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GxP 16 summary

Seina is shown the outside of Barigaru's place and realizes he's in a fantasy world.he notices a sign of a ship coming down from outer space.
Barigaru tells seina the basics of magic by changing magic into a water ball and explaining that it doesn't work by transmutation of matter but rather transmutation of magic substance.
No one quite knows the exact details of what magic is, but it can't be analyzed by science and corrodes technology.

Barigaru does a spell to make the room soundproof before he explains anything else to seina.
he tells seina that he actually went to school in outer space. seina hesitates to say anything because of this and barigaru explains to him that this planet would be classified as ok to make contact with but not to give any goods or information to. He explains though that this is because the magic plant infects planets and takes them over so their planet is dangerous to export from. People supposedly import things all the time and the things they import mutate and the technology breaks down.
Seina worries that zinv might mutate into a magical monster and start reproducing with the wild life if he doesn't leave soon.

Barigaru explains that while most people are indifferent to magic outside of magic planets, some consider it a pathogen and others try and mix it with science. he mentions that magic crystals can be used to seal the magic plants off from the scientific world but doesn't explain what that is right away.
He explains that the space port is sealed off from the rest of the planet this way and it has its own set of decentralized governments and is supposed to be off limits to magic worlds except to diplomats. but the planet is actually basically a space mexico. they have illegal ways to get smuggled across the border and into space because they need cheap underpaid laborers who lack proper government id to exploit and that most people who leave that way get stuck in the solar system because of the lack of cheap and frequent routes out. but in barigaru's case he went through that channel and then had someone sponsor him to get out of the solar system. he came back when he was done studying because he wanted to live a simple life and didn't find technology to be all that.
he tells seina that if he tries to leave that way it won't work because things have changed and now its less easy to get a solid idea of how much it will cost to get someone out of the solar system. joining the military and getting a mech seems to be the fastest route.

he gets back on track and mentions that magic is not natural, but rather seems to be one of the earliest creations and was known about by even the prehistoric civilization but no one knows the details except perhaps it may be encoded in the system itself. He also explains that incantations are needed for more complex things because they have to detail how a thing is accomplished by the magic and because of this they have multiple variations on how to do similar things and that's what he went to learn in space.

The biggest difference in this is how much magic is needed to do the same thing at least according to barigaru that is what certain vested interests want people to worry about.
He explains that there are two kinds of magic, internal and external and seina is developing an internal magic organ which is why he is sick and passed out earlier.internal and external magic substances are different. inner magic takes priority with strengthening the body like an additional basal metabolism but the excess can be used for magic skills. If you use too much magic you can faint or if your strong just get fatigued, the strengthening effect of magic is sort of always on and takes priority and so many people can't even use other types of magic.
Seina asks him to clarify what he meant by vested interests controlling the types of magic.
Barigaru points out that if there was magic technology or magic just anyone could use then a lot of people would be out of work. the schools and government all keep advanced magics classified and he thinks they're suppressing convenient magics.
Seina gets hungry and now that he knows barigaru isn't dangerous he eats some stew he makes for him.

Seina comes back from going to the bathroom and is surprised that there is a bidet, barigaru
explains that there is a thing called magic crystal technology and that seina owes him a pretty substantial debt so
he can eat all he likes. he gets back to talking about ow he thinks there's a conspiracy to hide high level magic and mentions
that he thinks gyokuren's country in particular has access to some magic it clearly isn't sharing and might have even used it on
gyokuren. he goes on about how magic is just a cheap substitute for science and explains that seina has a magic organ that's rather large
and that he should have told the government about him but hasn't, seina has been sick for over 20 days at this point the average length of a magic cold is 3 days.
and the length of the cold determines magic capability. he then explains that magic crystals are formed from the blood of magic users and they form as one uses magic like kidney stones.
a blood clot can happen with the crystals causing an embolism. but wearing a ring made of magic crystals suppresses that.
The crystals can be used to make luxury appliances but their current supply is much less then demand so only the rich tend to have them for that.
They are used as currency as well, hunters usually can't make them and so they harvest them from monsters, goblins are thought of as cockroaches because they are useless for everything but their magic crystals.

science hasn't been able to analyze the crystals and when people with magic organs leave to science worlds they lose the organ, but it comes back when they return.
He explains that although magic is used to produce low level technological phenomena it's clearly only limited by the lack of imagination of its users,They can't do magic on the level of technology because they don't know the things technology even has to offer.In theory with enough magic you could make any scientific creation. also materials can be summoned.
orihalcum and mithril are a thing. rocks absorb magic but for some reason alloys lose their magic in most cases.No one ever tried using orihalcum in technology.mithril though produces a self healing material that feeds off of the users magic.
magic plants are kind of like a virus they come from microorganisms found drifting in comets in space and when they come to a planet if the conditions are right they quickly grow and overtake the planet.

magic planets can't be detected by scientific civilizations equipment. If science is advanced enough it won't grow.
It also rapidly evolves life specifically magic species and they mutate and can evolve into humanoid life in only 10000 years.
primitive humans tend to become elves and dwarfs and other creatures some remain human.
There are also slave hunters but it's really more like indentured servitude where they get out after a set period.

seina is sort of in that situation now because of his debt.
magic seems to be a terraforming technology that evolves life that was made to provide basic necessities for life for the evolving civilization
You can teleport and even go to other dimensions with magic, it's easier to pull from other dimensions then to teleport.
some monsters are pulled from other dimensions by summoners. Some elves and dwarfs have been summoned from other worlds too.
It's possible to call certain things from the astral sea itself, you can converse with them and even give them a sort of force Field body.
(This is how ryoko's summoning ability works) in theory you can summon the dead from the astral sea this way.

seina gets hungry again and goes to the bathroom and when he comes out the story picks up again
Barigaru explains that magic crystals are used for record keeping and mundane things mostly and as backup for when magicians run out of energy. they also can make some powerful weapons with them, but there a bit of overkill and kind of dangerous. he then explains how much goblins and orcs are worth and explains that he got 30% of the chimera he slayed and it's in good condition so it will fetch a lot of money. barigaru gives seina two options to make money, Join the magical pharmacy guild which is led by a woman who is a closet pervert like airi, or become a hunter. wanting to avoid people like airi, he decides to become a hunter. someone comes in the room that looks exactly like him and his narrative ends for the rest of the book.

At the sham trial for the girls on renza all the nobles hurl insults and preposterous demands at the girls, kiriko loses her cool and breaks a very sturdy and expensive tank proof table in half. Miki takes over for her and begins to address the members of Renza's congress rather smugly. They insist that she has broken laws and she debates that no such laws were broken. she then calls their bluff tells them literally to go fuck themselves and points out that they have no power to make her or the girls do anything because there broke poor and don't have any ships that couldn't even dream to begin laying a scratch on the kamidake. She challenges them to a dual and dictates the terms out of the kindness of her heart because she secretly knows that kiriko actually received a mech of her own from washu and not the parts for her ship. She demands that when they win renza formally apologizes and commends the kamidake for helping fight off the assault by himik not only that she demands full operation rights in renza, diplomatic privileges, and a budget for her activities as a fee. If they win they get to examine the kamidake and will have its technology disclosed to them.
Clay watches this in the dock where Himik is being repaired a mysterious shadowed man talks to him. clay explains that the wager is actually one sided, even if they saw the inside and had its technology explained to them, they wouldn't know how to use it. he teases the man on his inability to comprehend science and the man tries to pull a knife out and shank him he ends up frozen.Clay plans to sabotage HIMC and threatens to go ask seina to hire him and leaves.

He is greeted by his contracted sex worker lizanna who leads him through a jungle themed area through a jungle themed orgy to a jungle themed private residence where she serves him food and leaves. she comes back in while he is eating to deliver a payment card from the kamiki family, Kuisu panta, who seems to really be the real seto in this case not mirror seto, comes in dressed as a bunny girl and begins eating clays food, aggravating him, she badgers him a bit over why he is at such a place before getting down to business. She asks if the enemy knows where seina is and if he was the one to give them the pkw and if he wants to work with washu and naja or get revenge. They have no idea where he is and wouldn't pay clay to give them a system to find him, clay wants nothing to do with the two of them and doesn't believe naja is dead, he thinks seto is just like her but more toned down, he wants to little to do with them though that he keeps himself from realizing the realization he made when saying that. the real seto who is actually kuisu in this case, swears to herself that she wont get tsundere over him because of how much he seems to genuinely not want to deal with her,
In a building separate but next to the jungle brothel used by renzen royalty to sneak into renza, sansui who is hakuren's brother suffers from a hangover, jitsui and rokubi two other princes console him.
his father ordered him to come to renza to make connections and the other guys are busy looking for girls to become their royal concubines before their arranged marriages happen,

sansui wants to secretly keep jitsuki's maid komekitsune as his mistress, however the other guys tell them that they know this and that his mother knows as well as her mother. They approve of it and as long as they keep their relationship under wraps for now it will be allowed. the speculate for a bit on why himik attacked so suddenly until komekitsune who has gotten a job on racepshi so she could be there with them comes in and informs them that his brother is ordering him to spy on kiriko and that gyokuren is to be crowned queen.'
sansui is ordered to attend a meeting with gyokuren, Sansui is very upset by this to the point of wanting to disobey orders.
The princes and komekitsune show up to an annex of the renzan palace and meet with the seto scouts in a private room .The girls let them know that they know that the princes are there to get information and they will cooperate.

They don't know anything about kiriko's mech because she hasn't even opened it,but they are sure it will be powerful because washu built it.
They brief them on washu and the galaxy academy and they are warned to keep their older brothers from insulting seina in front of kiriko. They have been inviting royals to talk with them to explain the galaxy federation to them.
because of the pirates between their borders there was never any solid information that the two groups got on each other. so they explain just how much they are underestimating the academy and jurai and kiriko and how the trees have wills of their own so stealing zinv is a terrible idea. the boys leave terrified.
one of the successors to the throne comes into ekushito's office with a bunch of renzan princes and they act like thugs in an attempt to force racepshi to hand over kiriko. to which ekushito promptly reminds them that Racepshi is a nation because
It has extreme offensive capabilities and his office is the national capital and that he's more than happy to hand them over to pirates.

Ekushito turns on a broadcast of kiriko's new mech's unveiling to shut them up, the next of crown sends his prince goons to wait in the limo.
Maimu racepshi makihi's 6th daughter, and an aspiring reporter has miki sneak her into the dock where kiriko is opening her new mech, she isan incredibly sleazy reporter and as such gets frequently beat up by kiriko, kiriko is hesitant to open the container asshe suspects washu has snuck some not safe for broadcast things in the opening process and refuses to open it on camera when washu comes by ina chibi anime projection form and gives the ok to film, Dr. clay rushes downstairs to find lizanna to tell her to watch the broadcast.
kiriko opened the first lock on the package unveiling a big ryo-ohki type crystalwashu hands kiriko a magical girl transformation wand and kiriko does a transformation into askimpy magical girl skin suit. kiriko beats the chibi washu projection to death for this,This happens several times during the entire unveiling process.

after some more chat she realizes that washu was going to have kenshi wear the skimpy outfit originally and also that the outfit is 100% unnecessary to pilot the mech. washu poofs herself. then poofs back in and makes maimu do a bunch of stupid Japanese folk dances to wake up the sacred mechalord which she originally built for kenshi.
maimu's dancing is so good it captivates everyone despite how dumb it is, washu even sneaks in Halloween and Christmas dances and no one notices.
makihi calls in and explains that despite maimu's claims that she has no talent she actually just has a biased probability and so she never succeeds at anything in life but dancing, and she is actually on par if not better than her. maimu is the reason
that makihi thinks that seina and her families' children will make excellent performers.makihi openly regrets not sending her to do the courtship dance with seina and insists that if she had maimu would already be pregnant. the girls

naturally insist that maimu never ever come near seina. makihi assures the girls that any children born from her family and seina would be spared .any political obligations. the container begins to swell and and opens like a flower to unveil an egg like a cocoon.
kiriko goes up to touch it and it becomes transparent showing off the skeleton like mech inside.The next of crown laughs because he thinks they gave her an incomplete mech, but washu explains that her mech is in fact not only as powerful as the kamidake, but it has subspaces for living in it and crafting new weapons too and the mech uses its cocoon fluid to dynamically create weapons and armor to adapt to any situation.

also it has a limiter on it, but obviously that can be taken off, so kiriko realizes that rea was right... if kenshi had used this mech he would have easily vaporize the entire surface of geminar when fighting against gaia.Kiriko figures she will return it after she is done but washu reads her mind and tells her that it's now hers for life because it's the sameas ryo-ohki and fuku and has accepted her as it's master.
Fuku sees it on tv and accepts that she is now a big sister, the cabbit girls watching with her welcome their new sister.mizuki confirms with kiriko that tsunami has allowed her to also have this mech, and tells her that it's name is Yomotsu ookami, the river hades ferryman wolf,I personally translate this as The Charon Wolf, so expect it to be referred to as that. seto already registered the name because it made her giggle and so kiriko had no say in it.maimu insists that kiriko switch back into her "sexy suit from earlier" and give them the scoop on the name, Kiriko beats maimu up and destroys her cameras for a second timeending the broadcast.
The next of crown leaves ekushitos office and talks with his men about sending assassins after kiriko and also equipping their mechs with special weapons. as he is talking with them he gets a call from associates

at the knights of himics dock, Clay goes back to the dock and puts the masked man from earlier who was talking to the next of crown into a trap that makes him do the bon dance, he then gets revenge by reversing some of the repairs made to the mechs to set them back an hour.
he leaves back to the jungle place, he doesn't want lizanna to try to sneak into bed with him but wants to take a nap so he finds a secluded place in the staff offices to sleep. he wakes up to find lizanna snuggling him he decides to break ties with the masked men because of this.
afterwards, Kiriko is escorted to a new section inside the kamidake that washu fixes in the same way the seasonal areas are fixed, they are essentially new bases for mech based anti pirate operations to be carried out inside the kamidake. They get things set up as the staff from renza moves their stuff in. A strange robed woman aboard racepshi goes to a bar that shows public domain films and is shown a selection of mech shows from earth by the owner.

The renza crew tells Erma that Kiriko intimidates them, but they are assured that she's actually very nice. However, Kiriko gets a summons from the renzan battle ethics committee, she takes them along with her. When they board the ship the man they come to see is very rude to her and she proceeds to yell at him because he was really trying to lure her onto what is technically renzan embassy territory into a kidnapping / assasination trap and it is obvious to her, her guardians activate and take out the assassins and start broadcasting the exchange between the two, the man refuses to accept the terms of the battle that she set the other day so she begins to reveal his secret on air, which is that he isn't really supposed to be royalty and had genetic alterations done to get his position which is supposed to be inherited. She verbally beats the snot out of him and leaves.
The battle happens the next day, she asks kaguya what the most humiliating thing to do to a mech rider is, which is to decapitate them and steal their weapon, the next of crowns of the other nations fight her with holy weapons and high level mechs, they get cocky and put their mechs on auto fight mode since they don't actually know how to pilot them and they start off with a holy weapon attack and assume that it takes her out, however it doesn't and she proceeds to go on a rampage quickly cutting off the limbs and heads of each mech. in retaliation for defeating them in such a humiliating way they send out wave after wave of lower generation mechs at her and she decapitates all of them so many that she sets an all time record. She wins indisputably and shows off the immense power disparity between the two nations.

seto, azusa, and his wives watch this happen on tv and realize that the mech washu built originally for kenshi was way over powered and come to agree with rea that it's a bad idea to send kenshi over to geminar with one.