4 "To Imuim"
---------This whole plot arc is full of lots of fan service... so naturally, I'm not bothering to translate all that shit...-------
"Kamidake, jump out!" They came out in front of a beautiful blue planet.
"Imium satellite station is just a stone's throw away, so let's go after we adjust to the time difference of the main island."
A few hours later, after finishing the time adjustment, the Kamidake headed to the satellite station. Originally Imuim was an aquatic resource planet, not a planet specialized in tourism. Therefore the satellite station wasn't very fancy.
"This doesn't feel very tropical ... are we in the right place?" Seina seemed a little uneasy
"I've received the access key from the receptionist and I'm transferring our things now...... ......... oh the transfer just completed!"
"Well then let's get going!"
"Mia! Mia Mia!"Fuku pointed to something and then to Imuim on the monitor
"What's wrong, Fuku?"
"She want's to know if she can bring the ship down with her."
"Sorry we can't bring it with us."
Imuim was still a resource planet. They didn't let ships dock on the surface to prevent poaching.
"Miah ... ...."
"Wow!" They went out of a passage after going through a transfer gate and they marvled scenery spread out before them.
"It's Beautiful ..." Someone muttered. But that was what was on all of their mind.
The floor was made entirely of a transparent material, and there was a superb view below, but only the sea of the planet was visible. With a light blue reflected light, the floor was like a big aquarium.
"Everyone, welcome. Welcome to Imim!"
Officials who were dressed in white Juraian style clothes were welcoming Seina and his guests. Their pure white clothes were illuminated by the reflected light of blue, and they looked just like jellyfish
"Thank you………waaaaaaaa!!!?"
Seina and others saw Seto, Mikami, and Ringo sitting on the sofa behind the staff.

"Seto-sama ......, Mikami ... ...?"
Seto and Mikami waved at them with smiling face. Ringo who stood up and bowed a little shyly.
Mikami came in her young body. The style of outfit she had on screamed, "Hi I'm also here for the vacation."
"... ... Are we being chaperoned by our parents?"
Amane muttered as if disappointed and the other women agreed.
"Oh no it's nothing that serious, we just figured you had other guest spots, why not use them?"
Seina could have had up to 20 people come.
"I tried getting Minaho and Tennyo but they were busy with work, and on the other end of that... I made sure Airi won't be coming ... "
"On Imuim, everyone is equal, so we will join you in cooking and cleaning and getting food, we promise we'll keep in line, right?" Seto said
"huh....under who's orders !?" Mikami said
"Mi, Mikami, as an educator, no as the GP academy principal you must maintain your dignity!"
"............ Damn." Mikami gave a glossy smile comparable to Gyokuren and a chuckle.
"What's with that laugh?" At that time Kiriko remembered that while it was not well known information, she remembered that in the past Mikami was Seto's girlfriend.
The previous smile she gave Seto made her realize it.
"Kiriko, I understand your concern,but for seina, I think that education as an adult will also be necessary soon." Adult education of course had a sexual meaning.
"Ringo, Ms. Ringo! Ringo you swore to Seina's parents, you would protect Seina, didn't you?"
"Of course and I am ... ... as far as my powers are able to ... ... I'm doing the best I can ... ...."
Ringo was in a semi crying state. Seto and Mikami were monsters she couldn't defeat.
"..., oh... well I guess?" It was cruel to harass Ringo any further.
"Kiriko. We weill do our best too." Amane put her hand on Kiriko's shoulder
"That's right, Kiriko-sama so will we!"
the Hakuren's said.
"Oh ... ... Thank you, Amane ...... everyone."
"Oh no, somehow we've become the villan. What an interesting turn of events don't you think?"
Seto and Mikami gazed at each other with a smile
(.........) Seina was watching them from afar trying to avoid any possible fight damage.
He was just glad Airi, wasn't joining them.
(Oh I forgot... I still have to thank Ringo ... ...)
Seina carefully snuck through the danger zone and approached Ringo led by his sense of duty.
"Uhm... hi.... ... Ringo"
"Oh, Seina,"
"Thank you for taking care of things for my parents on the earth."
"No, compared to what you have done for us Seina it was nothing... I'm sorry to have gotten you worried about such things while you were on a vacation."
"I didn't mind, I had fun, besides you saved us from a potential problem."
"Thank you very much ... ... ... I'm glad you feel that way... ...I'm not used to wearing clothes like this, does it look alright on me?"
Ringo asked seina she was wearing a lightweight Western-style outfit rather than a Japanese style outfit typically worn by a Jurai's princess, she was showing considerably more skin then usual.
"No, it suits you well"
"Is that so ... ... that's good"
It seemed like an innocent couple as the two shyly looked down at the ground.
"So you're upset with us, but your just going to ignore what's going on with those two over there?"
Seto said to inflame them. Of course,the girls all turned to focus on Ringo and Seina.
"Uhm.......Excuse me.........Now that you've gathered together, I'll explain everything you need to know about Imuium so please take a seat." A woman on the staff interrupted.
"……Ah" Seina was familiar with the voice of the female staff member.
It was one of the officials who referred to Seto as a "shitty old hag" when he was on Jurai.
Seina bowed and took a seat with Ringo.
One after another Kiriko and the others seated themselves to to surround the Seina as if to guard him from Seto and Mikami.
"Well first we will check the baggage that everyone brought ...."
The female official said that and lowered her head,
─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ Master tell them I'm not luggage! I'm part of the Kamidake's crew... ....
they heard the screaming voice of NB from afar.
"... Please ... don't listen to it... we don't want it here."
"NB ......"
"I feel bad for Kirche,"
"Washu is replicating Imuim in her virtual space."
"Oh well,so then Seina should see her when he's asleep, lucky her. "
Seto and Mikami were face to face communicating via confidential communication.
"The laws on Imuim are the galaxy standard, but we won't intervene from here unless a major situation arises. Please act like adults and be on your best behavior."
"Oh don't worry, I don't think I'll be doing anything immature what about you two?"
"Do you think she's just mad because she want's to go first? "
"It's something like that"
Kiriko boiled with rage.
"We will install an emergency button, but we won't be monitoring what goes on, we'll transfer a sufficient amount of food and everyday items whenever you need them, but don't forget you will be on the sea, so you can be self sufficient if you like. Feel free to fish, this is the holiday off season, so no large events will be held, but if there's something you desire Well, Iumuim follows standard laws of the galaxy but we have one of our own, if you need anything just ask and we'll provide, as long as you all agree on something there is no issue."
The female official opened the case that was on the desk and turned it towards Seina's people so that the contents could be seen. There was displayed things such as such as rhinoceros, roulette, cards.
with that our explanation is over do you have any questions? "
"Oh, I'm sorry but..."
"Yes, what is it?"
"Actually I want the Kamidake ...... I want to land the the ship here ..."
"Yes, we do not mind."
"Is that so?"
The female official immediately told the reason to Seina who was happy to hear that.
"Yes, we received an application from Mr. Washu in advance, the permission has already been granted. The hull has already been purified, so you can drop down at any time you like."
"Thank you! Fuku, take the ship down into the sea."
"Any other questions? ... ... If not please go enjoy yourself"
It was as the closing ceremony was over and class was out for the summer, Seina and others entered the transfer gate one after another.
Seina who came out of the transfer gate and took a deep breath of the fresh air. It had a strange scent that wasn't the odor of the sea breeze or the smell of the vegetation.
"Oh, look it's here, Fuku!"
Seina looked reflexively at the Kamidake falling from the sky above.
"Mia! Mia! Miao ~ ~!"
"No! Stop!"
Seina looked at Fuku and knew what was going to happen he tried to stop Fuku, but the Kamidake wouldn't stop. like a child who was excited by the ocean the Kamidake rushed to hop in and it crashed into the ocean with intense momentum.
Doooosh~ ~ ~! Water flew up and landed on all of them.
"Fuku ......"
"!? ... ......... Mi ya ~ ~" Fuku said as she watched Seina be splashed with water.
Seto took off the soaked clothes she was wearing.
"Ms. Seto!"
Her silky skin and body were reminiscent of "The birth of Venus". Of course, Amane and Gyokuren looked better, but as Kamiki · Seto · Jurai, she had an overwhelming force in her aura.
"Hah ... ... you don't have to worry, I wore a swimsuit underneath, but this is Paradise" Imuim. " and such intangible concepts don't last here." Seto said, looking at Seina to see if he liked what he saw.
"Well, Then I guess there's no point in wearing this anymore now is there?"
Next Mikami took off her clothes. her Blond hair glistened in the sunlight on her brown skin.
everyone fell silent at the sight
─── ugaaaa.
At that time, Kiriko noticed the sound of Seina unconsciously drooling. It lit Kiriko's fighting spirit. she also took off her clothes one after another, and began to expose her swimsuit. To counter Seto and Mikami, the others planed to combat them with youth and number.
"Ah what are you doing Kiriko-san !?"
Kiriko began to undress Ringo
"Stop it! Ah, Amane, not you too!!"
"Oh wow that's a surprisingly bold swim outfit for a Juraian princess."
Ringo, who was kidnapped by Kiriko, squatted and hid her chest with both hands she had on clothes but it was a bikini.
"Oh wow ringo I suspected a once piece from you how surprising!" Seto said
"... .... Hey wait a second.... where is Seina?"
Seina was no were to be found. Ringo was no longer embarrassed and they panicked and looked around for him.
They scattered all over in every direction and began searching for Seina, but soon they found him when he came up from the ocean with a bunch of sea weed.
" Seina, what were you doing?" Kiriko asked
"Maybe he's hunting for food?"
"I don't think he plans to eat that seaweed."
"Well, what else would he be doing with it?"
They approached Seina.
"Oh.... uhm... I'll tell you later."
He looked away and ran away from them towards the nearby rock shelf. He laid out the seaweed to dry it.
"What do you think he's up to?"
"What ever it is I'm sure he's fine.... We should worry about getting moved in first don't you think?
Seto and Mikami turned their eyes to a giant tree building.
Inside was a single giant round donut shaped bed with no partitions
"How are we going to sleep on this!?"
"I will decide.... as Seina's gaurdian!"
"Oh, have you forgotten about the rules here already? We all have to decide!"
"This is not up for discussion, right you guys!"
Kiriko confidently looked at the others. However ... ...
all of the other girls in her group diverted their eyes from Kiriko.
"……eh??" Kiriko, stared at them in disbelief
"It would be a bit cramped in here if there was a bed for each of us... what can you do? "
"That's right, besides, we're on vacation, why stress over it."
Everyone nodded at the opinions of Amane and Erma.
"Well, that is ... .... Yes, but ..."
"Look here Kiriko there's no use in getting upset, its bright and wonderful, were on Imuim, this is paradise."Gyokuren said with a smile. Kiriko stared at her.
"... ... ... Fine... I understand."All all of them cheered at Kiriko's consent.
"Well, then let's go outside and enjoy this trip!"
"How about we go in shifts, we can have two of us stay with seina every night and switch out between us." They agreed
"Seina seems to be working out there pretty hard, I'm going to make some food."
"Actually, we've been here for quite a while already, we already cooked lunch."
"Huh, Seto-sama and Mikami-sama you two cooked !?"
Their reactions were mixed. They knew Seto was a good cook but didn't know much about Mikami's cooking.
"... ... Eh "
Seina was sitting on a sand beach with the girls lined up before him in their swimsuits.
"... ... So what do you think?"
"You all look amazing."
"Well, who's do you like the most?"
Seina began to look at the appearance of each of them.
Seina got dizzy and passed out before he could give an answer.
Seina was laying on the ground with a cooling pad on his neck in the shade of the tree house.
"Wow he managed to get sunstroke from working too hard outside... doesn't he understand what a vacation is?" Seto said
"...... I think maybe we put a little to much strain on him." Mikami said staring at Seto.
"No it was my fault, I shouldn't have asked him such a question." Seto poked Mikami's chest.
"ah!!" Mikami jumped up suprised a bit, but soon regained her composure and readjusted her swimsuit. it seems Seina was watching and had collapsed again with a nosebleed.
"You'd think he'd be more used to things like that by now...."
----------there's 5 whole pages of fan service here... and there mostly just talking about the other girls not translating that. screw that-------
"Ee better get lunch ready. He's going to need it."Seto headed for the kitchen accompanied by Mikami.

---------This whole plot arc is full of lots of fan service... so naturally, I'm not bothering to translate all that shit...-------
"Kamidake, jump out!" They came out in front of a beautiful blue planet.
"Imium satellite station is just a stone's throw away, so let's go after we adjust to the time difference of the main island."
A few hours later, after finishing the time adjustment, the Kamidake headed to the satellite station. Originally Imuim was an aquatic resource planet, not a planet specialized in tourism. Therefore the satellite station wasn't very fancy.
"This doesn't feel very tropical ... are we in the right place?" Seina seemed a little uneasy
"I've received the access key from the receptionist and I'm transferring our things now...... ......... oh the transfer just completed!"
"Well then let's get going!"
"Mia! Mia Mia!"Fuku pointed to something and then to Imuim on the monitor
"What's wrong, Fuku?"
"She want's to know if she can bring the ship down with her."
"Sorry we can't bring it with us."
Imuim was still a resource planet. They didn't let ships dock on the surface to prevent poaching.
"Miah ... ...."
"Wow!" They went out of a passage after going through a transfer gate and they marvled scenery spread out before them.
"It's Beautiful ..." Someone muttered. But that was what was on all of their mind.
The floor was made entirely of a transparent material, and there was a superb view below, but only the sea of the planet was visible. With a light blue reflected light, the floor was like a big aquarium.
"Everyone, welcome. Welcome to Imim!"
Officials who were dressed in white Juraian style clothes were welcoming Seina and his guests. Their pure white clothes were illuminated by the reflected light of blue, and they looked just like jellyfish
"Thank you………waaaaaaaa!!!?"
Seina and others saw Seto, Mikami, and Ringo sitting on the sofa behind the staff.

"Seto-sama ......, Mikami ... ...?"
Seto and Mikami waved at them with smiling face. Ringo who stood up and bowed a little shyly.
Mikami came in her young body. The style of outfit she had on screamed, "Hi I'm also here for the vacation."
"... ... Are we being chaperoned by our parents?"
Amane muttered as if disappointed and the other women agreed.
"Oh no it's nothing that serious, we just figured you had other guest spots, why not use them?"
Seina could have had up to 20 people come.
"I tried getting Minaho and Tennyo but they were busy with work, and on the other end of that... I made sure Airi won't be coming ... "
"On Imuim, everyone is equal, so we will join you in cooking and cleaning and getting food, we promise we'll keep in line, right?" Seto said
"huh....under who's orders !?" Mikami said
"Mi, Mikami, as an educator, no as the GP academy principal you must maintain your dignity!"
"............ Damn." Mikami gave a glossy smile comparable to Gyokuren and a chuckle.
"What's with that laugh?" At that time Kiriko remembered that while it was not well known information, she remembered that in the past Mikami was Seto's girlfriend.
The previous smile she gave Seto made her realize it.
"Kiriko, I understand your concern,but for seina, I think that education as an adult will also be necessary soon." Adult education of course had a sexual meaning.
"Ringo, Ms. Ringo! Ringo you swore to Seina's parents, you would protect Seina, didn't you?"
"Of course and I am ... ... as far as my powers are able to ... ... I'm doing the best I can ... ...."
Ringo was in a semi crying state. Seto and Mikami were monsters she couldn't defeat.
"..., oh... well I guess?" It was cruel to harass Ringo any further.
"Kiriko. We weill do our best too." Amane put her hand on Kiriko's shoulder
"That's right, Kiriko-sama so will we!"
the Hakuren's said.
"Oh ... ... Thank you, Amane ...... everyone."
"Oh no, somehow we've become the villan. What an interesting turn of events don't you think?"
Seto and Mikami gazed at each other with a smile
(.........) Seina was watching them from afar trying to avoid any possible fight damage.
He was just glad Airi, wasn't joining them.
(Oh I forgot... I still have to thank Ringo ... ...)
Seina carefully snuck through the danger zone and approached Ringo led by his sense of duty.
"Uhm... hi.... ... Ringo"
"Oh, Seina,"
"Thank you for taking care of things for my parents on the earth."
"No, compared to what you have done for us Seina it was nothing... I'm sorry to have gotten you worried about such things while you were on a vacation."
"I didn't mind, I had fun, besides you saved us from a potential problem."
"Thank you very much ... ... ... I'm glad you feel that way... ...I'm not used to wearing clothes like this, does it look alright on me?"
Ringo asked seina she was wearing a lightweight Western-style outfit rather than a Japanese style outfit typically worn by a Jurai's princess, she was showing considerably more skin then usual.
"No, it suits you well"
"Is that so ... ... that's good"
It seemed like an innocent couple as the two shyly looked down at the ground.
"So you're upset with us, but your just going to ignore what's going on with those two over there?"
Seto said to inflame them. Of course,the girls all turned to focus on Ringo and Seina.
"Uhm.......Excuse me.........Now that you've gathered together, I'll explain everything you need to know about Imuium so please take a seat." A woman on the staff interrupted.
"……Ah" Seina was familiar with the voice of the female staff member.
It was one of the officials who referred to Seto as a "shitty old hag" when he was on Jurai.
Seina bowed and took a seat with Ringo.
One after another Kiriko and the others seated themselves to to surround the Seina as if to guard him from Seto and Mikami.
"Well first we will check the baggage that everyone brought ...."
The female official said that and lowered her head,
─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ Master tell them I'm not luggage! I'm part of the Kamidake's crew... ....
they heard the screaming voice of NB from afar.
"... Please ... don't listen to it... we don't want it here."
"NB ......"
"I feel bad for Kirche,"
"Washu is replicating Imuim in her virtual space."
"Oh well,so then Seina should see her when he's asleep, lucky her. "
Seto and Mikami were face to face communicating via confidential communication.
"The laws on Imuim are the galaxy standard, but we won't intervene from here unless a major situation arises. Please act like adults and be on your best behavior."
"Oh don't worry, I don't think I'll be doing anything immature what about you two?"
"Do you think she's just mad because she want's to go first? "
"It's something like that"
Kiriko boiled with rage.
"We will install an emergency button, but we won't be monitoring what goes on, we'll transfer a sufficient amount of food and everyday items whenever you need them, but don't forget you will be on the sea, so you can be self sufficient if you like. Feel free to fish, this is the holiday off season, so no large events will be held, but if there's something you desire Well, Iumuim follows standard laws of the galaxy but we have one of our own, if you need anything just ask and we'll provide, as long as you all agree on something there is no issue."
The female official opened the case that was on the desk and turned it towards Seina's people so that the contents could be seen. There was displayed things such as such as rhinoceros, roulette, cards.
with that our explanation is over do you have any questions? "
"Oh, I'm sorry but..."
"Yes, what is it?"
"Actually I want the Kamidake ...... I want to land the the ship here ..."
"Yes, we do not mind."
"Is that so?"
The female official immediately told the reason to Seina who was happy to hear that.
"Yes, we received an application from Mr. Washu in advance, the permission has already been granted. The hull has already been purified, so you can drop down at any time you like."
"Thank you! Fuku, take the ship down into the sea."
"Any other questions? ... ... If not please go enjoy yourself"
It was as the closing ceremony was over and class was out for the summer, Seina and others entered the transfer gate one after another.
Seina who came out of the transfer gate and took a deep breath of the fresh air. It had a strange scent that wasn't the odor of the sea breeze or the smell of the vegetation.
"Oh, look it's here, Fuku!"
Seina looked reflexively at the Kamidake falling from the sky above.
"Mia! Mia! Miao ~ ~!"
"No! Stop!"
Seina looked at Fuku and knew what was going to happen he tried to stop Fuku, but the Kamidake wouldn't stop. like a child who was excited by the ocean the Kamidake rushed to hop in and it crashed into the ocean with intense momentum.
Doooosh~ ~ ~! Water flew up and landed on all of them.
"Fuku ......"
"!? ... ......... Mi ya ~ ~" Fuku said as she watched Seina be splashed with water.
Seto took off the soaked clothes she was wearing.
"Ms. Seto!"
Her silky skin and body were reminiscent of "The birth of Venus". Of course, Amane and Gyokuren looked better, but as Kamiki · Seto · Jurai, she had an overwhelming force in her aura.
"Hah ... ... you don't have to worry, I wore a swimsuit underneath, but this is Paradise" Imuim. " and such intangible concepts don't last here." Seto said, looking at Seina to see if he liked what he saw.
"Well, Then I guess there's no point in wearing this anymore now is there?"
Next Mikami took off her clothes. her Blond hair glistened in the sunlight on her brown skin.
everyone fell silent at the sight
─── ugaaaa.
At that time, Kiriko noticed the sound of Seina unconsciously drooling. It lit Kiriko's fighting spirit. she also took off her clothes one after another, and began to expose her swimsuit. To counter Seto and Mikami, the others planed to combat them with youth and number.
"Ah what are you doing Kiriko-san !?"
Kiriko began to undress Ringo
"Stop it! Ah, Amane, not you too!!"
"Oh wow that's a surprisingly bold swim outfit for a Juraian princess."
Ringo, who was kidnapped by Kiriko, squatted and hid her chest with both hands she had on clothes but it was a bikini.
"Oh wow ringo I suspected a once piece from you how surprising!" Seto said
"... .... Hey wait a second.... where is Seina?"
Seina was no were to be found. Ringo was no longer embarrassed and they panicked and looked around for him.
They scattered all over in every direction and began searching for Seina, but soon they found him when he came up from the ocean with a bunch of sea weed.
" Seina, what were you doing?" Kiriko asked
"Maybe he's hunting for food?"
"I don't think he plans to eat that seaweed."
"Well, what else would he be doing with it?"
They approached Seina.
"Oh.... uhm... I'll tell you later."
He looked away and ran away from them towards the nearby rock shelf. He laid out the seaweed to dry it.
"What do you think he's up to?"
"What ever it is I'm sure he's fine.... We should worry about getting moved in first don't you think?
Seto and Mikami turned their eyes to a giant tree building.
Inside was a single giant round donut shaped bed with no partitions
"How are we going to sleep on this!?"
"I will decide.... as Seina's gaurdian!"
"Oh, have you forgotten about the rules here already? We all have to decide!"
"This is not up for discussion, right you guys!"
Kiriko confidently looked at the others. However ... ...
all of the other girls in her group diverted their eyes from Kiriko.
"……eh??" Kiriko, stared at them in disbelief
"It would be a bit cramped in here if there was a bed for each of us... what can you do? "
"That's right, besides, we're on vacation, why stress over it."
Everyone nodded at the opinions of Amane and Erma.
"Well, that is ... .... Yes, but ..."
"Look here Kiriko there's no use in getting upset, its bright and wonderful, were on Imuim, this is paradise."Gyokuren said with a smile. Kiriko stared at her.
"... ... ... Fine... I understand."All all of them cheered at Kiriko's consent.
"Well, then let's go outside and enjoy this trip!"
"How about we go in shifts, we can have two of us stay with seina every night and switch out between us." They agreed
"Seina seems to be working out there pretty hard, I'm going to make some food."
"Actually, we've been here for quite a while already, we already cooked lunch."
"Huh, Seto-sama and Mikami-sama you two cooked !?"
Their reactions were mixed. They knew Seto was a good cook but didn't know much about Mikami's cooking.
"... ... Eh "
Seina was sitting on a sand beach with the girls lined up before him in their swimsuits.
"You all look amazing."
"Well, who's do you like the most?"
Seina began to look at the appearance of each of them.
Seina got dizzy and passed out before he could give an answer.
Seina was laying on the ground with a cooling pad on his neck in the shade of the tree house.
"Wow he managed to get sunstroke from working too hard outside... doesn't he understand what a vacation is?" Seto said
"...... I think maybe we put a little to much strain on him." Mikami said staring at Seto.
"No it was my fault, I shouldn't have asked him such a question." Seto poked Mikami's chest.
"ah!!" Mikami jumped up suprised a bit, but soon regained her composure and readjusted her swimsuit. it seems Seina was watching and had collapsed again with a nosebleed.
"You'd think he'd be more used to things like that by now...."
----------there's 5 whole pages of fan service here... and there mostly just talking about the other girls not translating that. screw that-------
"Ee better get lunch ready. He's going to need it."Seto headed for the kitchen accompanied by Mikami.