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gxp 13 chapter 10

10 "Reunion's Dilemma"

 "Ah ah ah ah ah ah, what should I do!" Miki's father, Hiroshi, was in a large space harbor used by the Galactic Federation secretariat headquarters in the Academy's outer ring, in the top floor area of the central building, a room that was strictly guarded.

With him was Tennyo, Hakuryo, and Raireza and Airi's studio staff members.
 "Why don't you calm down a little?"
"No, no, no, I don't even know what kind of face I should make when I meet with Miki, I don't even know how to explain things to her."
"I don't know the feeling ... but, Miki knows that she's a Pinocchio. Judging from the report she seems to be pretty calm mentally speaking, and she's probably just glad to be home safely. "
 "Is that so?"
"Yeah." Raireza responded nicely.
He settled down for a bit then,
 "No, it's useless! I'm scared! I can't do this by myself! Raireza you have to join me, I don't know to introduce you to her ... will you come?" Hiroshi began to panic again.

Raireza looked up at Hiroshi with an embarrassed face and the other researchers, especially the women, looked away and wrinkled around the eyebrows as they made strange faces.
 Tennyo stood up and came up to Hiroshi.

"Hiroshi! I was going to sit back and remain quite but you've made that impossible, Your daughter is coming home after literally losing her entire body. Now is not the time to be shaking things up and you know it!"
"Ah ... yes your right!" Hiroshi said sitting upright in a hurry.

"The only thing your daughter knows for sure right now is that you're her father, that's it, if you welcome her back by suddenly introducing a woman other than her mother  She will hate her forever and will never forgive you! " Tennyo said, all the women on the spot cheerfully joined in at the same time.

Hiroshi looked at Raireza who was blushing to confirm that what tennyo said was true.
"Well .... I also agree, I think that Miki should know the truth and you should wait until she accepts it. she's been through a lot and needs to get used to things being normal again."

 "Oh, well ... but I'm afraid of Miki."
 "It's ok to rely on someone if you're afraid but as for me I'd like to build a good relationship with her, so good luck finding one."
"Well, I guess I understand that." Hiroshi finally decided on what to do.

"Even so, you should take your time." Hakuryo, who had been far from the conversation, looked at the door with a relieved expression.
"With the handling of the Kamidake, the military scandal, and ZINV ...... It may take a while to see her anyways."
"If that is the case, I think I'll just call her after things settle. There are quite a few projects I want to work on, but I can't while we're quarantined here."
"Please be patient they're doing their best to process everything as fast as they can."

Apart from Tennyo, all of those involved in this incident were summoned to the Galactic Federation's high court as witnesses and experts, to explain the detailed circumstances of what happened. They were quarantined and had no outside communications access. That's why they weren't able to work on anything.

"The only good thing is that the meals are luxurious, you can drink all you want and eat sweets and drink booze, I feel like a VIP" The drink bar to the side of them had luxury spirits and confections.
Hakuryo gave a small sigh and then...
"Thank you for waiting. We've started preparing for you to be transferred " Airi said on a monitor before disappearing quickly
"Yay! We're saved!" Everyone got up at once and ate some of the sweets and pocketed the rest while downing what drinks they could before they left the room.

They were preparing to transport the Kamidake and ZINV at Airi's command into a highly confidential dock that stored and maintained flagships and VIP ships in the innermost of the harbor. The Kamidake and ZINV were contained in large containers naturally.

And furthermore, materials brought back from Tarrant's base and the ruins were being checked in at the entrance one by one inside of dozens of super-large containers that were strictly monitored.

"I was ready to be kept waiting, but this was over way earlier than I thought."
 "Well you see, there was a big dispute over the ownership of various things involved with this case, but Washu-san came in and cleared things up."

"Wow! She went before the members of the Federation? That must have been a lot of trouble ......"
 It must have caused a panic.
"There have been rumors of her survival for a long time, and that she made the Kamidake, so on some level they must've been prepared, but still, were lucky that there's no one that collapsed from the shock."
"I'm kind of disappointed that no one did." If they did it would have only be extended the proceedings.

 "Washu was officially acknowledged the producer of the Kamidake, you can't deny it when it comes from the horses mouth. Of course that means it's owner is Seina, but as a personal possession it's too powerful  and they have to work out how to publish the investigation of the Kamidake and who was owed compensation."
"Is it even okay to do such a thing!?" The Kamidake was Washu's best masterpiece. It was a top secret mega bundle of technology.

"The only data that would be published would be what was discovered about it when it was investigated, which is mostly just black box data, and at worst the location of the central residential area and the bridge's position."

"That's still pretty secret."
"hahaha! They're probably terrified of Washu seeking revenge if they mishandle the situation, so I'm sure things will go smoothly. Fuku is the only thing really new to the thing anyways, Washu is a philosopher so obviously it uses technology that already exist, I would assume."
 Even trying to investigate Fuku was illegal, she had human rights and so she wasn't included in this investigation.

"Certainly ... The matter of kidnapping Fuku-chan was an act of illegal behind the scenes trading with Tarrant. Those who wanted to investigate the Kamidake will just have to be satisfied with only learning some minor innovative techniques it uses."

"Since Washu has the patents on the thing, they can't replicate it anyway, at best they will have to come up with alternatives, They asked to buy one off of her and the invoice she gave them was hysterical."
"How much was it?"
"A major country's army budget for ten years, plus money to do maintenance on it every year, and about a third of that combined figure just for the transfer."
"What Really?"

"There were some people who seriously thought about it, but for a single ship, It just wasn't worth it, so instead they started arguing over why Seina even needed it anymore"
"Because he has ZINV now?"
"Seina didn't discover it,  but it's AI guarantees it the same human rights as Fuku-chan, and it sees  Seina as it's master, but its older then the prehistoric civilization and technicaly is a cultural heritage item, and then they got into what to do with the schematics for the Deadelus that they found there."

"What!" Tennyo unexpectedly raised her voice,and then hurried to restrain herself.
 "...... I see, That's much more important then getting the Kamidake." They could mass produce it. For a philosopher it would be easy to make a ship better then the Daedalus. But making it mass producible at low cost without lowering its performance was the hard part.

"How how is Seina being handled?"
"Because it was a military scandal, obviously he's in no trouble.The Kamidake was stolen by Space pirates and they kidnapped Fuku-chan. Seina mealy tracked down and identified their base,  and he cooperated with the military to destroy the base and the Daedalus, He should get a medal for that alone."
"But what about the issue of invading disputed territory!?"

"Well that was solved by the Presence of D and ZINV. D 's AI has an astral,  so it has human rights,  and while it hasn't been revealed yet ZINV is the same thing as a royal tree, so it too has human rights. "

 "Ah! Then those two count as indigenous people and they have interplanetary navigation capability ..." In other words,  the planet that was in a non-invasive zone belonged legally to ZINV and D if they chose to assert their territorial rights, they would have priority. Moreover,because they had interplanetary navigation capabilities, it was highly possible that the entire solar system would be  recognized as being within the scope of their property. The creation of a micro black hole and their offense against tarrant's fleet proved they had sufficient deterrence power, which also meant that it could be declared an independent country, and if D and ZINV decided Seina was that countrie's master, Seina would technically have been defending his own country, so to speak.

"It's impossible to illegally invade to your own house."
"... Wow ... .. so Seina, can create his own country over there!"

"Well, in the case of your girl, things are even more amazing," Airi muttered like she was giving a soliloquy.
"What?" Hiroshi broke up his conversation with Tennyo  and left with Airi to another room in the building and before his eyes the Miki clone stood face to face with Hiroshi.

 "Miki ......?"
"Miau" "............" Despite being informed in advance, Hiroshi's mind had trouble understanding the cabbit as his daughter. Still he took Tennyo and Raireza's advice, and took a big deep breath and calmed his mind.

 "You promised me you'd come home often then this." Hiroshi said then he came close to Miki and gently embraced her.
  "Miao ... .... Mia aaaaaaaaaaaaa!" Miki was finally home she clung to Hiroshi and began to cry. He was reminded of all the times in the past that he had comforted her as she cried about her mother.... and how it was a fictitious mother, Now he had to tell Miki the truth. When he thought about her reaction he was glad that the girls didn't let him introduce Raireza to miki right away.
"I'm sorry." Hiroshi began crying as he pet Miki's head. 

Miki stopped crying, but Hiroshi still kept stroking her head.
 "... ... Mya" The Miki clone cried quietly and calmed down, as expected she was ashamed of being stuck this state,
"That's enough." she looked up to him and said.
"Oh, I'm sorry, but you're so cute and fluffy now ... ...." He picked up the Miki clone and checked it's sex with a quick glance.
"Oh, that's good, you're still a girl, right?"

The Miki clone took out it's nails and scratched him across the face.
His screams could be heard outside of the room.

"That ... ... That's what I think it is right?"
In a dark room Hakuren and her group were gathered to talk.
"Yeah, that figure, that power ... that's the closest thing to what's described in our legends that's been discovered so far."
"The two pillars that were the first grandfathers, The one pillar that was left behind. It's finally appeared."
"What will we do?"
 "Wait. We haven't confirmed anything just yet."
"Did you see the power that it showed when it linked with the Kamidake? That's at least a second generation ... it's at least what we need."
"... Hey, are you thinking about taking it home with us?"
"You aren't going to regret it are you? This is the important thing for us all right?"
 Everyone looked at each other's face in response to Suiren's comment.

-End of book 13-