when Kiyone passed away, he still couldn't bring himself to watch it ... even when Rea-chan makes it."
"By the way, how is Rea?"
"She's going to have a boy, but well ... ...."
"Rea isn't from this dimention ...!!"
Kasumi remembered Tenchi 's presence and lowered his voice.
"So is she going to have the kid over there?"
"It seems that his education will be done here until he is 15. they're training him to be able to survive anywhere, she even had Washu helping ..."
"... ... Before he goes over there, I hope he gets to grow up safely ... ... I worry for that child."
"Okay! Its done"
Tenchi said Kei and Kasumi went back to the table.
"Oh man ... ... I've been wanting to have chicken for such a long time" Seina said.
"Seina, you don't you have chicken in space?"
"...... Well, no ... ...."
"Washu-chan, is there really no chicken over there?"
"Oh, there's a thing which really resembles it ... ...." Washu thought while eating the poultry.
"Oh, speaking of, when I used to go to the dormitory at the GP Academy, I'd get swept away to a forest full of these funny looking chicks, I met a poacher there once."
"Really? Were you hurt?"
"Luckily no... ...."
"And then?"
"I was picked up by a weird tentacled thing while I looked at it "
"... ... ... ...and then what?"
"Well eventually I got out of there...but from what I heard that was supposed to be one of the three major delicacies of the academy, they sell for a considerably high price. "
"Uhuhuhu! Did you try eating it Seina?"
Washu who heard the story was struggling to hold her laughs in.
"Uhm... no.... I didn't get the chance ..."
"That's a shame ... That's the meat most close to chicken."
Washu lifted the chicken with chopsticks.
"Really? ....... but it's face was very unappetizing, I can't believe they sell at such a high price"
"Eell chicken is easy to get on Earth, I bet if I took it over there I could make quite the profit... "
Washu had a hobby of selling knock off and fake products. Her face gave away her intentions like a villain in a hokey drama.
"Seina-onichan... that face Washu is making... she's probably going to start to sell it and price gouge everyone.Sasami advised Seina after pulling his sleeve.
"Don't worry Seina-chan, I will make sure to send you some directly from here from time to time from now on."
"Really auntie Kei?"
"Or even better, how about you keep a roost on your ship?"
"... ... I will consult with Kiriko about that next time I see her."
It would be nice to eat chicken in space. He could taste the soup and deep fried chicken curries in his mind. By the way, Seina likes not to season his fried chicken. he feels that the seasoning ruins the delicate taste of chicken meat. if he does he prefers to use sauces or oils to change the flavor.
"ugh ~ ~ ~ My stomach"
"miyaaaaaaa ~ ~ ~" eina leaned against the sofa and closed his eyes happily. Fuku was also lying on Seina's knee in a similar style.
"I don't want to move anymore, but I have to go home."
Seina forced him self up and stumbled for the door
"Well then we should get going to too"
Kei and Kasumi also got up.
"Well then, please come back again tomorrow, Mitoto you should quit trying to clean and give Minami a call otherwise your father will scold you."
"Aww~ ~ OK, I understand ..."
Mitoto glared at Seina sluggishly stumbling towards the door. she wanted to follow him to pet his head
"I'll see you tomorrow" Seina saw all of them off at the gate to tenchi's house
"*baby squeal*!" Taro said Fuku happily responded by wagging her tail
"Do you think Taro will ever go into space?" Seina asked
"My husband is a pure Earthling and we have a lot of relatives on his side, so I'm not sure what I should do."
If he went into space, he couldn't return to the earth. that would mean estrangement with relatives, and he would have to base his life in masaki village, and he would have to hide from his father's side of the family. He wouldn't be able to live as an earthling.
"Oh I see ..."
"It's Okay! I knew it was an issue when I got married to my husband, I am prepared for it."
She knew she might have to say goodbye to Taro in a few decades, not to mention her husband, .
However Taro, who was half Masaki, could also possibly live naturally much longer then those around him. Only time would tell.. In order to live as an earthling person, he might have to get gene manipulation done to lose his long-life genes, but that would be a hard thing to ever have to explain to him or to justify, he might have to be disguised until he reached the end of his life as an earthling,and he would probably be too old to life comfortably in space by then, but she had decided to only make a decision once he was old enough for him to explain things to him.
"I see ... I also have to think about that."
To go together with Tenchi to the end of infinity. he had made up his mind, but parting with close friends was another matter.
"If my husband or this boy lives a life without regrets, I think that's fine. We've all experience loss and had to move on more times then we can recall. Yosho's first wife was also a pure Earthling, she couldn't bear to live for so many years, so she had him stop prolonging her life, I bet even you Seina and Tenchi, are having mixed feelings too aren't you? Kasumi said as she looked back to the Masaki family home. However, Kasumi's wasn't seeing the Masaki's now, but the Masaki family long ago in the past.
"……I agree" Tenchi and Seina noticed that Kasumi was thinking of Tenchi's mother, Kiyone.
"But we've decided to stick around."
"... Good, I believe that you two will find it enjoyable. In my case I will try harder to feel the same, I wan't to see how you two turn out ♡ " Kasumi tapped seina and tenchi on the shoulder with a pat.
" ... Well, I'll try hard not to disappoint"Tenchi said Seina nodded too with a confident expression.
Seina bowed to Tenchi and Kasumi, and straddled a newly repaired kai special made with extra light weight material.
Although he trusted Washu 's explanation that it was made using only the structural materials available on the earth, he knew that it was likely that it was made out of state - of - the - art materials used only for military and space purposes.
"Be careful."
Tenchi called from behind him, Seina began peddling and was surprised by the smooth feeling of his revamped ride, Seina's spirits rose as he climbed the mountain path.
------------end of chapter------------
Click here for chapter 17