5 "Fuku · Vacation in the ship"

Dodo doodo doodo doodo doododoku, gang! Doggu! Gan! Gying ooot! Dogogguaaaaaaan !! ...............................
It was a sound that could not be regarded as a thing of this world. It was a sound that could cause a heart attack in a weak heated person.
Seto and Kuisu's hair was disturbed, they were sweating like a waterfalls, their outfits were dirty and torn in some places, they ran onto the bridge of Mikagami with desperate expressions on their faces. their subordinates had never seen them in such a state before.no one laughed at the situation because shortly behind them Gyokuren came in chasing them like a demon.
"Wow ~~~"
Misaki exclaimed she had heard what was going on with her mother and came aboard snooping.
"Big sister, I'm scared of Gyokuren ~"
she clung to Funaho who was also dismayed.
Seto and Kuisu unlocked the cage that was left on the bridge of the Mikagami and jumped into it. it was a close call as they closed the cage. Gyokuren who came rushing in collided with the cage making a terrible sound and finally stopped. she thrust her hand in between the bar and stopped just a few centimeters in front of Seto.
Gyokuren who was staring at Seto's face breathed a heavy breath and then began crying tears before going back to her original self.\
"Oh, sorry ... "
with a bitter smile her spirit became cold. Seto and Kuisu 's legs grew weak and they collapsed to sit down on the floor.
"I think I peed myself a bit.."
"Me too ... that last face was the most scary thing I've ever seen ..."
"It's been a long time since I've seen such a scary face."
"This is different from Ringo-chan's, she would also be scared by this face."
"Yes well unlike her's Gyokuren-chan's face meant my life was in danger."
"Oh Seto-sama, if you don't think ringo chan's face is every bit as serious then you're a fool."
the two talked to each other as they panted
"Well, could you tell me the reason soon?"
At that time, Gyokuren had completely returned to her usual state.
"Yes, obviously!"
Seto and Kuisu nodded so fast it looked like a hummingbird flapping.
Minaho relieved, gave a signal to the operators. The operators started working normally as quietly as possible.
The Kamidake arrived at a large freshwater lake on a planet designated as a relay point just around that time.
"Miah, Mia!"
Fuku was hugged by Neiju, she was happy she liked the place. In contrast, however, Amane and Kiriko were staring at data from the ship and were consulting each other seriously about it.
"So with Fuku on the ship this is it's lowest output value?"
"yes but even with that we should be able to mange to travel just fine somehow, but if we get caught up in battle we're defenseless."
Kiriko said before she noticed NB coming up to her with smoke coming out of it.
"I don't know why she hurt me I was just trying to clarify her gender"
"shut up you useless piece of junk."Amane said
"Were in this mess because of that creature not because of me!"
it complained. Kiriko tried to use NB as a control relay, but Fuku had kept violently rejecting it.
"Well we would be done here already if you hadn't gone poking her like a maniac."
"mmmhmmm" Kiriko and Erma nodded deeply.
"NB I'm going to need you to quit complaining. I have another job for you to do now."
"Another job?"
"Well I've isolated the navigation, weapons control, and sensors data from the Kamidake, I need you to process the data, it will save us lots of time."
"You're the next most powerful computer here after this ship, it's the best thing you can do right now."
Neiju came up to them
"Hey do you need big brother to help you with all this work your doing?"
"No, We can do all this on our own, .....why?"
"I want him to play with Fuku-chan."Neiju smiled
"Sure go ahead."
"Oh good. come on big brother let's go!"
"Where are we going?"
"I found a fun new subspace area, It would be a shame if the didn't use it, It's a beach area, Fuku-chan seems to like water."
"Mia!" Fuku meowed as if to agree with Neiju.
"Well then, I'm going if you need me just let me know." Seina bowed to Kiriko and headed to the transfer gate with Neiju.
"A beach ... ... ... I sense an opportunity!"Amane smiled.
"What's wrong?"
"Let's get this finished quickly, we are going to take little break afterwords"
In the Kamidake's four seasonal spaces, different topographies were formed respectively.
Spring was a place centered on flat land, summer was the place where the islands were dotted around the sea, autumn was a gentle hill and plateau area, mountains centered on alpine highlands in winter.
But in each space, the seasons were not fixed, each one had a yearly cycle and seasonal changes. And although each zone was divided, each zone had continuity with each other creating a looping space.with no artificial assistance, and the environment could be self-maintained. There was a food chain to suit the topography and environment of each.
"... ... The shape is different, but this place still reminds me of a royal ship ..."Seina looked up at the sky.
The four spaces were compressed like a plates against each other and were arranged like a quadrangular prism mirror, so in the sky, three spaces were visible, thin enough to blend into the blue sky.
"This is a nice view ...."Seina seemed to be sucked into the scenery for a moment there, they were on a sandy beach on an island about 10 meters away from a forest
A Sports bag, large beach umbrellas, and swimsuits and were on the beach, the sports bags had various necessities in cooler boxes, beach balls and other toys including inflatable flotation rings.
Neiju went to change and came back with her hair bundled up and a pink swimsuit on
"so do you like it?"

it reminded seina of when he was younger and yosho had come to him to show him a new outfit she had bought but when she came near him a stone got kicked up by a nearby car and hit seina in the head causing blood to spew profusely all over yoshiko's new outfit. of course she was more worried about the fact that seina was bleeding out then her outfit and she didn't blame him for it but after that she never came to show Seina anything ever again. Seina had regretted that he had lost the opportunity to ever tell his sister he liked something new she got ever again.
"Yeah, it suits you."
Seina kindly said that while careful looking around . Seina who saw Neiju's bright and cheerful expression forgot that feeling of regret.
"Let's go!" Neiju ran towards the edge of the beach
Seina stood up holding Fuku with one hand to go with her .
"Come on, brother!"
The sight seemed to seina like the brother sister relationship he could have had with his sister if he hadn't had such bad luck.
Seina followed her to the edge of the beach and gently dropped Fuku.
Neeju gazed at Fuku, chasing after the waves.
Myan. Myan. Miya !!"
At that time, fuku got caught up in a wave that suddenly came from no where. fuku was thrown and ended up half buried in the sand and she struggled to get herself out after the wave receded
"Fuku, are you OK?"Fuku pulled her face out of the sand and cried gladly.
"Mia! Miah! Mia!" Fuku got up found a wave and did it again.
"Hey, Fuku ... ... don't you think that is a little dangerous?"
"By the way, Does Fuku-chan breath?"
"Oh ... ... ... ... hmm well Fuku is a spaceship"Seina hastily searched the manual.
"This manual seems like it only explains the facility ......"Seina was searching for a variety of terms, but got no results."try checking the " frequently asked questions " section big brother."
"frequently asked questions... here it is... but this ship is not mass-produced so how can it be frequently asked? ... ... ... ... oh, there!"
"I knew it."Neeju raised a proud smile.
"uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhm..... "
There are only a few lines on fuku,
───please don't eat it for the time being, you don't have to feed it, It' doesn't have to breathe, it should be fine if you expose it to a nuclear radiation under under normal conditions! and if it's put in Zero degree temperature's or on the surface of the sun, well it is a weapon so I think ...well.. what do you think ?
"............ What should I think?"
"In other words, it shouldn't matter if you get it little roughed up, it's a weapon, isn't it?"
"That's a terribly odd explanation isn't it?"
"Well,Washu is a famous person partially because she was also a terribly weird person"
"I've heard things from people at the academy, but ..."
"For now, if Fuku is having fun, she should be fine."
"Nya myan Miaa !!"
a fish launched at the beach, Fuku ran to bat at it when
"Seina Over here."
"What? Amane ... ... " Suddenly, Amane's voice was heard, seina turned and stiffened up
Amane, Erma, and Kiriko were in revealing bathing suits in the hot sun. Amane posed a little as if to show off her limbs.
Indeed, Amane, the former top model, knew how to pose herself. As opposed to Gyokuren who's charm doubles in the moon, Amane's appeal doubles under the sun. with the aquatic background it was reminiscent of "The birth of Venus".
But the other two weren't out shined. Erma's white hair shined strongly in the sunlight, and the supple peculiarities of her feline figure were beautifully displayed. her pure white bikini blended into her white hair and for a moment she appeared to be naked.
And finally Kiriko's beautiful black hair and fine white skin, coupled with a bright red bikini was also very beautiful. But above all, the way she covered her limbs shyly with her hands made it more appealing. she was trying to show off but also wanted to remain dignified, she turned red looking at seina who also turned red.
"............" Neiju, who noticed Amane's intention, sent a glare at her. However, she then immediately resumed smiling.
"Oh hello sisters, shouldn't you be busy with work?" she said as brightly as possible, while pretending to be an innocent child. For a moment she had thought of calling them old ladies,
but it didn't fit with them dressed like that.
"Don't worry, everything is going well. Princess" Amane said with a satisfying smile as she nudged kiriko.
"Ah, Amane!"
"Look you're already here, Kiriko, why dont you indulge yourself?"
"That's right, Kiriko-san" Erma said taking Kiriko by the arm too keep her from hiding herself both of the girls got up to hold her arms and she was exposed in front of Seina.
"Ah, I uhm ... ...." At that time, Kiriko noticed something to distract seina.
"Oh, Seina-chan, where is Fuku-chan?"
"eh!?"Seina looked where Fuku was supposed to be, but she was missing. Luckily the sand on the beach was white
"where is she !!?" seina looked around and found a black round object that looked like her in the sand it looked like a sea urchin had washed up in the waves. he realized a moment later that it was Fuku's tail.
"Fukuu! Fukuuuuu !!" everyone rushed towards it, Seina dug her out of the sand
"Fuku-chan, are you OK?"
"Mia! Mia aaan!" Fuku jumped out onto her hands n feet And just as before, she started playing with the waves.
"Oh Seina ... Maybe she has a death wish?" Amane said with an amazed face, Seina silently showed her the manual.
"... ... ... Kiriko, what do you think?" Amane, looked at Kiriko.
"No matter what It says, I can only judge based off what I've seen."
"In the meantime she seems fine"
"Physically ......"
"In other words, we should teach her better for the future right?" Amane let out a big sigh.
About two hours later, Seina and Neiju made a tower as tall as seina by moistening the sand with sea water. Fuku seemed to enjoy digging holes in it and there were holes here and there. And finally it collapsed but they had kept rebuilding it. Of course the building which was originally complicated had collapsed multiple times already was gradually simplified into a simple mountain.
Amane and the others put up a lot of big umbrellas in the immediate vicinity of them and lazily rested in the shade.
Amane in particular occasionally turned over, especially whenever Seina moved his eyes to look over there . she would sit and move motion to emphasize her breasts and swim suit. And Seina would shyly divert his eyes even though he enjoyed watching it and Neiju would get mad for a moment and then distract seina's attention away.

Kiriko decided to rest and not get involved with the fight but was still upset by neiju
"Seina, Ms. Neiju, are you thirsty?"She said giving Amane some support.
"Oh, that's right, We have drinks if you want to take a break"
"No thanks"Neoju said noticing kiriko's strategy but it was hot on the beach.
"I could use something to drink" seina said Neiju picked up Fuku and headed for Kiriko to get ahead of seina.
"Thank you. sister"Neiju took a tropical drink from Kiriko, and handed it to Seina.
"Damn that almost worked"Erma nudged Kiriko.
"Hehe Don't think it's over just yet"Amane laughed
" Fuku I have something for you!"Amane yelled she raised up a carrot
"Mya ? Mia ??"
"Fuku-chan!" Fuku jumped out of Neeju's arms and came to Amane and began to sniff the carrot.
Suddenly, fuku took a bite. Fuku's expression brightened and she began chewing it,
"......... mi miya ~ ~ ~"Amane gave her another carrot and laid out some milk for her
"Just as I thought... She loves carrots ......"
"how cute"
everyone forgot about the fight and watched Fuku eat happily.
Fuku got full and took a nap
"Neiju, We still have time to play, what do you want to do?"Seina asked.
"I'm tired from playing, If it's alright for you I want to talk with my sisters now, please take care of Fuku-chan for me"
"Well, ok but ... ...."
"We would love to."
"Yes seina please leave her with us take fuku with you and we will do Neiju's hair and nails,"Erma said Kiriko also nodded.
"Oh that reminds me Neiju-chan, we found out there is a formal guesthouse, If you like we can help you move your things there ..."
"I like the house I used yesterday ... .... and I don't like sleeping alone in such a big place."Neiju said looking at Seina.
"If that's what you want Neeju-chan, I don't mind, I'll be waiting at the house."
"I'm taking fuku with me, I'll see you later."
"Bye"Seina took Fuku from Neiju and headed for the transfer gate as it was.
"So what do you want to talk about?"After confirming that Seina had disappeared, Kiriko turned towards Neiju.
"Let's clean up this place first place, older sisters" Neiju pointed at the mess on the beach.
Seina passed through an air shower room that was built like a corridor that was covered with pure white walls on all sides, he came out of it into a multipurpose dressing room which had used earlier to change into a swim suit.
"Wow did that really get rid of all the sand?"
Seina looked at Fuku's hair the fine sand that had been stuck in it was all gone, he put Fuku on the sofa took his normal clothes out of a locker and went into the nearest changing booth and came out quickly after changing clothes.
"Master I am so bored!" When Seina tried to approach Fuku, NB came at him shouting loudly as it suddenly jumped out of a transfer gate.
"!!Seina grabbed NB quickly and jumped into the locker Because there was soundproofing in there.
"Not so loud! Fuku will wake up!"
"Oh is Fuku is sleeping, I'm sorry."
"Aren't you supposed to be on the bridge?" Although he was serious, Seina remained calm. if this was an emergency situation nb would have called him remotely.
"The adjustment is over,So i have no reason to be there anymore... also I got a communication that The three idiot have gone AWOL."
"Three idiots? you mean Alan's people? really? But It's only been about three days since they left us....Wait, Why should I even care about what happened to them?"
------time notes: GXP 8's Neiju chapter is 3 days after the last book-----------------
"they have information on our team ..."
"Well there still in massive amounts of debt... so either they ran off to commit Suicide or ... ... well if caught, They will be sent to jail and a correctional office. So the only thing they can logically do is .... to leave the Galactic Federation."
"Wait so you mean... they're going to become pirates?"
"They might as well if there going to be on the run from the law and can't pay the debt! Those three people ... No, Alan always picks the dumbest solution to everything.They will probably do what they tried to do when they left the Kamidake the last time. I hope they aren't killed by pirates instead this time... oh well If they aren't I bet I'll just end up running into them again...."
Kiriko and the others finished tidying up and passed through the air shower passage.
they entered the dressing room with Neiju and started to take off their bathing suits.
"May I help you?"Kiriko noticed that Neiju who took off her bathing suits was struggling to remove her hair ribbon.
"Yes, please!"Kiriko stood behind Neiju, and took off her hair ribbon.
"How did you even get this on?""There was a machine to do it."
"Is that so………!!" Kiriko made a face for a moment. if she had a machine there was no reason she had to be doing this. but she soon found out neiju's real intentions
"Is that pattern !?"
In the position hidden by her hair was the same pattern of the Melmas emblem drawn on official documents issued by the shrine maiden.

"you were aware of my name from the beginning, but you don't know Seto's intentions or if i was genuine or a fake ..."
"Is it real?"
"I am the legitimate shrine maiden of Melmas My name is Neiju · Na · Melmas "Suddenly the expression and tone of Neeju changed.
"How dare you keep your head high in front of the shrine maiden! Kneel!"
With a majestic voice from Neeju, Kiriko and the others got down on one knee in front of her. But that was never their intention.
"My body! ... I can't move?"Kiriko was staring at the floor with a startled expression.
"Damn it."
Neoju overlooked Kiriko and the others with an aura full of majesty, the atmosphere of the room had turned into that of a shrine.
"Help !!"Kiriko's screams didn't match the atmosphere of the place.
"What's wrong! Kiriko !?"
Amane could only move her body a little with all her strength she watched helplessly as Neiju crouched down and started cupping Kiriko's breasts.
"what... what are you doing?"
"I've felt better... but your hair is such a beautiful jet black so I guess that makes up for it."
Neiju ran her hands through kiriko's hair as if putting her hand through a stream then she stood up and got closer to Amane.
"Ah I can't move my face either"
Neeju put her hand on Amane 's head.
"To think someone with such a beautiful appearance would dare to oppose me ... ... and you..."
Neiju crouched in front of Amane,
"my lord how plump ... ... and on such a nice figure too"
Neiju began rubbing Amane's breasts with both hands as if kneading bread dough. Neiju's face at this time had no majestic grace to it, but was a rather stupid looking expression.
" Hey! my chest is not dough."
"Hmm!" Neiju violently took her hands off and then went to Erma.
"That's some really beautiful white hair, it's as white as snow"
"Oh, thank you"
"I bet such fur would feel nice covering me as a coat"
"Please, forgive me! not my hair! forgive me!"
Elma tried to move her body desperately to run away, but she couldn't move.
"I'm not a cold-blooded dictator! I just demand what's owed to me"
"Sorry, Mam."
"Well, from now on I will be spending time with seina as much as I want without any interruptions."
"I see ... that's fine by me."
"Ahahahaha! I'm looking forward to it"
"Erma, what are you doing !"
" if someone like her want's to do something What the hell do you expect us to be able to do about it?"
Neiju came in front of them and looked towards them. And soon their freedom to move returned.
"What was that!?"
Kiriko looked around checked her body. then she stared at Neiju as if to ask for an answer.
"I can control the collective consciousness of a group of people, I can shift their thinking in a direction a certain degree, but in the case of a small number of people I have even more control, just like you experienced now"
"Is that how you reign as a shrine maiden?"
"Reign? ...... I'm only a puppet, used by the people in power who make all the decisions. With my age fixed it's easy, Not only is it to protect my virginity but it's used to protect them from having my abilities develop "
"Is that why I've heard that Neiju has never left Melmas?"
"The reason why they sent her must have been to see about Seina's ability, the only reason they would send her here is to make sure his power's won't interfere with their rule."
Kiriko's said upon pondering why Neiju would have been sent to Jurai. If Neiju was a puppet, the only reason for her being there would be other people's intentions, or due to Seto's behind the scenes interference.
"...so what did you find out about Seina, no, the captain's ability?"
Seina's ability has already proven to be an abnormally biased probability. However calling upon Neiju meant that there could be something more to it.
"They wanted to see if his ability was like mine. if his probability bias can be consciously controlled or not, it's the different between a natural disaster and terrorism"
"So that's it! they want to see if his ability is being controlled by Seto's will?"
"yes and to do that it's necessary for me to stay near Seina, so I'm going to need for you to stay out of my way."
"well then Neeju-sama, what are you getting in return for being here?"
"Well, I get a reward for giving only the right person with the answer.as a puppet it's my fate to be abandoned once i'm no longer needed .... The shrine maiden is no longer in the center of politics these days, I know things that are not convenient for me to know, and my political power itself has become too big to ignore. "
"That damn hag, She is just throwing us into trouble every chance she gets ... ...."
"Seto will be waiting for us when we get to our destination, if you like you can complain to her then... Well, I think I'm done here for now..."Neeju smiled
" I have to Take a bath soon and get back to my older brother"Neeju returned to her child like impression and headed to the bath with light footsteps.
"I can't believe you."
Gyokuren, who received an explanation by Seto, stared expressionlessly, at Seto and Kuisu
"But Gyokuren, it was a survey we have to do, don't you trust kiriko to handle this?"
"... no." Gyokuren quickly heel turned and headed for the transfer gate.
"Gyokuren, where are you going?" karen asked
"Ms. Seto, I'm borrowing your room,"Gyokuren disappeared into the transfer gate
"she went to access NB, my room has a direct line"
"Hakuren, Suiren, Let's go after her!"
They bowed to seto and followed Gyokuren.
"............whew, that was scary"
Seto and Kuisu wiped off the sweat on their face.
"Well... that's enough for today"
Kuisu stood up like an old man and then steadily walked towards the transfer gate.
"Good job today"
"I'm really tired"
Kuisu replied to Seto and then disappeared into the transfer gate . Seto crawled over to her chair-shaped throne and pulled her self up into it exhausted.
"You guys sold me out!"
"What else could we have done?"
"what you couldn't have bought me just a little extra time?"
"Would you go up against an angry Gyokuren?"
"I need to rest... I'm too tired to argue."
after a while of her sulking in her chair an operator called out
"The Kamidake has reached the way point,the report has arrived"
"Read it to me! Read!! Read !!"
The report perked seto up.
"Mia! Mia!" Fuku was clinging to Kiriko's feet excitedly as she cooked in the kitchen.
"fuku! don't interfere with Kiriko's cooking."
Seina lifted up Fuku quickly and moved to the opposite side of the kitchen, towards the counter so as not to get in Kiriko's way.
"Little kids are always so interested in what goes on in a kitchen, Kai was like that too." Kiriko said happily and smiled at Fuku.
"Yoshiko was like that too ... ... but well.. for me.. ...."Seina said
"I understand. you don't even have to say it."
"well the kitchen has many dangerous things in it."Amane and Erma who were sitting at the counter helping Kiriko smiled wryly.
"Miah, Miah" Fuku wanted a closer look, she flapped her hands and feet to try to break loose
'Hey, Fuku. calm down.'
"big brother I think it's hard for her to see whats going on at that angle"
"Ah, oh, I see." like she said at the current position fuku couldn't see anything but Kiriko's hand. Seina raised fuku up. and Fuku suddenly became quiet and swung her tail happily. Neiju noticed something."big brother please lend me Fuku-chan"she took fuku from seina and put fuku on her head
"Ne, Neiju-chan!"
"This is much better isn't it?"
the top of Neiju' s head was almost the same as the position Seina had previously lifted Fuku.
"But if you put her on your head ... ...!" seina tried to warn her that fuku could fall off but the appearance of Sasami overlapped the appearance of Neiju in his mind and he stood silent.
(... Sasami does that too come to think of it)
Seina thought and he noticed Kiriko smiling in the direction of Neiju. Perhaps Kiriko noticed it too. After a moment, his eyes met with Kiriko's, and they laughed together.
"What are you two laughing at?" Amane asked smiling bitterly.
"Oh, sorry. actually ..." Kiriko started talking about Sasami and Ryo-Ohki to Amane while cooking.
Kiriko's dishes were arranged one after another on a large table on the other side of the kitchen.
"Mia!"Fuku, who was excited about the situation, jumped off of Neiju onto the table.
"Fuku, don't sit on there!"It was calm but it was a commanding voice from Kiriko. Fuku stopped and froze in place.
"The top of the table is where we put the food, so don't get on top of it." Kiriko placed a box between Seina and Neiju and folded a towel on top of it. It was just right for Fuku to eat on top of the table. Kiriko lifted Fuku and put her there.
"This will be your seat Fuku-chan."
"Miah?"Fuku looked at Seina and Neiju alternately, and saw the other people sitting around the table too.
"Mia!" Fuku, who realized that her seat was next to Seina's, seemed happy and she shook her tail.
"Good, Fuku"
"Here's your dinner."
In front of Fuku who was being stroked by Seina, Kiriko arranged a rectangular plastic dish containing various dishes in a row like a piano keys. It was luxurious, and not at all inferior to the dishes arranged on the table.
Kiriko thought that it was better for Fuku, who was just born, not to eat strongly stimulating or spiced items, but the others were eating a variety of dishes.
"Mia! Mia!"
As expected by Kiriko, Fuku was excited about the dishes arranged in front of herself and looked to Seina to talk about it.
"Fuku-chan, I know it looks good but please wait till everyone's ready." Neiju said
"Miah?" Fuku looked around, and noticed that no one had begun eating yet, she stiffened her posture. Nonetheless, Fuku's head gradually approached the cooking, to sniff the delicious smell and look at it closer.

When her nose was about to go right into the food, Kiriko called out to stop her.
"Mya!" Fuku hurriedly correct her posture. However, it did not last long, soon all the preparations were in place, and Kiriko let everyone begin eating.
"Miyaaaaaaaaaaaa ~ ~ ..."
Fuku with a swelled up stomach was lying face up on a large cushion in a satisfied manner she soon dozed off.
"Well, I'm going to study a bit." Seina confirmed that Fuku fell asleep, and gently and quietly stood up.
"Do you want some tea?Kiriko who had a teapot and a cup on a tray called out.
"It's a bit late for that"
"big brother don't worry leave Fuku-chan to me."
"thank you." Seina went to the corner of the living room accompanied with NB and put up a secret wall.
"Well, would you like me to go?" kiriko asked as she put a blanket over fuku
"Kiriko, you're from the same town as seina right? maybe today's food was from there too?"
"Yes ... ...did it not suit your pallet?"
"it was a bit odd.... but No, it was pretty delicious, you are a good cook."
"Thank you."
"so... .... did you make it specifically for big brother?"
"Yes, I thought it would help keep him from getting mentally fatigued ..."
"oh ... .... are you feeling mentally fatigued?"
"I feel like i can understand the amount of pressure he has been under lately "
"when I first saw a detailed report on Seina, I felt a very dangerous impression"
" dangerous?"
"I figured he would be much different from how he actually is on account of how he has had to live with such a great probability bias for so long. much scarier. "
"... ... So how are you feeling about him now?"
"I was surprised honestly he is very normal, I figured he would be at least mentally broken, but he has a really healthy spirit ... ... I mean there's some stuff there but he really didn't fit my expectations. "Neiju said Amane and Erma smiled
"... ... I can't guarantee the future, but I suspect in the future even more will be expected of him then now and you should be careful."
"I've concluded that as well but I don't think Seina will want to retire."
"but he has no reason why he can't?"
"That's technically true ... but honestly I'm not confident that that really is the case."Erma also nodded to agree with Amane.
"When i met seina he was 3 years old and he had already given up on his future, because of his bad luck! He was only 3! But ... .... "
" Going into space opened the way for him to have a future?"
"Yes and for him to retire would mean he would loose that future. There's nothing else he can do with his bad luck."
"that sounds a little selfish ... ...."
"well that's cause it is."
"...... I see, so that's why everyone is riding seina ragged."Neiju bitterly smiled at Fuku.
The Kamidake was obviously just one of the tools for others to use seina.
"so what will happen if they run him ragged and can't keep a hold of him?"
"Seina's desire when he was on the planet was to go into space where he could go anywhere he wanted so..."
"So if he could go anywhere he wanted he would probably try to leave this galaxy ... it's no wonder why they might want to keep the reins on him."
In the current Galactic Federation exploring outside of the galaxy was impossible. Of course, even in the galaxy, there were many places that had not yet been explored. the Galactic Federation, and Space Pirate territory and the planets in the Renza Federation amounted to about 30% of the whole galaxy, even during the prosperous part of the prehistoric civilization it was only 50% . It's not an exaggeration to say that dreaming of escaping the galaxy was an idea that was strange, usually reserved for an odd recluse, or someone with a death wish.
for seina to fulfill what he wants to do without harming others, it would be the natural choice for him to go retire out alone outside the galaxy.
"With the Kamidake's abilities, Seina's dream could come true"
"Besides the royal ships and Ryo-Ohki this ship could easily be said to be the best in the Galactic Federation."
"But I wonder if fuku would let him..."
"so ... what do you think about Seina's wish?"
Neiju said looking at Amane and Erma. she wanted Kiriko's answer last.
"I'm okay with it... I still think he is to young to do that though ... but well... "
Amane started to think about the future and got a weird look on her face, she suddenly blushed
"Amane-san, what's the matter?"
"oh... nothing ... ... ... How about you Erma?"
"I………… uhm!"soon Erma noticed why amane was embarrased.
she was thinking about how she would come with him.for both Ryoko · Balta and erma with seina was the only place she wanted to be.
"...... I want to do whatever Seina does. but Of course not unless he has the experience to pull it off safely ..."Erma looked at amane,
"I am also interested in exploring outside the galaxy"she said.
"Oh, then how about you Kiriko?"
"uhm, I ... ...."
Kiriko 's reaction was obviously aware of what Amane and Erma' s words had meant. But still there was a big conflict in her.
"I still think it is premature to make that conclusion.both physically and mentally he isn't ready .... No, more important than that is that he isn't experienced enough yet, but other then that I want to go with him if he did that. "
"haha I know you want to protect him but I'm sure you'd rest easier knowing he was out of reach of your mother."Neiju's said smiling obviously knowing what happened with seina and Kuisu.
"Nei, Neiju-sama!"kiriko shouted amane and erma backed up like they had just seen a shark sense blood in the water
"I'm just saying... you and her both act like mother's to seina, I'm sure that isn't the only thing you'd like to be to him."
"Hmpf... i'm leaving... If you need me I'll be making checks to the systems before we set sail."
Kiriko headed out to the bridge and violently closed the front door.
"hmm... its a bit weird thinking of seina as a man."
"yeah....but it's a bit exciting don't you think?"
"either way that reaction was bit excessive don't you think?"
" excessive yes but I think Kiriko probably feels the weirdest about seina growing out of being a child"
"Do you think she is afraid of him becoming a man?"
"I think she is more afraid to accept that fact."
"I can see why, her relationship with Seina would change ... she has had a sort of Mother and child ...... Sister and brother relationship, and that would make it more of a woman and a man relationship wouldn't it?"amane said with a smile and sipped some tea
"Ms. Neiju, is your questioning by any chance a part of your survey?"
"A bit. Either way, it's intentional that Ms. Hakuren's crew has been removed from this mission ... .... you two should go help kiriko... I'll make sure seina gets some tea when he is done studying. "
"Okay, then, thank you for your help."
Erma and Amane headed for the entrance after bowing to Neiju.
"... ... I wonder how much longer he is going to be in there?"Neiju muttered once he was gone. and then she heard something
"mya myaaaa myaaa"
"Mi! Miaa! Mia aan!"
" what's wrong Fuku-chan?"
fuku chan wanted to see seina she ran into the secret wall and was repelled by the field.
"Mia! Mia!"but she tried again and again
"Fuku-chan!stop!"Neoju caught Fuku and lifted her up in the air to get her to stop.
"He's fine. he is just working on his schoolwork, don't disturb him."
Neiju moved a small footstool in front of the secret wall so fuku could sit and watch it while they waited
" Here... now you can see him as soon as he finishes. "
"Miah"Neiju sat back and checked out the Kamidake's data library.
"This is ... ... amazing" There was data of all kinds in it, it was much more then Neiju was ever able to access in her palace.
Neeju searched to see what Melman books they had out of curiosity. An amazing number of results were displayed and she was forced to enter a more specific search. And Neiju dared to enter a pretty upsetting subject.
"Wow ... ...."There was the book by Neeju's deceased mother that she had written for her friends, she had made only about 50 copies. Though they were handed out to friends as wedding gifts, most of them were burned due to war, and not even Neiju had a copy.
Neiju had heard rumors that a collector had discovered only one once in the past, she was never able to verify that.
"How did Washu Hakubi get this?"Neiju muttered while looking closely at the cover.she didn't see the book's cover but rather memories of the past that remained with her only vaguely, which were being revived by the book. It was sad, but nostalgia and pleasantly surprising and comforting.
"!!"Neiju, who was immersed in pleasant memories, was brought back to reality with Fuku's delighted meows. Neiju looked reflexively towards Fuku and immediately understood the reason for Fuku's happyness.
"Mia! Miah! Mia!" Seina had dropped the wall and was petting fuku.
"Hey, Big brother would you like some tea ......" Neeju smiled wryly
"oh so that's why she was so eager to see me ... I'm sorry Fuku"
Seina stroked Fuku's head. Fuku chewed on the hem of the Seina 's T - shirt.
"Nb is this really necessary for me to feed her milk like this?"
"the manual says she doesn't need to eat, and she definitely doesn't need breast milk, but I Figure if you do this it might replicate the process of breast feeding and help you two bond"
"I guess that's a good thing..."
"Fuku, have you calmed down?"
"well then... let's take a bath and go to bed."
Fuku climbed Seina's shoulder and her and Seina headed for the bath with Fuku on his shoulder.
Neiju began picking up the teapots and cups.
"Good morning"
"Oh ... ...... hello Kirche!" Seina woke up in his dreams to the voice of Kirche for the first time in a long time. Seina jumped up swiftly. Kirche had something she wanted to talk to seina about concerning the indecent with seto's package.
"I'm sorry for inconveniencing you." Kirche deeply lowered her head.
"but it's thanks to you Kirche that we were all saved, there's no need to be sorry."
"but i got Alan involved too!"
"thing's like that will just happen as long as I'm captain. that can't be avoided."
" yeah.. I know ... ... but thank you! I just felt I had to apologize." Tears spread from Kirche's eyes, but Kirche quickly wiped them away.
"Oh! also...Today, I called you here because I wanted to tell you something"
"What is it?"
"Why NB keeps fighting with Fuku-chan"
"Actually I have wondered that ...."
"It's a very simple, Fuku-chan seems to know who controls the NB."
"By any chance ... ...."
"Yes, whenever Airi-sama is in control she gets violent, but I'm sure she's just trying to protect Seina."
"I guess that makes sense....Thank you for telling me."
"I wanted to inform you as soon as possible... by the way Fuku recognizes me too"
There are only a few people other than Airi who knew she was in NB . Kiriko knew there was someone in her,but not that it was kirche.
"How are things with your father?"
"Airi-says he is buried in troubles."
the troubles were the broken contracts and legal problems that occurred because of kirche's disappearance. naturally they fell on her father who was her creator but those problems were being cleared up by Airi as best as she could.
"But my father seems upset .... I think it will take time for his injured heart to heal."
"Is that so ....I think you may be right."Seina said
"When everything is cleared up, are you going to go back to the entertainment industry again?"
"Perhaps ... ... but I don't think I will.I find working for you to be much more fulfilling."kirche said with a smile that she rarely showed on TV.
"I'm relieved to hear you say that, thank you, but please be aware that there may be other various inconveniences in the future."
"No, thank you Seina."
Kirche tried to reach out to Seina for a handshake when...
"F- Fuku-chan!" A monitor showed what was happening outside where Fuku was violently shaking NB."Mya, Mia"
"I think fuku knows your in here"
"does she? But ..."
"... There is no mistaking it.That's the cry pattern she makes when calling you Seina"
"So fuku knows i'm in here?"
"No doubt about it... ...."
"Mya, Mia"
he shaking became stronger, Fuku seemed like she wanted to join him in here.
"Can we let Fuku in here?"
" Airi has ownership rights so I can't do that... at least not right away."
"I see...... can you wake me up so i can console her.. ...."
"How much longer do you want to sleep?"
"about three more hours"
"Ok I'll wake you up."
"and when i go to sleep again will you get me up in three hours?"
"whatever you like, just remember to adjust the acceleration space."
The conscious link with Kirche, although it didn't cause physical fatigue, it did create a slight mental fatigue. it wasn't an issue when living a normal life, but during a mission it could lead to a decline in judgment. For that reason it would be necessary for her to let him sleep normally for the rest of the night.
"Thank you I would appreciate that." Seina crawled into the bed and closed his eyes.
"Mia miah, Mia!"
Fuku who noticed that the link was broken went closer to the Seina body. As Fuku thought he would, Seina woke up and calmed down fuku. and then he went back to sleep.
When seina fell asleep, kirche transformed from NB in the real world and introduced herself to fuku. she petted her for a while and then asked if she wanted to go for a walk because she was having trouble sleeping. fuku took her up on the offer and they left the accelerated space of the house and went to the park outside
"It feels good"
the cold breeze made kirche stretch a little. Kirche started walking to the central circular park with Fuku on her head.
"since we are outside of the field we only have about 20 minutes till Seina wakes up."
both Kirche and Fuku were artificial intelligence between the two of them was felt something like a mysterious empathy for each other. In addition, Kirche had felt similar feelings towards Miki.
"Mya, Mya!"fuku ran around and had fun
"are you having fun?"
"Mia!"kirche enjoyed watching fuku play but suddenly
"oh!?"Kirche changed back intoNB.
Fuku noticed someone was approaching. A
"Fuku-chan, NB! What are you two doing out here?" Kiriko cried out worried.
"NB, what happened?"
"Fuku couldn't sleep so I took a her for a walk."
"I see ..."Kiriko gently stroked Fuku's head.
"Hey Kiriko catch!" Suddenly NB threw Fuku towards Kiriko, a little violently.
" NB!"
"Go run off and see master you fur ball, I'm busy talking ..."
Fuku kicked NB into the air with a splendid triangular jump using Kiriko and the trees of the park.
"Fuku-chan!" Kiriko was quick to catch Fuku and she held her with both hands,
"Fuku, I know what it did was wrong but don't hurt NB." she scolded fuku with a scary face. But Fuku was wagging her tail with a full smile.
" ... Do you understand?... ugh i cant be mad at you..." Kiriko was unable to keep that face on and began to hug fuku
"It is almost time for Seina to get up, so I came to get him, let's go wake him up."
Kiriko put Fuku on her head and walked into seina's house.
"grrrr... damn that chubby little bastard ~!" Airi shouted loudly as she kicked her office desk in anger. But the desk moved quickly and avoided Airi's kick.
Airi went flying up and fell on her butt she hit the back of her head during the fall, and could not speak due to the pain.
"we just received a request to let someone in NB. I think you should take a look at it ."
"What ... why? Everyone who's supposed to be approved to be in NB has already been approved !"
Mikami handed it to Airi and turned away from her. Steam practically blew out of airi's ears as she read it.
"so that little furry bastard knows when I'm inside Nb and wants me to let her come whenever kirche needs to talk to Seina?! Why should I? She has ruined all my fun lately! I have half a mind to say no!"
"I think she just want's to protect Seina, ho ho ho."
"what the heck good is that little animal going to do for him in there?"
"I think you're just mad at her for who she was." Fuku's astral core was made with Widow's astral.
"That is over already, that girl has another personality ... but ..."
"I envy her! she got born back into such a cushy and comfy position! It's not fair!"
"Why don't you go take a break and live with your husband for a while?"
"well... things with Yosho and I are ... uhm... well I can't say there going all that well"
"Huh?"Mikami, had a strange look on her face, she wasn't sure weather she should continue this conversation in secret or not.
"I Tried to get him to use a Marionette that was designed to look like he looked when we first met,"
"……I see. That's uhm... ok... ... .... " Airi met Yosho when he was twelve years old.
"do you think seina would be up for it if i asked him to?"
"I think that it won't matter either way ...unless you can become friends with Fuku-chan"
From the view point of an educator, Airi's action should be stopped, but Airi was like a natural disaster. It wasn't possible for Mikami to stop her but if she could diverted it's course even a little it might do less damage.
end of chapter:
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