2 "Fortune Fleet"
On that day, Seina left the Earth again. It was the second time he had left the Earth.
"That reminds me, Mitoto was also with me when I first left the earth."
Seina who was watching the monitor on the bridge looked Mitoto who was next to it with a slight look of confusion. Mitoto stroked Seina 's crew cut to suppress her depression over not being able to clean.
"Oh ~, that's true ~ ~"
"Mia! Mia!"
He had a souvenir from earth in a form of Mitoto ...... but also Washu was accompanying them on the way home. Fuku was excited about her mother joining the trip.
As soon as Ryoko left the earth, she transformed back into Erma and took the the opportunity to speak to Washu.
"Captain, after a short jump we'll escape the solar system, then we'll enter a long distance jump, the scheduled time for the long distance jump is 11 hundred."
"That gives us plenty of time, if you don't mind I need to borrow Seina for a moment."
Washu said she handed Fuku who she was holding to Mitoto. now instead of his head she had Fuku to pet.
"Mia! Mia!"
"Oh no, you're just too cute ~ ~ ♡"
As Washu's thought, both Fuku and Mitoto were happy.
Erma was saddened that she was being abandoned by Washu.
"Well, then Let's go! go!" Washu motioned as she dragged Seina off with her.
"What? Why are you using this house?! Do you have staff to fill the other's rooms already?
Washu unhappily inflated her cheeks, looking at the houses.
"Honestly it's a bit much ..."
"If you enter design drawings, the ship can build them in less then a day. There are already many templates so even amateurs can easily build a house."
"Huh! We have such a thing? Kiriko didn't mention it ......"
"Well, there's something here that was supposed to let me see ... .... Oh! I see, I see."
Washu noticed something.
"uhuhuhu I see she never activated the bioroid maids did she?"
Washu murmured in a loud voice so that Seina could hear, Kiriko sneezed.
But her reasons for not doing so were natural. The bioroid maids were anatomically and biologically correct, and pretty too, not as pretty as the girls but still pleasant to look at.
And they would adapt and become as intelligent as any other person, inpregnation was also possible.. Moreover, their AI was programmed to pick up on and predict the tastes and interests of their master and take action accordingly, they could be tsundere, yandere, whatever you liked, and had a boat load of programmed personality patterns which adapt with taste.
Besides being able to build various buildings such as warehouses in the ship, washu had left a bunch of her junk in the ship including old research experiment results, seina could build everything from a school to an amusement park. So the situations for dirty role play were infinite.
Currently there were twenty maids, but there were also maintenance and mass-production facilities for bioroids, young men and women, and bioroids of every appearance could be formed quickly.
Seina could create a single man's ideal village in the ship if he wished.
The law on age restriction ethics was not applicable if Seina was alone is a private closed space. He could in theory do whatever he wanted with them.
Plenty of philosophers in the past had created such situations and even gotten lost in them, as such they're was even a field of study in recovering people from those kinds of addictions.
─ ─ ─ That's why kiriko saw the maids here as her ultimate enemies.

"Oh well ... I put so much work into that .... I guess it can't be helped for now..." she whispered to herself
"Well you'll be around for a pretty long while and who knows maybe you'll need that for your house when you finally come home."
Washu patted Seina on the back back with a bang, and then went in through he mansion's front door.
"Would you like to talk now or do you want some tea first?" Washu asked as she entered the living room, she sat down on the sofa, and activated a privacy wall around them
"Now will be fine."
"So what's going on Washu? Why are you on board with us, is there a problem with Fuku or Kamidake?"
"No, no. It's nothing like that." Washu smiled while waving that thought away at Seina who looked uneasy.
"There are no problems with Fuku and the Kamidake at the moment, of course that depends on the upcoming operation's results, but as I've said before, I can constantly monitor whats going on with with sensors, so I can make upgrades from time to time, and to some extent the Kamidake is Self-Evolving."
"I heard the hull can perform automatic restoration, Erma said it had a natural healing capability ..."
"Natural healing is only restoring itself to its original state, self-evolving lets it evolve to solve any problems that occur, that is, fuku is capable of adaptive evolution. Originally this ability was unique to Ryo-Ohki, but the Kamidake and Fuku are also equipped with that ability to a certain extent. "
"This is a really a ridiculously equipped ship, isn't it?"
"Yes, However, it still needs more experience for it to work well ... ... well, considering the short amount of time it's been active, it's gotten quite a lot."
"... What's that?"
"I mean carrying you around is no easy task. The data collected by Kamidake No. 1 ship and Ryo-Ohki has already been input, but the first Kamidake ship was a different kind of ship, it's purpose was quite different, even Ryoko and Ryo-Ohki's data can only be interpereted based on their actions. "
"So you mean we need to accumulate more data?"
"Sort off... but you've gotten me off track, the reason I'm here is to tell you the reason why you've been called back from your vacation so soon. It seems that the damage from a mysterious fleet is rapidly increasing ...... Forty-eight hours ago seto's ship came in contact with the mysterious fleet."
"Oh so then the issue is already solved right?"
There was no such thing as a fleet that could safely encounter Seto.
However, Washu shook her head to say no.
"It seems they were able to escape, they are currently searching but it seems they have not found it yet."
"Wait they got past seto...!?!"
"That's why you were called back, pretty soon you should get a detailed report from Seto herself."
"... ... Heh ... ...."
Seina sighed at the existence of more difficult enemies than expected.
"... ....I had to come along because there was no opportunity to talk about this and a few other various things while we were on Earth. and there are things I didn't want to say with Tenchi around."
"Oh, I understand."
"Firstly they want you to join the search for the mysterious fleet...but before all that I'd like to thank you. Thank you Seina." Washu slowly lowered her head with a serious face.
"No, that ... ... what ... what for ...?" Seina was baffled with Washu 's sincere attitude.
"I am thankful that you accepted what Tenchi told you... ... Tenchi was suffering quite a bit having to deal with that, but I think he had finally accepted it thanks to you Seina , he thinks of you like a younger brother, and it seems that you helped settle him down quite a lot psychologically. "
"Well after all Tenchi senpai has done for me, it was nothing really... ... ..." Seina gazed at Washu with confusion.
"I could tell from Tenchi-senpai hardly staying calm about it that he needed some encouragement, that said ... honestly there are still many parts of that story I find confusing but I have a long time to figure those out ...I don't think it will be a problem ... "
Bio-Enhancement alone had given seina a lifespan of 2,000 years. Even so, he had trouble imagining that.
"It must be hard for you to even imagine now isn't it?"
"It's embarrassing, but ... well ... yes to some degree ..."
"There's nothing to be shy about, I think you meant what you said when you accepted what tenchi told you. I'm convinced that you won't have any problems with it when the time comes. "
"Well, I will do my best .......... actually, I have some questions for you as well ..."
"Well, there are places where in Tenchi's explanation where he left things a bit short, he was a bit mentally unstable in places,and he has many misunderstandings ... so I guess ... first of all I'll ask what questions do you have for me? "
"Well I'm hesitant to ask questions like this but ... Washu you have the power of omniscience right, do you know of a way that I can manage my biased probability?"
" It used to be, and it was an easy thing too, now however, it isn't."
"What, really!?" Seina thought about what she said
"... ... It used to be?"
"I'm sorry, but Seina-dono, but in relation to things that have to do with your fundamental existence, we no long have a hand in them."
"Why is that?"
"Currently, Seina-dono you're existence is under the influence of Tenchi-dono's power. When I try to put my hands there, I don't have the power to effect you, his power is different from the power of the Choushin It's a thing that is beyond us, so it is impossible for us to negate its power, there is only one way. "
"One way ... ... So, maybe there's a chance ... ....?"
"Tenchi himself would have to let go of his power over you."
"... .... Hah, that's no good." Listening to Washu 's story, Seina gave up immediately.
"Although I said it might have been easy before, the results may have ended up the worse for you Seina."
"Seina, your odds of probability is a thing that has arisen from the distortion of the whole universe, not to mention Seina, you're not the only one, in the universe there are many people with probability biases to various degrees."
"Other people like me !?"
"It's not limited to people, animals, things, places, everything is targeted."
"Why does such a thing exist?"
"Whatever actions of this reality come about, there are always contradictions produced, and of course that causes distortion for the whole universe, a lot of it we made that way, we created the universe and modifying it It was easy to do, but small modifications from us are not necessarily small things for those who live there ... ... It's a bit embarrassing, but as long as Tenchi's presence exists, our foresight into the future is limited, there's now quite a bit of uncertainty that comes with everything. "
Washu looked at Seina's face seriously, as if she was verifying a fact.
"If we try to eliminate your probability bias, that distortion is very big ............ Well, I can't be sure, but.... I see.... one ... maybe two galaxies being destroyed?
"I'm sorry, but Seina... your probability bias comes from a deeper root than you could ever imagine, even if I could offset the distortion at the moment, there's something there, and as long as you exist, the distortion will accumulate, there's no way to just to cancel the distortion itself, just to move it to others .... "
"Move it to others?"
"You would have to have most of the biased probability moved to someone or somewhere else... so Seina do you know anyone who's a big enough monster that you want them to take your place ... ....If I could do it I could just give it to someone random, would you like to try that?"
"Well, that's truly awful ............ I could never do such a terrible thing to anything else, no please don't do that!" Seina couldn't stomach forcing such an experience on someone else. If that was the case, he would keep his bias forever. Conversely, it was because of his bad luck that he had met Tenchi and Kiriko and all those in Masaki village.
"Well, OK, then on the other hand we could lend a hand to protect you directly from the disaster that you would suffer ...."
"Is there something wrong with that?"
" If we are involved directly, The distortion will become even bigger."
"I see, so the best thing is not doing anything right? That's what you're saying isn't it?"
Seina gave a big sigh.
"Also protecting you might lead to even more problems.You might loses the ability to protect yourselves from absolute calamities, and then even a little thing could end up fatal if our guard isn't perfect ... ... but if something like that happened we could always revive you as a baby if you like. "
"Then I would just have to deal with everything like before I left for space."
Being a baby means returning to Seina when he was back on Earth. There was no danger but no freedom. It means he would lose the wings that let him go anywhere.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have told you after all, it's only resulted in upsetting you "
"No, it's fine. ... ...." Seina hurriedly told Washu
"I one had to explain the truth of things to Airi once, so she would co-operate in the concealment of what happened with tenchi from the people at the academy, I'm not sure that was a good idea, that girl is dangerous ehehehe!"
Certainly for a Philosopher like Airi, a subject like Seina was a subject of strong interest. Though Tenchi was even more interesting than that, luckly Tenchi had watchdogs who happened to be the "3 Gods of Creation" Tsunami, Washu, and Tokimi. There was also of course Kiriko and Seina, but they were far less powerful then Washu.
"Well .........................................you may have been able to hide that data,but there are about to be various problems, although appearance doesn't change as much in space with age as it does on earth Earth. even with Bio-Enhancement, I'm still supposed to grow and age. If I'm going the be the same forever, I'm going to need a proper alibi.
"Oh no, you will grow, Tenchi, Sasami and Ryo-Ohki have confirmed that, but the growth and aging of other people has stopped, it's probably fixed at the age when you peak physically, Well, if it ever comes time that you need to change the appearance of your age you can do biological remodeling or just control a new body. You already know people who have multiple bodies according to the circumstances it's not uncommon. For example, Mikami."
"... ... Oh, I see. So then, I won't be stuck in this state."
"It may be better to say you'll be youthful forever you won't die of old age but like you still need to eat .... "
"Well there are some cases were there's no need for that at all.
"As long as we live and work, energy intake is necessary. you are no exception but think about .... if the universe is gone, how can a living body survive. If that time comes, how can you supplement the energy? We would need some kind of energy generator."
"Oh I see, I don't know how that would be done..."
"When Tenchi fought the man named Z before, he was using a force that far exceeded his energy intake.Of course there things that absorb energy from another dimension like the royal trees, but it did not look like that was happening... ... then where was the energy coming from?
"...... Where does yours come from?"
"I don't know, we can't recognize it."Washu shook her head.
"It's possible, it comes from dimension above the top dimension in which the true Top God exists, so it's natural that we cann't recognize it, but we have no confirmation ..."
"So, that's how we'd have to be powered isn't it?"
"That's right. but it's not an issue we'll have to worry about for a long while... the universe is here to stay for now."
"...... I was surprised to hear my lifespan would be 2,000 years long after doing Bio-Enhancement, but that's even more surprising to think about. Tenchi senpai evolving beyond omniscience gods and their knowledge is even more surprising. "
"Well just think of it as powering up, Tenchi is still an ordinary human being. "
"He's normal?
"Seina you've also evolved past your parent's and siblings by being Bio-Enhanced, but you're still able to be normal right? That's whats happening to tenchi."
"Oh I see ... ... I think I can understand it that way"
Even if your born a genius as baby you can not demonstrate your abilities fully. Even after growth, genius is pointless unless you are interested in a field that allows you use your genius. Tenchi is not consciously able to use his power right now, but he is also not it interested in using it.
"What's wrong?"
"... ... oh ... uhm ...nothing ." Seina said brightly, but he in that moment realized the fact that he was eternal and that meant living though the death of his immediate family. Of course, that's normal, parents usualy die first, in the case of Seina though it means all his friends and acquaintance, even those who got Bio-Enhancement, he would be around even when the concept of human beings ceased to exist, along with the universe itself.
Fortunately, seina realized tenchi and the others would be there too and that Tenchi had experienced the same anxiety as Seina was experiencing right now.
"oh?" He noticed that Washu was looking at him with kind eyes.
(……Oh, I see)
Seina was reminded that Washu, who was in front of him, was a person who would also be there at that time. her appearance was that of a girl 's, but her eyes seem to draw him in deeply as if they were the universe itself. Seina felt peaceful as if his mother had embraced him.
"Fuh ... ... Well Regarding the your biased probability, I can't do anything about it as a god, but as a philosopher, I think it I may be able to find something a little useful."
"Well, thanks to Fuku and Kamidake, I have been spared a lot of misfortune."
"Other than that ... ... No, well..." Washu swallowed the words she was going to say.
(Perhaps this improvement in the astral sea might be proved to be a remedy against probability bias, but it is too early to make Seina expect such a thing.)
Unnecessary expectations could be harmful to Seina, but having hope was not a bad thing, but in Seina's case hope needed to be definite.
"... ... If necessary I'm not beyond investing more into helping you."
"I heard that the Kamidake doesn't have any monetary value that could match it... I can see why it has its own universe inside it like royals ships do, they told me the Kamidake was a reward for my previous work , What sort of thing did I do to earn such a thing... ... it seems a bit much ... ... ha ha "
"Well, you see ... I didn't make it for you for that reason I made it because we are family ..."
Despite Washu being inside a secret wall, she approached Seina as if it was a secret .
"For me, Fuku and the Kamidake are technology that I've developed already, even if they are troublesome to put together, they aren't difficult, the difficult problem was the material, but everything beyond that hurdle was easy. "
"Ha, ... it's easy?"
"It was amazingly simple. uhuhuhu ...... So, as far as it being given to you as a payment Seina, it was really nothing of the sort."
"Oh... im sorry for making you go through all the trouble though.. I don't like bringing hardships on others."
"The people around you don't think that helping you is a hardship. If they thought that way about you they never would have gotten so close to you, and on the contrary there are many on your side who love helping you out...like me. "
"............ Thank you. It's just going to take time to get used that."
At that time, Kiriko interrupted with an urgent call.
"That should be Seto, shall we go?"
Seina came back to the bridge of the Kamidake to find Minaho reflected on the monitor.
"... .... A few months ago, reports on the damage caused by a mysterious pirate fleet began coming in. Originally it was not regarded as a special problem just normal damage, but as the reports rolled in it became clear it was a special threat. "
"They are using probability bias."
"We had a ship transporting important goods secretly, no one knew, we also had many decoy ships, but only the right one was attacked. we've put out many sting operations to find the fleet and leaked information to bait them but none of them ever ran into them." Minaho sighed
"... ... We did an investigation there's no evidence that the information leaked to the outside, or that they even knew of the delivery in advance in any of the deliveries intercepted...... Despite this, the damage keeps racking up ...... We think there may be one or more people with a high probability bias in the fleet, but we aren't sure..."
"But Minaho-sama ..." Seinaed look in the direction of Washu who started talking
"Seto's fleet encountered this mysterious fleet, right?"
"Well then isn't the problem solved?"Kiriko asked
"... ............ Yes we did, but they escaped"
"They escaped Seto's fleet?!" The girls where shocked
"HOW!" Ryoko said. For Ryoko who was a Space Pirate, it was a great shock.
"Please have a look at the battle recording."
"Th-That was……"Everyone was stupified but three people had odd reactions
Washu gazed at it interestingly.
"Beautiful ..." Mitoto and Fuku watched it as if it were fireworks. Minaho had on a complicated expression to these reactions.
"... ... then naturally, you sent a pursuit team, didn't you?" Seina said keeping what Washu told him in mind.
"We are still searching, but there have been no reports yet."
"Seto, where are you, are you too embarrassed to show your face?" Washu said and she saw Minaho make a mean smile.
"Oh! Please forgive her she is under the weather Washu! "
At that time, a small paper was thrown at Minaho from outside the frame of the monitor. Minaho grabbed it after it bounced off her and fell on the floor. she spread open the paper and she stiffened up
"... Ms. Minaho?" Minaho regained her composure upon hearing Seina fearfully call out to her she let out a big sigh.
"The code name of the enemy fleet has been found. its name is ... .... " But again Minaho got silent.
"... What's the name?"
"... ............... That name is ... ... the Fortune fleet."
--------It's good luck fleet in the funimation adaption but it auto translates to fortune fleet if I'm lazy Im gonna leave it that way but please be aware they are both the same thing it also sometimes comes out as lucky fleet-----------
"Good Luck fleet ...... what a tacky name, I understand Minaho's reaction well."
"What else do you call a fleet capable of escaping Seto's Mikagami."
"That's a lucky fleet don't you think?"
"What do you think, Washu?" Kiriko turned to Washu
"I'm sorry, but at this time I'm just an observer."
"... ... OK, OK, as usual analyze data from Minaho-sama, forecast the escape route of the enemy lucky fleet, ask the captain to specify the route." Kiriko said so, everyone started working as indicated.
After a few minutes the calculation of the planned route was over and it was displayed before Seina.
"They got away a long time ago, are you sure this is worth trying?"
"I think if we want results we should leave it to you."
"Route setting completed, captain, please."
"OK! Passage setting input, ordinary super space navigation program loading!" Seina decided on the data delivered from Kiriko without hesitation.
"Load complete! 5, 4, 3, 2, hyper space navigation!" The Kamidake jumped.
"Wahahaha ~ ~ ~! Ha ~ ~ ~ Ha ha ha! splended!
At the headquarters of daruma Guild, the big daruma, a few senior executives gathered and celebrated with president daruma over the "Fortune Fleet" project.
"We handled the devil princess like she was nothing."
"Congratulations Daruma. Here's to shifting the" Fortune Fleet "project to the next stage!"
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves until we get rid of Seina Yamada we can't say that the " Fortune Fleet "project has been completed."
"hahaha. regardless this war has been escalated, it's time to move on to the next stage." Da Ruma said
"President, our collection of good luck items is progressing smoothly"
"The day when all our fleet is made into the fortune fleet is near, huh ha ha! with all that luck we won't even have to be afraid of that Seina Yamada!"
"I have urgent news! Right now, the lucky fleet encountered the Kamidake ...... All our ships were sunk! "
"─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─"
Those who heard the report were silent. It seemed as if everyone had froze ... No, it seemed that time had stopped.
─── Clang
Only the clear sound and reverberation of the cup of gold that fell out of Daruma's hand was a proof that time was definitely moving.
"A ~ ~ ~ ~ ha ha ha! aaaa~ ~ ~ ~ ha ha!"
Seto was in a good mood. Nonetheless, her manner of laughter was crazed, the kind of laugh one makes against an impossible situation. Airi, Mikami, and Washu, who were presently there in front of her, had on a subtle smile.
"So Washu, did you see the situation unfold, did you notice anything ?" Mikami asked Washu.
"Even from my long experiences as a philosopher, it was a sight that was rarely seen, although I got a lot of interesting data ... But uhuhu if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes I'd genuinely doubt the data. "
"Hey, please disclose that data as soon as possible, Washu-sama" Airi squatted down on Washu like a child would sit a child toy with their mother.
"Since I've had to verify it here, I will attach it to the report so please wait."
"Hoho, so why did you summon us for what?"
"We each have a different important position, right? So I think I'll make an intermediate presentation."
Seto represented Jurai. Airi the Galaxy Academy. Mikami the GP and Seniwa And Washu the Earth and Tenchi. Despite being friends, each represented the interests of their respective organizational states and individuals.
But the problem was handled by Seina. Seina had GP affiliation, but he was an academy student, an Earthling, and also an earth Masaki and a representative of the royal Masakis, as it was Seto who gave permission for him to go up to space. However, since the value of use of the existence called Seina had increased so far, careful handling was necessary for his treatment. The situation of one side monopolizing him externally was dangerous .
"Shall I explain from the start of the encounter for now?"
"Super spatial jump finished, we've returned to normal space"
"There are no enemies in range!"
"There's no abnormality in the hyperspace radar.I can't confirm existence of any enemies within ten light years."
"How much you wanna bet that one jumps in... Seina is captain after all?"
"That's right. Even if the Space Pirates are outside the scope of activity here, we should prepare for out next jum... ..." Kiriko was inturupted, Erma cried out.
"Wait! Super spatial radar is reading something!"
"What?" Everyone looked at erma
"Unconfirmed ships are jumping out! Mass patterns and energy ripple collation ......... There's no mistake it's an enemy fleet!"
"...... Really? Truly Lorelei Seina has done it again...... "
"get ready for battle" Kiriko raised her voice
"Captain, our first priority order is the annihilation of the enemy fleet!"
"Do we have to capture them?" Seina looked at Washu hoping for an opinion on weather or not to try to capture the ships
"The enemy is a high-level secret experimental fleet, and if they get caught, they will probably self destruct themselves and commit suicide." Washu said with a cold hearted expression
"... .... OK, use the super high space for jumping and use a high energy vibration wave at jump to trap them."
In a moment Seina switched consciousness and decided what to do.
"I see, he used the royal ship's tactics... Hmm ... why?"
"Did the kamidake really sink all the ships in the first fleet?"
"Yes but It was not an easy battle" Washu 's tone was a bit heavy in contrast toSeto' s.
"What does that mean?"
"If you scrutinize the situation, if you look at the data we barely made it out alive."
"No way! How?" Mikami was shocked
"What a strange fleet, to think they made washu's ship nearly lose."
"Fuku's immaturity and seina's bad luck are major causes though."
"This is bad so far the fortune fleet is unbeatable by anyone other then the kamidake, if the kamidake is destroyed we're as good as doomed."
"So you think they're going to focus on taking the kamidake out? ..."<ikami asked
"To be sure, if i were daruma i would focus all efforts against the Kamidake ...."
"Maybe we should start our own fortune fleet?"
"The fortune fleet is the result of concentrating things and people that create bias in probability.The GP side would need to possess far more lucky fleets than the attacking Space Pirates."
"It would be difficult to concentrate that much human resources and materials on the GP alone, well the only way we could do that is if the Galactic Federation was a dictatorship ...."
"That's why Seina is so valuble, he is our only hope."
"He truly is .... For us, Seina' is our the luck fleet."Seto said wity great relief.
"Thinking that way, Seina may well be lucky after all don't you think?"
"The good luck is only for others, for Seina the encounter with the Fortune fleet is only unlucky."
"So your worried about it being seen as us using him?"
"No doubt that will be a big issue, knowing Kiriko."
"Are you afraid she will get involved?"
"......... with his luck she will and they will all end up hurt."
"So should we add people in their place? "
"Seina's probability has some factors that affect it,"
"............" Mikami was eager to hear that, Seto smiled
"There are people who correct his probability bias like Kiriko and others, not only that but combinations of them can shift it in the other direction ... .... Why I don't know but do you think we can use that?
"I think we need to verify how much it can be done first."
"ahaha I was wondering how long it would take you to do such a thing.... by the way... one thing is for certain and that is that Airi increases the bad luck Seina encounters... and that's not through any wild phenomena.."
"I heard that poor little seina made a complaint about Airi to Yosho ohohoho."
"I don't know why he would do such a thing!"
"Hmm... I've got a plan.... why don't we give them a reward by giving them all a great vacation." Seto said as she smiled.
"Damn it ~~~!!"
NB popped out from the transport entrance used for delivering meals and rolled under seina as he waited in the waiting room of Airi's secret lab like a gachapon.
"...... What this hell is this thing doing here."Amane looked upset, Kiriko closed her eyes with confusion.
"Miyat!" Fuku rushed to NB and kicked it away
"Hey, watch it!"
Airi was operating NB with a joystick type controller as if she was playing a fighting game.
"It's only natural that she's trying to defend Seina, you deserve it ... Hey Washu-chan ... shouldn't you make it so kirche can override her?"
"Well ~~~~ ... I think it's good training for Fuku don't you?"
"You're a terrible mother" Seto sympathized with Fuku and looked up to the heaven.
"You don't understand a mother's love, it's so wonderful watching my daughter trying to protect Seina.. Don't you think so?"
"... Well, I guess you're right."Seto still felt sypathetic.
"Either way... we probably should do something about her..." Thus Airi was given a vacation of her own.
"What a vacation?"Mikami called to tell them.
"... ... are you serious !?" The eyes of the women shined brightly.
"It's still off season just thank of it as a thank you from Seto."
"Wait this is a stay on that luxury island!"
"Ho ho yes you can bring up to twenty people so invite your friends. The vacation will be two weeks long. Be sure to check into the main satellite station orbitstation orbiting Imuim first."
"Two whole weeks??
"As an apology for ruining Seina's vacation. Please go as soon as the Kamidake's maintenance is over. "
"Rodger that!" Amane saluted . Mikami smiled wryly, she saluted and back and cut communication
"Awwwww yeaa!" Amane cheered
"Twenty people ... ... does Fuku count"
"Whoa, Sei-Seina, are you going to take someone other than us?"
"Oh, ah, my teammate's guy were really eager to go to Imuim... hey whats that face for... is something wrong?"
"Well ~ ~ ~"
"No, there's no problem! Please invite them!" Kiriko pushed down Amane who looked like she was angry.
"Hey, Kiriko! what's the big idea."
"I don't know what you're thinking, but Seina is still a minor, it's just a normal vacation."
"Wait a moment! But over there ... ...."
"There are privacywalls, there's no problem! So if it's just Seina's teammate, why would do you have a problem with him bringing his friends?"
"On the contrary I'm not worried about Seina, I'm worried about bringing those other boys to that island."
-------- The girls know its basically an erotic honeymoon resort with pheromones in the air--------
"Well, but ... ...."
"Oh ............ Oh!" Everyone said to Elma's voice, "Ah."
"Dtop it you two...it's seina's vacation let him bring his friend. Seina is there any one else you would like to bring?"
seina thought a bit and remembered Miki and her teammates, but Seina shook his head a little and erased that memory. That would be too difficult an invitation.
"... I got nothing."
"Well, how about Hakuren's group?"
"Oh that would be nice."
"Then who else we still have 10 spots left?"
"Kiriko don't you have any family you can bring"
"Uh....... I... Uh....."
"Oh what about Tenchi?"
"Well, that's nice of you... but I'm sorry I can't ... thank you for the invite .... please have fun with everyone." Tenchi said as he quickly hung up.
"I'm sorry Sorry to say that would be impossible. "
Minaho reflected on another monitor later.
"I'll go!"
Airi butted in behind her
"Ha ha ... that's funny, you can't you're going to see Tenchi!" Minaho said
"Sorry, but i'm going to be busy."
"Tenchi said he would be busy with Field work he can't be away from the house for two weeks"
----------- It's been a year since seina left. so it's summer again remember how he was harvesting carrots in ova 3? happens every year obviously.... interesting how kajishima keeps that in mind he must keep one hell of a timeline for reference------
"Oh ... .... right... it's summer on the Earth."
"It can't be helped, let's just go with the Kamidake staff this time."Kiriko said
"Oh what about Tennyo."
"Fine... I will ask Tennyo,"but no one else was available.
Seto and Washu were still there but Airi and Mikami had left . That's because they didn't want the other two know what they were talking about.
"Is it true that Tarrant is alive and they found him?"
"As i suspected the power source of his ship was a replica of my jewels, if that wasn't the case he wouldn't have been so lucky... or hard to find."
"Indeed ... ... its amazing he's even alive ... ...."
When Daedalus was destroyed, the defense instinct that had been programmed in the jewel replica was activated and it escaped with Tarrant. that being the case the thing surrounding the replica must have been completely destroyed
Washu displayed a monitor with coordinates before Seto.
"Hmm ...I don't think this is Tarrant's base, it's not in any of the predicted co-ordinate ranges."
"Then it must be the Big Daruma"
"... do you think you can find it's location from the energy output by the gem."
"No it's a low power knock off even for a replica, to detect it, it would have to be in one place for over 900 hours"
"And the big daruma is always moving... ...that's unfortunate."
"well ... my report is over I leave the rest to you.... Seto." Washu got up and left
Shortly after Seina was released from Airi's secret laboratory, they gathered in a breifing room
an image of Imuim was displayed
"...... The official name is Jurai Resource Planet No. 17. Commonly known as imuim .... it's a popular vacation resort too."
"Its mostly an aquatic planet, we will be staying on the main island."
"Why do they even call that the main island."
It was a small sandy island only about twenty meters where lots of trees grew.
"That's main island?"

(Imuium in the 5 seconds we see it in the anime version ep 18 17:38 in... because Nabeshin cut the entire plot for a seiryo episode.)
From that picture Seina instantly judged it to be a dangerous place.
"That's a huge tree... "
The tree growing from the island seems to be a broadleaf tree from the earth, it didn't seem native to the ares. Moreover, the tree had a tree house built in it
"Actually it's native it evolved from the seaweed on the planet"
"From sea weed?"
"These tree's take in water and absorb salts and minerals and make fresh water. "
"Wow .. .how unusual doesn't the salt hurt the plant?"
"I don't know it works on the Earth, but Imim and Jurai have a lot of plants that use salt as a nutrients, so it actually eats the salt and outputs the excess water as waste."
"Kenneth said Imium was like a special paradise ... but it's not that great looking ... I mean it a beautiful place... but..."
"The island can only fit a few people on it so it's a surprisingly hard to get tickets to go there. "
"Did Kenneth get a fake ticket?"
"Yeah... as usual he was being kind of stupid."
"... Well, its hard to visit and so it's got some odd rumors about it..."
Later on Amane talked with Kiriko
"But Kiriko ... you know why it has those rumors... don't you?
"They sat the water discharged from that tree and the aroma components contained in the sap act on the body and mind, giving visitors a relaxing effect and a feeling of euphoria."
---------End of chapter----------