10 "Interview / unexpected disturbance"

"Don't you think you should go look for more good luck items?"
Komachi asked Seiryo
"Really? do you think so... why Komachi!"
"Do I really have to explain why? The quality of the lucky goods is worse than I thought, there are a few lucky items, but not nearly enough. "
"Well, that's a problem ..."
"Then go out and find more!"
"I guess there's no choice but to go."
"Can't we just buy more?" Alan tried to weasel his way out.
"Don'tt be foolish, we're going on a mission. The higher the risk the higher the reward!"
That being said... Seiryo was practically a cyborg he was practically invulnerable.
The others, not so much.
─── Interview · For Hakuren and Suiren ───
"Thank you for your time today." Hakuren bowed graciously and smiled.
"I always see you together with the others, it feels a bit strange to talk to you one on one."
"Is that so? It feels the same to me, it that how you see me though?"
"What do you mean...?"
"How do you talk with Seto-sama, Mikami-sama, and Ringo-sama? how is that different the how you talk to me?"
"............" With Seto, Mikami, Ringo there were clearly much more formal boundaries, but with Hakuren he was much closer. they had been together since he had first came into outer space.
"I'm sorry that I always inconvenience you ... ...."
"That's all? I'm not taking about how you see me as person, what do you think of me as a woman?"
"Well, that's ... .... uhm... Well... you're fun to work with and a good leader, you're not nagging but you're tough when it comes to making sure things get done, you do your job very well and I appreciate it ..."
"But how do you think of me as a woman?"
"Uhm, uh ... ...I... ... well.... you're a very attractive person ... ...!"
At that time, Seina remembered the first time he met Hakuren. when she got caught up in Seina's luck and fell in the water, when she was wet, and took off her top to give it to him. Although now she was in swimwear under a robe, somehow her costume which was similar to that time reminded him vividly of that memory.
"I'm happy to hear that. To be honest, we've been with you since the beginning, but you've never made any advances on us, so I thought you found us unattractive."
"Wait a moment! ... ... I don't what you mean by that ......"
"I mean that ... ...."
"No! Of course I understand the meaning of your words, but I don't know why you would say such a thing ... ... because it's not like you and I are going out with each other Hakuren ... ...."
"Do you want to be with me?"
"That's not the case! It's just, It's not worth it ... ... I am not qualified for such things."
"Because of your bad luck?"
"Of course, of course, I was asked by Seto-sama, Mikami-sama and Ringo-sama, about this but it has always caused inconveniences to my family and the surrounding people, so I've thought about it for a long time. Of course I know I need such things, but when I think how it would effect those I'm together with. I don't have that luxury ... More than that ... I don't have that choice."
─ ─ ─ ─ Pow!
There was a Pain in Seina 's head. it was quite painful.
"……………YOU IDIOT!"
Hakuren shed large tears from her eyes as she stood staring at Seina. Then, she became shy, looked at her red hand, and clasped it.
"……I'm sorry."Hakuren got up and heel turned and began to walk out of the room.
"..............." If he hadn't been bio-enhanced that blow would have shattered all his teeth.
He understood that his remarks had offended her, but to be honest, he do not know why they angered her so much. However, his heart ached beyond the pain of his head. The reason why was not clear, but at least it made him worry about the woman who was worried about letting herself cry in front of him.
"Hakuren-san, .................."He walked a couple of steps forward to catch up to her,but stopped short of her.
─ ─ Why am I trying to prevent her from leaving when I don't even know what she is angry about?
Although there was an option to just chase after her apologizing, Hakuren wouldn't be be convinced by his apology and he new it... so he sat back down. An apology was meaningless if he didn't understand Hakuren 's feelings.
He thought about it for about 30 minutes,but just got more confused. In front of him another girl appeared ......,
"……Good evening"
Suiren was standing with Fuku. she surprised him.
"Uhm, what's wrong, Hakuren why are you back so early!?"
Hakuren came home to the tree house crying which alarmed the others.
Hakuren went to bed and said nothing, further everyone's confusion.
"No way, do you think Seina did something to her..."
"There's no way!"
"Well this is Imium, maybe Seina couldn't bear it any longer?"
"I'm surprised that he would do something to Hakuren-chan, but maybe the effect came on him too strong?"
"Don't say such a thing Seto! I believe in Seina!"
"Believing is a wonderful word, but you're belief is my victory."
"Whaaa.... what do you mean !?"
"Although you say Seina isn't an adult yet, he's not a child, children have difficulty with physiological control, and we are in the environment called Imuim, that is, he's a wolf who who has been made hungry. It would be impossible for you to say that a child could endure such an environment where unprotected sheep roam unprotected, but if he can control it, well that's his role as an adult ... and dare I say it... that would normally be your role. "
"I wouldn't have to take on that role seto if you would stop subjecting him to such stimuli."
"Weren't you going to take on that role"
"Well, I thought I was going to be able.... I thought that he would need such a thing, so if it came to that I had an antidote to the aroma made ... why?"
"Oh... ... so you weren't serious about what you said? You're a terrible friend."
"It was just an obvious measure to take!"
"I thought you would do such a thing, so... sorry but the medicine that you tried to sneak in to further your hidden agenda was been replaced when the baggage inspection was conducted."
"Wow ... you are really awful you know that"
"how could you do that ... ..."
"Ho ho ho ho ho ho" They glared at each other and sparks flew.
"... ... Please calm down, both of you."
Kiriko and Seto flew at each other but stopped when Suiren holding Fuku stood between them unexpectedly. There had been no sign of her approaching, it seemed like she had just suddenly appeared in front of their eyes.
"Ms. Seto I know we made arangements already, but I'll be going to stay with Seina tonight, Kiriko, Hakuren's is just over thinking things on a runaway loop as usual, don't worry."
"............ " They nodded while staying frozen mid fight.
"Since I'll be staying with Seina all night, I'll bring Fuku-chan with me."Suiren said and she went down the stairs like a ghost.
" .................. Huh? " Two understood the meaning of Suiren's words after Suiren's footsteps were no longer heard downstairs.
"Wait a moment! Suiren !!"
"Wait no! This is good!" Seto came to hold back Kiriko who was trying to run down the stairs.
"Don't get in Suiren's way, Kiriko-chan, nothing bad is going to happen."
"But she's not coming home tonight! That means there going to spend the night together! Seina-chan and Suiren, together! Sll night ..."
"That's a good thing,we should celebrate. let's make Sekihan! (red rice and beans made for celebratory occasions)"
"Mikami-sama! Shouldn't you stop this situation as an educator !?"
"If you like I can go bring them some contraception."
"Actually depending on how things went I was also supposed to stay overnight" Ringo said
Kiriko froze with her mouth open. However, she recovered quickly, and glared at Ringo
"Ms. Ringo! How could you do such a thing!"
"Actually I kind of wish I had done it after all."
"Oh Ringo-chan, what a bold remark."
"...... but, you, He, I !? Ringo-sama!"
" Kiriko wait until your turn, and my words will make more sense then and you can judge what I mean then." Ringo put her face close to Kiriko's
"He's all right, she took Fuku-chan with her remember, I also don't think that Suiren feels that way about him."She whispered. Of course it goes without saying that Kiriko was still frozen in place.
"Good evening, I'm sorry to bother you, am I bothering you?"
"... ... Uhm.."
Seina was embarrassed by the unusually talkative Suiren, Fuku jumped out of her arms and came to Seina.
"Is everything alright with Hakuren? I uhm... I think I made her angry...."
"There was a huge fuss back at the tree house over why Hakuren was crying, but there's no need for you to worry too much, half of it was due to her usual runaway thinking."
"... What about the other half?"
"The other half was because of you Seina."
"Oh ... oh.... sorry, I'm sorry."
"Have you understood the reason why she was crying yet?"
"Because I think I said something she thought was wrong ... I think that there's no other choice though despite what she might think... ...!"
"I'd like to confirm something for a moment, Seina do you like men or women or both?"
"And do you like adults, older women, younger girls, little girls, or young people your own age?"
"I like ordinary adult women ... ... and of course girls the same age as me ... but ... Why are you asking that?"
"So what about me? 1, I like you. 2, I do not like you. 3, I do not care."
It was almost like a quiz question.
"What kind of question is that !?"
"When I came here, I declared to Seto" I won't return to the tree house tonight. "That means that means I'll be here all night and all the next day."
"If you wish I can stay further, I would be happy if you would slept with me."
".................." Seina had not anticipated such a move from Suiren.
"If you're worried because you're virgin, well I am too, but I have received training for when the time comes, so I understand the procedure."
"What are you saying! ... ... Ahhh! Of course I can understand the meaning of the words you're saying, but where did these intentions come from ... ... and why did you bring Fuku into this."
Seina lifted up Fuku as a shield.
"Of course we'll do it after Fuku-chan had gone to bed."
"No, that's not the issue ..."
"If you are disgusted by the idea, I don't intend to force you ... ... but the shock is too much to bear, I might commit suicide and toss myself into the sea."
"Don't say that, stop it! Are you kidding !?"
"I'm serious,and of course Hakuren, and surely Karen ... ... and definitely Gyokuren would do the same."
"... ...Are you just frustrated or what?"
"Yes, I'm frustrated and I'm dissatisfied. I'm dissatisfied with the desire to slap you, I can understand why Hakuren hit you Seina."
"I'm Sorry, I'm sorry ... but why ... ...."
"Can't you believe our words? The time we have served you Seina has been short, but the events that we've been through during that time have been the most dense and rich part of our lives since we were born. Don't you believe my words when I say you are loved?"
"............" To Suiren 's sincere expression, Seina finally had nothing at all to say.
"Hakuren may have gotten ahead of herself, but her feelings should be the same as mine."
"... .... I'm sorry, I didn't notice at all, I'm really happy that you think of me in that way ... ... but ..."
"There's no need to make a conclusion right now, we're aware of how living with this probability bias has affected you, but I wanted you to know the meaning of why hakuren was angry at you. "
"I see ...... Very well, I understand."
It was impossible to have any more misunderstandings, to make any refutations and to refuse to believe their feelings any longer.
Honestly, he was puzzled, but he was also happy. So happy he was about to cry.
"Thank you, we're not children, we understand what our choice means and we're prepared for it.While we can't affirm that we won't regret our choice in the future, Nevertheless ... right now we have no regrets on our choice. " Suiren said Seina stood up and he bowed to Suiren.
"I am tired from talking so I will go back to being quiet for today, but are you sure you don't want to take me up on my offer?"
"Oh ... ... that ... .... It is a very attractive offer, but I also want to think about it for a bit ... I'm so sorry."
"That's disappointing, well... please have a good rest and think about it for a while."
Suiren stood up and bowed, she waved to Fuku and Fuku waved back
Seina hastily pursued Suiren, to confirm that Suiren did not head towards the sea to kill herself. She went back to the tree house properly and he sighed in relief.
Kiriko noticed suiren the next morning.
"Suu, Suiren !?"
"Good morning Kiriko, did you party hard last night?"
"Suiren ... ... did you come back early?"
"Yes?" Suiren leaned her head curiously.
Breakfast was set by Seto Mikami, and Ringo.
Kiriko's team was distracted and unable to help.
"They're sure uptight, it's a pity."
"I'd rather enjoy this weather then obsess over what happened with suiren."
"Ho ho, maybe it was a mistake to send her in overnight?"
"Suiren was also surprised when I mentioned the idea ... ... but she was eager to do it."
"I feel like her personality has changed... she's become rather bold lately, did something happen to her on Earth?"
"Washu,she made a brief adjustment to her bioenhancement, so it would become stable, I think though it might just be the aroma effect."
"Even so, she dropped an outrageous bomb on Seina, didn't she?"
"Maybe that was due to his luck? ...This situation could get fun."
Seto and Mikami glanced from the kitchen, they looked out at the situation brewing with Kiriko's team.
"I was told when Suiren came home .... but to be honest, I didn't notice her at all."
Amane said, Ryoko nodded
"How about you three?" they asked Karen
"We don't know when she came back either, we didn't notice anything, I just woke up to find Kiriko and Suiren talking already ... ... "
While saying that, Karen looked at the tree house. Suiren and Hakuren were still in the tree house where where grooming themselves for the day. Suiren was helping Hakuren who who was still dragging behind from the shock of yesterday.
"Why? should I ask Suiren directly why she came back early?" Gyokuren said while curiously reading a book.
"I have! But she won't answer, neither with Seto -sama and Mikami-sama... it's not like I'm asking something top secret!"
"Well then, you should just ask Seina." Amane said, all eyes other than Gyokuren were directed to Kiriko.
"............ Why me!"
"Naturally it should be you, since you say you're Seina's guardian all the time."
"Even so! To ask Seina-chan Such a thing ... ..."
"Well, it's definitely something that could be hard to hear ..."
"If you know anything about what happened to Seina and it's bad I'll never forgive you!"
"Oh speak of the devil... Seina's coming over!" Amane said as she diverted her eyes.
Seina greeted them
"Good morning ... ... Um, is Ms. Hakuren?" Seina glanced at her a bit awkwardly.
"She is in the tree house, if you want to talk, I think that she won't be coming out for a while so please go get her." Kiriko calmly said smiling falsely
"... .... Oh I see... Yes..."
Seina headed for the tree house to escape from the tension he felt there.
Kiriko watched him head off and as soon as he was gone she breathed a big breath as if she had been under water the whole time .
"Ah!" Suiren came out of the house. Seina saw her and he jumped back about one meter and froze in an upright position. his face was bright red and sweat started to flow like a waterfall from it. But Suiren just smiled, and bowed as usual.
"Good morning. Hakuren will be coming down soon."
it's hard to say whether it was coincidental or deliberate, but she gently touched Seina's shoulder with hers as she passed by. like a cat up against someones leg. Of course it was done softly and at an angle so that Kiriko and others didn't see.
─── Interview · For Karen ───
"Thank you for having me here today."
Karen waited at the entrance like a dog that expected a walk. She looked up at Seina from a low place and lowered her eyes to brighten them. It gave off a feeling that made him want to hug her.
"Please come inside."
Karen was the most easy-to-talk woman on his staff except for Kiriko. Her Friendly and colorful personality was usually neutral and she gave off the feeling of being like a close male friend, but today the two were alone in a private space. It smelled like Gyokuren and Amane, but it seemed to be more suffocating, but although there wasn't any sign of it, there was still enough femininity in Karen's appearance for Seina to get nervous.
"Thank you very much for your help with my parents on Earth."
"Oh, no, thank you for bringing me there."
"It's been a long time since I have seen my parents happy like that, and it was the first time I saw them have customer's... even though I had to stay at the house.... Oh. I remember when we looked through those old photos, I saw many of my parent old friends in there, but it seems they have become estranged with my parents since I was born ... "
"I understand people's pain well, I've always been smart and have some strengths in that department. from what I heard from the employees and your parents, I'm sure that they just want what's best for you and to help you succeed. they don't hate you for your bad luck Seina."
"Well, I glad to hear you think so." Seina a said with an ashamed look down.
"How did you like the country, I know there wasn't much to do but you didn't hate it did you?"
"Oh, no, I like those places like that, I like watching rice fields, and the mountains, even watching the small fish swim in the streams ... Oh, I meant to ask you about something Yoshiko-chan showed me, on the Earth's TV there was a program ... "
"Did you find a show you like?"
"Yes, I liked it ... ... on the program where huge humanoid weapons going into battle ......"
"A mecha anime? It must seem strange to you, what an unnatural shape for a weapon ... ...."
"Oh, no, I think that shape is more interesting than anything as a weapon."
"Well, even on Earth, it looks like only Japan thinks of such thigns .... Even so, it's a bit strange, so karen are you interested in mecha anime ... there are quite a lot ..."
"Do you like mecha's Seina?"
"To be honest, piloeting a huge robot is a man's wildest dream!"
Seina got super enthusiastic but calmed himself "... .... ehhem ... .... but isn't that bit strange?"
"No, I like it too, I'm sorry if I I made you feel awkward about it, but actually my country has the same tastes as you do."
"What ! You're country has huge robots!" Seina's face lit up, his eyes were filled with excitement
"Yes but we don't use them as regular weapons, but for ceremonial purposes."
"Oh... I feel that I understand why."
"And only by chosen soldiers, they are specially selected soldiers, so to speak,they become like celebrities, so to speak,riding a robot guarantees that they're seen as a leader .... its almost the same as being you Seina.. ... so ... a lot of kids feel the same way you do about the mechs. "
"So they seriously have huge robots ... wait, where is your country Karen?"
It was a fantasy product on Earth, but there was no reason not to get excited when she said that it existed in reality. Seina gazed at Karen as if to devour her.
"My country is ... ... well.... in reality it does not belong to the Galactic Federation, it's far away.... in the Space Pirate's sphere of influence ... ...."
"What! how are you going ever get back to that country? How did you get here?"
"I can't go back to that country ... Actually, I wanted to manage the damage of the Space Pirates somehow, so the four of us went to Jurai and became Seto's subordinates."
"Oh are the rest of Hakuren's team from the same country?"
"our country of origin is different, but we have known each other since long ago ... but this thing is something that no one besides the four of us can know ..."
"Well, then why can you tell me such a thing?"
"Seina, I wanted you to know, I know Seto might already know, but please don't tell her ...."
"Oh, of course I will only talk about it with you, your secret will be safe."
"Thank you."
"Well then, I have to work hard so that you can return home soon."Seina said.
"I'll help you as much as I can." karen replied
"If we can go back to your hometown, please show me the robots to me."
"Yes." Karen nodded happily at the bright glittering in Seina's eyes.
─── Interview · For Gyokuren ───
"Good evening"
"ah!" Seina who stood at the entrance, found himself staring at the moonlight-lit Gyokuren, he lost his breath. Although he was quite familiar with her, Gyokuren in the moonlight was still breathtakingly breathtaking and fascinated him it felt as if his soul had left his body

"... ... ... ... ... ... Miah, Mia!"
"......! Eh? Fuku ??" Seina was finally aware Fuku had been desperately calling him.
"Am I intruding?"
"Oh,no, sorry! Please come inside." Seina hurriedly invited Gyokuren in.
The tension in the air became thick and the room felt stuffy. The reason was Seina was likely to fly out of control if he wasn't careful. Without the presence of Fuku which Gyokuren held, he was not confident as to whether he can bear such tension.
"Wh ... ... why, did you bring Fuku?"
"It seemed like things would feel strange if it was just you and I,Seina-sama ... ...."
"So I asked Fuku to come with me, or would you prefer if it was just the two of us?"
"Ah, well... .......... I'm glad you brought her"
"That's good, I was worried she might feel like a third wheel." she gently stroked and held Fuku
(If we ever got married, and had a child would she be this way with them ......)
Fuku hugged Gyokuren she seemed to be very happy, Gyokuren 's expression looking at fuku was really meek and she had a completely different atmosphere from usual. Coupled with her unrivaled beauty, she looked stunning.
Although Gyokuren doubles in charm at night, her figure illuminated by the light of the lanturn caused a wave of nostalgia and reminded Seina of his mother somehow. A mother nursing Seina who was in bed after getting hurt. Before he met Kiriko, she still wanted to cry, but she worked hard and looked at Seina with a bright smile on her face. That mother.
(This isn't even fair.) Seina's heartbeat began to sound like a fast bell. Seina managed to breath deep, trying to calm himself.
" Gyokuren do you ever get dissatisfied with your current life or work?"
"I'm satisfied enough, Seina's place is comfortable and everyone is kind."
"How do you like your work? I know I must cause various inconveniences for you, but is there anything I can do for you to make it better?"
"You're place for me is very comfortable".
"Oh, then I guess that's that ...... But it's hard work isn't it? We're fighting a lot and there's a lot times your life is put in danger."
"I'm just glad that I don't have to watch my back, I have others to do that for me now."
"It's not a big deal anymore for me now, but I had no friends to help support me before I met Karen, that's all it is."
"Oh is that so?"
he had a hunch that she was hiding a strange story behind that statement, but if Gyokuren didn't want to talk about it, he didn't want to pressure her or give her bad feelings by asking her.
"ugh ... ... I know that's a half story isn't it?" Gyokuren said she looked right and Seina and then said
" Just know that I'm happy being able to stay by your side Seina , all of us together like this is wonderful."She said looking into Seina's eyes
"oh!!"At that moment, Seina grew light headed.
"So, I'm very happy now ..." Suddenly Seina's consciousness disappeared he was overcome with intense sleepiness while listening to the comfortable voice of Gyokuren, whether it was from the fatigue of every day life or the extreme tension. Seina didn't remember what happened to him afterwords. all he remembered was the next morning, when Fuku poked him awake, he noticed he was asleep on the bed - that's it.
Gyokuren who came back from seeing Seina was in a very good mood. Her happy smile gave Kiriko a suspicion similar to fear.
"Karen, do you think anything is wrong?"
"This is the first time I've ever seen Gyokuren so happy ... ...."
The aura of Gyokuren who seems to be extremely happy wasn't evil in the slightest but that exactly of the the aura of a goddess descending, they were hesitant to disturb her.
Kiriko asked around here and there but no one was willing to disturb gyokuren's happiness to find out more. Kike a goddess they were unwilling to come close to her or get in her way. It was dangerous to go too close to Gyokuren 's heart, and everyone there was familiar with that fact.
"Seina ...already seems to be sleeping."
Seina's room, which could be seen from the tree house, was no longer lit.
"We have no choice but to wait till tomorrow, Gyokuren will be calm by then, and we can judge from Seina's appearance."
"Yeah you're right. Seto and Mikami were drinking while watching Kiriko panic.
"Every night here, an interesting sight is seen, I don't think I'll ever get bored. I wonder what drama can be seen tomorrow?"
Seto soon went over to greet Kiriko's people to start a full-blown party.
"Good morning, Seina, ♡"
The next morning, all eyes were concentrated on Gyokuren. Gyokuren, of course, knew about that and so she greeted Seina as he went to retrieve the fish in the trap as he did everyday.
"Oh, good morning ... I had a lot of funlast night, but that story seemed to be only halfway told ..."
"You were tired, I talked about everything I wanted to talk about and I was satisfied because I was able to see your restful sleeping face."
Gyokuren talked loudly so that she could be heard by Kiriko who was eaves dropping.
"That's good ...... ... .... is that what happened? did I fall asleep ?"
"I carried you to bed afterwords, fuku was tired to so I left her with you."
"Oh, is that so?" Seina spewed a sigh of relief, but at the same time Kiriko did too.
While remembering last night, Gyokuren smiled a superb smile with no evil intent in it. Of course, there was a little secret in what gyokuren told him. that modest secret that to get fuku to go to sleep she laid next to Seina with fuku in between them till fuku went to sleep.
End of chapter