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GXP 13 Chapter 8

8 "The end of the conspiracy"

"Well, what on earth is going on?" Amane asked.  It was well understood that Airi and Mikami did something behind the scenes and the Kamidake and Fuku were used as a decoy, they didn't know what was going on with Seina.

"There's no doubt that we were used too, they already knew Seina's whereabouts too."
"In order to inform those who used Kamidake and Fuku?"

"Ms. Kiriko, it seems that the GP army ship "Queen" is headed in our direction" "Aaaah! That's Kara Yoichi's fleet ... ... What is he up to!"
 "If Nakita is involved in this case, this is probably related to the GP and GP army's founding."
"Seto is involved too, no doubt."
 "Her ploy must have used the Kamidake as a decoy ...... but Fuku and Seina got involved ... ... oooo when I get my hands on her....!"  

─ ─ ─Oh! It that? It is!  Mizuki cried
 "Mizuki what's up?"  Mizuki didn't answer Kiriko's question, the ship jumped out from super space navigation to normal space instead. Kiriko and the others checked their current position. They were on Mizuki 's bridge. The layout was similar to the Kamidake #1 and the placement of the girls was similar. The operator seat was for Kiriko since she was captain, everyone else sat in front of her.
"Current position is within the target solar system, near the fifth planet."
"I'm reading a high energy output and a spacial quake at the target point ... The triple Z has been deployed!"
 "Is the quake from the Mikagami !?"
 " No, it's something different ... what is that?"

 "Kiriko-sama! Somethings coming out of hyperspace, It's close!"  Hakuren announced, the Mikagami came jumping out suddenly near  Mizuki.

 "Hello Seto, What's going on?"
"Quickly! Come here. Dock Mizuki in the pool. "  Seto instructed. Kiriko did so without hesitation.

"Mi, Mikami! Why are you here!?" Taima yelled!  Mikami silently displayed the nameplates of his comrades.
"What is the meaning of this !?"  Taima hurriedly contacted the people on the nameplates but no one answered.
Kara Yoichi was the only one left, but a mark indicating he was away on a special mission was floating on his name plate. It was an indication that a massive battle or a situation similar to that had occurred.

 "What is he doing, what is going on !?"
"Taima you're not in a position to know that anymore." Mikami's tone was calm but she was talking down to Taima.
"Mikami! I'm a candidate to be the next president of Kuramitsu's elder's association! Don't be rude!" "You would be if you hadn't committed a serious offense against the Galactic Federation, Seniwa, GP and the GP military organizations ...... In particular, your behind the curtains dealing with Shank was overkill, Taima. It made all the witnesses and evidence we gathered into a huge waste of time, However, if you would like to bow out with dignity worthy of Seniwa and honoring of the army, then I suggest you retire soon."
"What!" ...  However, Taima noticed instantaneously that it would be useless to try to escape.

"I have no regrets. I wanted Seniwa to be a country equivalent to Jurai like it was before, and I wanted to make the army whole again ... ... to restore it to the glorious organization built by it's original master."

"The nature and role of Seniwa and Jurai are different, just as the GP and the Academy are different, Juraians are slaves to the Royal Trees despite their power, for us there is no such limit. The fact is that when my father was already building the GP Army, the framework of the world had grown much larger, Jurai had been separated from that framework and Seniwa wanted to assimilate it.  Seinawa became the organization itself, so it's impossible to restore it to it's former state, It never quit being that."

"Well What about those who built it!"  The army wasn't as important as it used to be. For those who knew the glory of it's past, it was very different after the change and it's difficult to accept that."
" Ideally the Military would be unnecessary.... it's existence is only a necessary evil. You're acting like a child, We can walk on our own now we don't need our parent's help to get around."
 "Don't be silly!"  He said that not to Mikami, but to those who advocate that the military was unnecessary.

"Parent's don't get mad at their children for being able to be independent, but there is no way that the essence of the thing called the army itself will never be necessary, their role only changes. We slowly adapted to the role of security maintenance and distribution, and then the GP took over almost all of that in almost all areas of the Galactic Federation. The military has been absorbed into the framework of the GP.  The GP has gotten dangerously big, it's dominating the world, but the Kuramitsu's role in it has become smaller and smaller. "

"The fight between the new ways of things and the old ways  is an eternal theme that has been around since creation. No matter how anxious we are about it, everything ends eventually. It's miraculous in a way. "

 "............"  Finally Taima went silent. 
 "What do you think of him Taima ... .... How do you view Seina Yamada?"
"... I don't dislike him personally, if I had a chance I'd do all the same things as him ...... He has been given a great deal of power, not everyone can handle that. He seems to be doing the best he can to use the power he's acquired when he's given the chance. It's amazing that he hasn't been crushed by his own unreasonably bad luck, sometimes it seems like it's no big deal to him, he even uses it when he can ... "  Taima 's anger fell rapidly. He realized that Yamada Seina was just a boy who got caught up in Taima's plans for glory.   As an individual soldier, Seina and his career history was worth respect. He was glad to see such an wonderful newcomer join the ranks until he had become his enemy.
  "Oh, yeah .... I guess an adult like me should protect a child like him ......"  His viewpoint changed. Taima looked as if his soul had left his body.
"I understand, I will withdraw from all my positions"
"... .... Oh, and ... ... I'm sorry for involving Nakita."

 "Ha, huh, huh, huh, huh, hu ........."  Tarrant breathed roughly. He had finally managed to escape. But he noticed the trembling of his ship wasn't stopping. His face distorted in horror.  ( ............  I was supposed to have the Kamidake! and Kirche! and Seina's Yamada's life!)  All his plans had blown up in his face. Tears spilled from his eyes. "You've got to be kidding me!"  He banged his fist on the console over and over, took a deep breath and collapsed into his captains chair "Seina Yamada! I will kill you. No matter what ...... !!"  The Daedalus stopped suddenly. Tarrant was thrown forward, the inertial controls and safety devices failed to stop him completely and he banged into the wall with his robotic arm shielding him but he was seriously injured. The other crew members looked like blood splattered flies on the wall.
"... ... ... What now .................."  Tarrant who looked up at the monitor couldn't say anything anymore. What he saw went beyond his tolerance. A huge hand engulfed the Daedalus.

 "Hey ... ... will anyone tell me what the hell that?"  Kara Yoichi murmured  but not to anyone specifically.  ZINV was on the screen dragging the Daedalus from over 400 meters away out from empty space. It's difficult to recognize proportions in space, but from the contrast between ZINV and the Daedalus the scene was clearly abnormal.  One of the adjutants looks at the chief operator, but he said nothing. The readings displayed on the monitor said everything there was to say as did the scene on the screen.

"In encounters with high-level dimensional life forms, phenomena that can't be imagined by our physical law are observed."
"……what are you saying?"
"They're going to have to rewrite the laws of physics themselves after this, even the physical laws that should be basic concepts are being violated ... I heard from a philosopher something like this happened once in the past but I never thought I'd see it. "
"Tell the other ships to stop immediately and cease all attacks."
"What!" They hesitated shortly before they stood down and silently stopped their efforts to object.
"... ... Commander ... I don't want to be a.... huh?"
"What !?"  on the monitor, the Daedalus, which had been dragged out, was being compressed. Like the right hand was swallowing it's mass.

Giggitagi Gigi Gigi ... ... Gigi!" The Vibrational sounds of Daedalus picked up by the sensors were those that people who live in space most physiologically disliked. It was the sound of "death" caused by a hull collapse.

 Suddenly the Daedalus suddenly exploded, 
"Oh!"  It spreads like firework up to into space, and the residuals of the energy from that spread far and wide as if to celebrate ZINV's victory

Vuo! Vigao Oo Oo Oo Oo Oh oooh !  ZINV raised its right hand in victory and gave the roar of a champion

"Well, that's the end of the Daedalus..." One of the adjutants muttered with deep emotion.
Everyone belonging to the GP wanted to see that.
The roar of ZINV seems to sublimate joy in the hearts of those who were there. But for Kara Yoichi, the feeling was different.
 (We Can't let Seina Yamada continue like this! It will be the death of us all!)  

"Is it possible to communicate with those riding in it?"  Large humanoid weapons were used in Renza but as it had light hawk wings and used the "ZZZ", there was a high possibility that they were from Jurai.
 (That's right!Seina Yamada is probably on board, we need to capture him ...)  Kara Yoichi smiled.

"Capture those who are on that thing!"
"It interfered with our duties, they obstructed public officials, the're using unknown weapons, and only a Royal Tree can generate Light Hawk Wings! They brought an unauthorized royal ship into this non-invasive zone without prior notification. That's a felony!"

 One of the adjutants who was communicating with someone in a place away from the fight was brought closer to commander Yoichi.
"Commander! I have a message incoming from the Temporary General Commander of the GP Army Headquarters,  Mikami Kurumitsu! "

"Mikami Kurumitsu ...... Commander, What happened?"  Kara Yoichi glared at the adjutant with blood-shot eyes.
"This hasn't been announced formally yet, but it seems that it has been decided that the Seniwan Elders Council President is officially Minami Kurumitsu."
"But... T...Taima ... ...."
 "A retirement declaration was issued and he has retired from all official duties."  
That means that his conspiracy was revealed. Perhaps the other executives had also already been eliminated in the form of retirement. Of course he was next.

"No, that's ... There's no way!"
"They said "The operation is over, please leave it to us to clean up afterwards!""
"............"  His plan and career was officially all dead and buried.
" .... I'm going to go rest in my quarters if anyone needs me."  The soldier saluted the former commander with the highest gratitude as he left the bridge.

----------End of chapter--------------