3 "The Melancholy of Rogues"
"Tarrant's survival was confirmed."
"It seems that the Daedalus was sunk but he got away."
"What happened to him! How did he escape!?"
Nakita was leaking the news about tarrant to a room of shadowy masterminds.
"Well, where is he now?"
"Perhaps the Big · Daruma ... ... but there's something more important then that to discuss."Nakita displayed some data before each of the shadows.
"Oh!! ...... Is this a fact !?"
"Okay, Nakita!we should work on getting the Kamidake right away ... ...."
"Please wait! We can do that at any time, but how are you going to use it if you do?"
"How do we use it?"
"Hum ... ... as Nakita said, it seems that ship is quite difficult to handle, no matter how high the performance it is, even if we analyse the technology we can't make the best use of it without the living computer unit."
"Wlso Jurai, the GP, other forces won't remain silent if we do it now, it would be dumb to move now."
"So this information is very useful." Nakita said
"How about instead we work on building a fleet with Daedalus's technology? For us, Daedalus's technology is more useful."
"Are you sure we can't use the Kamidake?"
"According to Kiriko's report, if we don't use the computer unit it the ship can't even hope to reach its peak capabilities."
"Can't we make copies?"
"We would need Tarrants team to analyze and duplicate the Kamidake,other wise as far as I know it's impossible."
"There's no doubt that it will take at least a considerable amount of time."
"There's no doubt this defeat of his will destroy his position within the Daruma Guild."
"Do we even need the Kamidake, it may be possible to do this with just the Daedalus schematics alone."
"A fleet composed of Daedalus ... not a bad idea, as long as things go well ..."
"uhuhhu ... ... I think we should get the Daedalus' data, and keep an eye on the Kamidake. We should carefully choose when and how to move on that."
"Yes, Fuhuhuhu ... ...."
The rumors of Tarrant also spread quickly among the Space Pirates.
"Have you seen Tarrant's head?"A pirate talked to Gazura
"He's lucky he's alive."
"I guess, but he's lost all of his charisma and influence. Of course he still has some fanatic followers...... but there's no way he's going to ever be as powerful as he was before. "
"To be honest, you could say that about all Space Pirates right now ... .... I heard a rumor that the experimental fleet was destroyed."
"Hmm ... ... It seems that the Daruma Guild is certainly loosing it's power I head they got an offer for help from the pirate guilds in Renza."
"Are you serious? The robot-using guys are histerical! They think they can take them down using those inefficient gigantic weapons of theirs , how embarrassing, that's suicide."
"They treat those robots ... Well, like its some kind of religion, even the guys who normally use regular ships."
"Religion hey ... ... there kind of like idols, so you might not be wrong."
"You can't discount their power, I saw an old documentary, one caused heavy earthquakes when it showed up."
"It's a rumor that some of them are comparable to Juraian royal ships, maybe we shouldn't brush off using them to shield us from the federation just yet."
"Yeah but you don't want to have to face both the Galactic and Renza federations at once do you?"
"That would be a pain."
"We still have a lot of power.... so I don't think it'll be an issue just yet."
"But, looking at it objectively we've lost a lot of great guilds if feels like we're witnessing the decline of the Space Pirates."
"... ............ That may be so..."
At that time, a sound rang out ant Gazura's conversation was interrupted. Gazura hurriedly took a seat and put up a secret wall.
Suddenly Kururuka · Pandora appeared on screen .
As soon as Kururuka confirmed the face of Gazura, she backed away from the monitor. A bit confused Ian · Northern was sitting behind her.
Gazura was told by Ian Northern that the Tennan Corporation has stuck a deal with the Daruma guild to produce lucky objects for their fleet.
"...... I see ... but what about the Galactic Federation and the GP? How will the Tennan conglomerate hide such a deal? Are they cutting ties with the federation?"
"Informally the contract has been acknowledged by Jurai and Seniwa."
"What? Are they up to something funny? They're famous for being odd you know... Komachi has had Mr. Tennan's son held hostage but all that's happened while negotiating his release is that our negotiators have been driven neurotic. Three of them quit!"
"Well the Tennan's are a special case in the law... it's almost a joke really ... but I know it's a fact, I have an informant working directly with Jurai. "
Ian was confident. The source of the information was Ringo.
Gazura cut communications and got to thinking about the Shank family.
"... ... ... ... That old man... I wonder how he's doing."
He remembered the mechanics of the Shank family.
Tarrant's immediate family, Radi, Aru, ext were all known for being scummy, but the majority of the Shank family had common sense. Especially the mechanics who interacted with Gazura.
Gazura remembered the old man who had lead the mechanics.
"That old man ... ... Maybe I should visit him"
"Oh the old man who leads the Shank mechanics? He sure is skilled. I hear he's busy taking care of his granddaughter these days... Her name's dird right? "
Grandchild was a bit of a misnomer, but she was definitely his descendant in one way or another.
"Oh, yeah, that cute girl with brown skin and the Shank family's unique silver hair, ... ..."
Gazura knew Tarrant had no mercy for failures. Especially with family members.
Gazura closed his eyes and prayed for the future safety of the old man and Dird.
------From paradise war.-----
"This is an overview of the fleet's annihilation." Members of the da Ruma supreme executive committee gathered at the round table.
"... Is there a guarantee that this information is correct? "
"The" Fortune fleet "is top secret for us, but it is not so for our opponent."
"This is consistent with the testimony from the fortune fleet and the crew members who returned safely."
"The problem is what do we do with the fortune fleet plan in the future, do we proceed as is or do we review the plan ..."
"Review, what can we change besides abandoning the plan?"One of the executives stood up and shouted.
"What are we going to do about Seina Yamada? We need to decide whether to avoid him all together or to kill him and change our plan accordingly."
"It's probably better to concentrate on Seina Yamada, so we should proceed to increase production of luck fleets as planned."
"But even with a million fleets with Seina Yamada's power we can't avoid encountering him, and once we encounter him we will be most surely annihilated."
"... ... How miserable" Daruma muttered
"What is that you're saying Daruma?"
"What a miserable situation!"He banged his fist on the table.
"It's unthinkable that we are cowering over what a single child might do to us! This is absolutely incomprehensible!
"We are ... ... Space Pirates ! We're those who seek freedom! Even it's agaisnt Jurai or Seniwa , we never back down from a fight, we never fear, we're not afraid! We fought to gain our freedom! They came to ridicule us and call us Space Pirate! But we thought that title an honor, and we called ourself Space Pirates confidently ... but what about the situation now? We're in absolute fear, over what! Seina Yamada , who is fighting with his power alone. "
"Some of the Space Pirates are sympathetic to Seina Yamada ... ... and there are rumors that ship of his is the sister ship to the legendary " Ryo-Ohki " "
"It is certainly not enough to break the Daruma guild's backbone yet, but it's also a fact that he is too dangerous an opponent to ignore!"
"So we should go right for Seina?"
"If we assassinate that one child, they are as good as defeated!"
"But we've failed time and time again, his assassination attempts only lead to a massive loss of valuable staff ... ... even the first luck fleet."
" ... ... and what is the status of the new fleet flagship?"
"The basic design has been completed, but will it matter as long as our opponent is Seina Yamada ... ...."
"What about the Kamidake? ..."
"We'll have to defeat the Kamidake with luck alone, even if the performance of this ship itself isn't high, we must make our fortunate situation even better."
"Maybe Tarrant will give us his technology."
"Oh The Daedalus! Then it'll no problem in terms of performance .... But will he hand that over smoothly ..."
"He has no where to go right now but the Guild, Jurai is after him, he cant go back to his base, he must to fulfill his obligation as a guild member."
"... ... Indeed, if we had the schematics of the Daedalus, the remaining problems is merely collecting rare lucky goods and lucky crew members ..."
"With our recent arrangement with the Tennan conglomerate for rare lucky goods, that's no longer a problem"
"Then the problem is personnel selection we must be careful with who we let on board."
"Seina Yamada ...... Lorelai Seina is not enough to send just any human resources."
"But considering the probability fluctuation values of the occupants of the lost fortune fleet, I wonder whether now it's even possible to fight Seina, do we have enough lucky personel left ..."
"We must have even better luck then Seina Yamada! If we're short on Space Pirate, we can recruit from any where else possibe, recruit prisoners if you have to! Whatever hands you can find, create the ultimate luck!"
Seiryo and Alan were bonding in their prison cells in the big Daruma.
Alan tried to convince Seiryo to pay for his ransom when he got out. He insisted he pay just his so he could pay him back and then pay for the other two to get out. Obviously he was trying to pull a con.
"... ... OK, consider it as good as done! I'll be glad to do you the favor!"
"Thank you! Truly you're the man!" Komachi was watching Alan's people with a smile
"Go back to your own cells!"
The three idiots scattered like roaches and ran to the transfer pad that warped them back to their own cell.
"I'll tell you once more just to be clear, they're not hostages, and there's no ransom for them." Komachi told Seiryo after they left
"Well then, can they go home soon?"
"I've been asked to keep them here for a while."
"You sure?"
".... you know they were trying to deceive you right?" Komachi said
" I don't blame them, unlike me, they can't handle being in such a dreadful place."
"Hey, what are you implying! You don't have to be in this prison, I gave you a choice and you chose to stay here." Currently Seiryo wasn't a hostage. He didn't have to stay in prison.
"I will not accept hospitality from your kind... and it's kind of comfortable here, you get used to it ..."
"Fine... you're a free man ... oh yeah, here, you're getting a call from your family ..."
A monitor for communication was launched in front of Seiryo.
"This is Seiryo? Are you doing well?I hope father and mother are doing fine. "
A middle - aged man on the monitor had a look that looked exactly like Seiryo if he got old and fatter.
"Both father and mother are fine and healthy, I am fine too, ha ha!"
" .....Seiryo! The reason I contacted you this time is we have established a commercial transaction between our company and the Daruma Guild! "
"What !?"
"Our company will handle all the business negotiations and distribution between The Galactic Federation and the Daruma Guild. This is thanks to you being hostage. Gahahahaha ~ ~ ~ !! 」
"Oh, congratulations! landing the Daruma Guild account is the same as monopolizing a transaction with a major country."
"That'strue! According to the calculated result, it is the largest deal we've ever struck, in fact it now accounts for 20% of the annual sales of the Tennan Conglomerate! Someday we will fill the entire galaxy with the products of our company! Gahahaha! "
"Ah ha ha!"
Komachi distorted her face at the stupid laughter of the two.
"... So... we want you to negotiate with Daruma." Seiryo's father turned around, tightened his expression, he said so with a serious look.
"Just do it my son."
"I refuse."
"What do you mean? "
"My father! I'm a proud member of the GP, I can't consort with space pirates!"
"But didn't you become friends with one of the space pirates? "
"I just wanted ti sway things with the space pirate in my favor! It was strategy!"
"It's amazingly dumb of you to declare that in front of me."
Far from being angry, Komachi felt like crying.She punched the wall to clear her feelings
"Ha ha ha! Yeah, that's right!"
"Well ... .... Daruma is now our client! and that's it. " Seiryos father butted in.
"Oh ...!" Seiryo was shocked by his father's word.
"That's it! We must be good to our customers! "
"ughhh .... It can't be helped the customer is god!"
"Exactly! "
"I understand! I, Seiryo, will make every effort to make the client satisfied."Seiryo began to laugh and Komachi was rapidly growing impatient as she held back the urge to punch him.
----------End of chapter---------

"Tarrant's survival was confirmed."
"It seems that the Daedalus was sunk but he got away."
"What happened to him! How did he escape!?"
Nakita was leaking the news about tarrant to a room of shadowy masterminds.
"Well, where is he now?"
"Perhaps the Big · Daruma ... ... but there's something more important then that to discuss."Nakita displayed some data before each of the shadows.
"Oh!! ...... Is this a fact !?"
"Okay, Nakita!we should work on getting the Kamidake right away ... ...."
"Please wait! We can do that at any time, but how are you going to use it if you do?"
"How do we use it?"
"Hum ... ... as Nakita said, it seems that ship is quite difficult to handle, no matter how high the performance it is, even if we analyse the technology we can't make the best use of it without the living computer unit."
"Wlso Jurai, the GP, other forces won't remain silent if we do it now, it would be dumb to move now."
"So this information is very useful." Nakita said
"How about instead we work on building a fleet with Daedalus's technology? For us, Daedalus's technology is more useful."
"Are you sure we can't use the Kamidake?"
"According to Kiriko's report, if we don't use the computer unit it the ship can't even hope to reach its peak capabilities."
"Can't we make copies?"
"We would need Tarrants team to analyze and duplicate the Kamidake,other wise as far as I know it's impossible."
"There's no doubt that it will take at least a considerable amount of time."
"There's no doubt this defeat of his will destroy his position within the Daruma Guild."
"Do we even need the Kamidake, it may be possible to do this with just the Daedalus schematics alone."
"A fleet composed of Daedalus ... not a bad idea, as long as things go well ..."
"uhuhhu ... ... I think we should get the Daedalus' data, and keep an eye on the Kamidake. We should carefully choose when and how to move on that."
"Yes, Fuhuhuhu ... ...."
The rumors of Tarrant also spread quickly among the Space Pirates.
"Have you seen Tarrant's head?"A pirate talked to Gazura
"He's lucky he's alive."
"I guess, but he's lost all of his charisma and influence. Of course he still has some fanatic followers...... but there's no way he's going to ever be as powerful as he was before. "
"To be honest, you could say that about all Space Pirates right now ... .... I heard a rumor that the experimental fleet was destroyed."
"Hmm ... ... It seems that the Daruma Guild is certainly loosing it's power I head they got an offer for help from the pirate guilds in Renza."
"Are you serious? The robot-using guys are histerical! They think they can take them down using those inefficient gigantic weapons of theirs , how embarrassing, that's suicide."
"They treat those robots ... Well, like its some kind of religion, even the guys who normally use regular ships."
"Religion hey ... ... there kind of like idols, so you might not be wrong."
"You can't discount their power, I saw an old documentary, one caused heavy earthquakes when it showed up."
"It's a rumor that some of them are comparable to Juraian royal ships, maybe we shouldn't brush off using them to shield us from the federation just yet."
"Yeah but you don't want to have to face both the Galactic and Renza federations at once do you?"
"That would be a pain."
"We still have a lot of power.... so I don't think it'll be an issue just yet."
"But, looking at it objectively we've lost a lot of great guilds if feels like we're witnessing the decline of the Space Pirates."
"... ............ That may be so..."
At that time, a sound rang out ant Gazura's conversation was interrupted. Gazura hurriedly took a seat and put up a secret wall.
Suddenly Kururuka · Pandora appeared on screen .
As soon as Kururuka confirmed the face of Gazura, she backed away from the monitor. A bit confused Ian · Northern was sitting behind her.
Gazura was told by Ian Northern that the Tennan Corporation has stuck a deal with the Daruma guild to produce lucky objects for their fleet.
"...... I see ... but what about the Galactic Federation and the GP? How will the Tennan conglomerate hide such a deal? Are they cutting ties with the federation?"
"Informally the contract has been acknowledged by Jurai and Seniwa."
"What? Are they up to something funny? They're famous for being odd you know... Komachi has had Mr. Tennan's son held hostage but all that's happened while negotiating his release is that our negotiators have been driven neurotic. Three of them quit!"
"Well the Tennan's are a special case in the law... it's almost a joke really ... but I know it's a fact, I have an informant working directly with Jurai. "
Ian was confident. The source of the information was Ringo.
Gazura cut communications and got to thinking about the Shank family.
"... ... ... ... That old man... I wonder how he's doing."
He remembered the mechanics of the Shank family.
Tarrant's immediate family, Radi, Aru, ext were all known for being scummy, but the majority of the Shank family had common sense. Especially the mechanics who interacted with Gazura.
Gazura remembered the old man who had lead the mechanics.
"That old man ... ... Maybe I should visit him"
"Oh the old man who leads the Shank mechanics? He sure is skilled. I hear he's busy taking care of his granddaughter these days... Her name's dird right? "
Grandchild was a bit of a misnomer, but she was definitely his descendant in one way or another.
"Oh, yeah, that cute girl with brown skin and the Shank family's unique silver hair, ... ..."
Gazura knew Tarrant had no mercy for failures. Especially with family members.
Gazura closed his eyes and prayed for the future safety of the old man and Dird.
------From paradise war.-----
"This is an overview of the fleet's annihilation." Members of the da Ruma supreme executive committee gathered at the round table.
"... Is there a guarantee that this information is correct? "
"The" Fortune fleet "is top secret for us, but it is not so for our opponent."
"This is consistent with the testimony from the fortune fleet and the crew members who returned safely."
"The problem is what do we do with the fortune fleet plan in the future, do we proceed as is or do we review the plan ..."
"Review, what can we change besides abandoning the plan?"One of the executives stood up and shouted.
"What are we going to do about Seina Yamada? We need to decide whether to avoid him all together or to kill him and change our plan accordingly."
"It's probably better to concentrate on Seina Yamada, so we should proceed to increase production of luck fleets as planned."
"But even with a million fleets with Seina Yamada's power we can't avoid encountering him, and once we encounter him we will be most surely annihilated."
"... ... How miserable" Daruma muttered
"What is that you're saying Daruma?"
"What a miserable situation!"He banged his fist on the table.
"It's unthinkable that we are cowering over what a single child might do to us! This is absolutely incomprehensible!
"We are ... ... Space Pirates ! We're those who seek freedom! Even it's agaisnt Jurai or Seniwa , we never back down from a fight, we never fear, we're not afraid! We fought to gain our freedom! They came to ridicule us and call us Space Pirate! But we thought that title an honor, and we called ourself Space Pirates confidently ... but what about the situation now? We're in absolute fear, over what! Seina Yamada , who is fighting with his power alone. "
"Some of the Space Pirates are sympathetic to Seina Yamada ... ... and there are rumors that ship of his is the sister ship to the legendary " Ryo-Ohki " "
"It is certainly not enough to break the Daruma guild's backbone yet, but it's also a fact that he is too dangerous an opponent to ignore!"
"So we should go right for Seina?"
"If we assassinate that one child, they are as good as defeated!"
"But we've failed time and time again, his assassination attempts only lead to a massive loss of valuable staff ... ... even the first luck fleet."
" ... ... and what is the status of the new fleet flagship?"
"The basic design has been completed, but will it matter as long as our opponent is Seina Yamada ... ...."
"What about the Kamidake? ..."
"We'll have to defeat the Kamidake with luck alone, even if the performance of this ship itself isn't high, we must make our fortunate situation even better."
"Maybe Tarrant will give us his technology."
"Oh The Daedalus! Then it'll no problem in terms of performance .... But will he hand that over smoothly ..."
"He has no where to go right now but the Guild, Jurai is after him, he cant go back to his base, he must to fulfill his obligation as a guild member."
"... ... Indeed, if we had the schematics of the Daedalus, the remaining problems is merely collecting rare lucky goods and lucky crew members ..."
"With our recent arrangement with the Tennan conglomerate for rare lucky goods, that's no longer a problem"
"Then the problem is personnel selection we must be careful with who we let on board."
"Seina Yamada ...... Lorelai Seina is not enough to send just any human resources."
"But considering the probability fluctuation values of the occupants of the lost fortune fleet, I wonder whether now it's even possible to fight Seina, do we have enough lucky personel left ..."
"We must have even better luck then Seina Yamada! If we're short on Space Pirate, we can recruit from any where else possibe, recruit prisoners if you have to! Whatever hands you can find, create the ultimate luck!"
Seiryo and Alan were bonding in their prison cells in the big Daruma.
Alan tried to convince Seiryo to pay for his ransom when he got out. He insisted he pay just his so he could pay him back and then pay for the other two to get out. Obviously he was trying to pull a con.
"... ... OK, consider it as good as done! I'll be glad to do you the favor!"
"Thank you! Truly you're the man!" Komachi was watching Alan's people with a smile
"Go back to your own cells!"
The three idiots scattered like roaches and ran to the transfer pad that warped them back to their own cell.
"I'll tell you once more just to be clear, they're not hostages, and there's no ransom for them." Komachi told Seiryo after they left
"Well then, can they go home soon?"
"I've been asked to keep them here for a while."
"You sure?"
".... you know they were trying to deceive you right?" Komachi said
" I don't blame them, unlike me, they can't handle being in such a dreadful place."
"Hey, what are you implying! You don't have to be in this prison, I gave you a choice and you chose to stay here." Currently Seiryo wasn't a hostage. He didn't have to stay in prison.
"I will not accept hospitality from your kind... and it's kind of comfortable here, you get used to it ..."
"Fine... you're a free man ... oh yeah, here, you're getting a call from your family ..."
A monitor for communication was launched in front of Seiryo.
"This is Seiryo? Are you doing well?I hope father and mother are doing fine. "
A middle - aged man on the monitor had a look that looked exactly like Seiryo if he got old and fatter.
"Both father and mother are fine and healthy, I am fine too, ha ha!"
" .....Seiryo! The reason I contacted you this time is we have established a commercial transaction between our company and the Daruma Guild! "
"What !?"
"Our company will handle all the business negotiations and distribution between The Galactic Federation and the Daruma Guild. This is thanks to you being hostage. Gahahahaha ~ ~ ~ !! 」
"Oh, congratulations! landing the Daruma Guild account is the same as monopolizing a transaction with a major country."
"That'strue! According to the calculated result, it is the largest deal we've ever struck, in fact it now accounts for 20% of the annual sales of the Tennan Conglomerate! Someday we will fill the entire galaxy with the products of our company! Gahahaha! "
"Ah ha ha!"
Komachi distorted her face at the stupid laughter of the two.
"... So... we want you to negotiate with Daruma." Seiryo's father turned around, tightened his expression, he said so with a serious look.
"Just do it my son."
"I refuse."
"What do you mean? "
"My father! I'm a proud member of the GP, I can't consort with space pirates!"
"But didn't you become friends with one of the space pirates? "
"I just wanted ti sway things with the space pirate in my favor! It was strategy!"
"It's amazingly dumb of you to declare that in front of me."
Far from being angry, Komachi felt like crying.She punched the wall to clear her feelings
"Ha ha ha! Yeah, that's right!"
"Well ... .... Daruma is now our client! and that's it. " Seiryos father butted in.
"Oh ...!" Seiryo was shocked by his father's word.
"That's it! We must be good to our customers! "
"ughhh .... It can't be helped the customer is god!"
"Exactly! "
"I understand! I, Seiryo, will make every effort to make the client satisfied."Seiryo began to laugh and Komachi was rapidly growing impatient as she held back the urge to punch him.
----------End of chapter---------