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GXP 4 Chapter 2

Chapter 2 "you can buy it but only for a short while"
This is 11 minits 30 seconds into episode 7

In the cruiser from last time, seina and the others were sitting around a table as kiriko explained that seina had caused the academy-wide system malfunction.
"so that computer trouble was my fault ....?" he was a little bit shocked.
"It's true that your escape was a trigger, but it was the complex network of mistakes from each department that made the whole thing a huge fuss."kiriko said
"This wouldn't have happened if I hadn't escaped then would it... so I'm just a bother to everyone after all ...." seina said
"The dorm escape is an old academy tradition. everyone does it, that's half of why no one responded to it at first."
amane said brightly trying to encourage the now depressed seina.
"yes, amane is right ... And the root cause of the damage spreading so far was that the system engineers were lazy so they've kept the old outdated overly complicated system that they've had in place since the early days of the academy. Thanks to you the once many complicated and poorly connected systems are now unified and on top of that we caught many dangerous criminals. besides, it wasn't even close to the biggest uproar the academy's experienced."
erma joined in trying to lighten the tone.
"... ... ... Oh yeah ... come to think of it weren't the people around you acting quite calmly that night?" amane asked
Seina remembered the festival in the city that night.
"... yeah, Kenneth said that festival was normal, but ...That air ship battle sort of blended in with the festival."
"ahaha, you thought it was part of the festival?" amane laughed
"hehe, yeah."
"... ... it's not a laughing matter, even though the results were good, the actual damage caused was enormous, it's still causing troubles in various places ..." kiriko said lashing out.
"oh... sorry"
"Ah, no it's not like that Seina, Seina ... i didn't mean it like that, i just meant that amane isn't taking it seriously uhm ... ...."
kiriko said apologizing.
"From what I hear from erma you weren't entirely innocent your self in the situation."
"Why are you bringing me into this?" erma wondered.
"............ well actually, that's true... sorry seina.... I may have had a bit to do with that night myself."
"what do you mean?"
"Oh, you didn't know? Seina only had trouble getting to the air car because kiriko went around controlling all the guard drones and setting them off."
"... ............ That was you controlling that ... ....?"
"Well yes, but ... I.... uhm.... I thought it might be dangerous for you if you went into town."
kiriko said turning red.
"... So Seina, It was actually a complicated net of mistakes not just you."
"Ha ha ... ... I understand."
"Even Erma, was responsible to a degree. I'm surprised she isn't facing any punishment."
."Luckily for me, Seina's data led to us finding Washu's hidden server, so my sins have all been forgotten."
"I see"
"Well for the time being though we've made it a priority to figure out how your probability bias works."
a Bing sounded.
"have we arrived already ......? I didn't even realized the ship was moving..."
"This ship travels extra smoothly, but i don't have time to explain, let's hurry, there we have a lot to buy."
kiriko said hurriedly jumping out.
They arrived at a large department store that spread far and wide.
Kiriko began picking out items for seina's new room and she asked him to pick between various brands. They didn't actually put things in a cart as they looked but rather they placed an order on a holoscreen digitally to have their order delivered directly to them when they were done. The store was merely there to examine the items in person even though it was stacked like a normal store would have been. seina had trouble picking out items as he didn't know any of the brands and if they weren't scented he didn't know one from the other. he also felt obligated to get the cheaper brands because he was unaware of how much money he actually had, although kiriko advised him that he could still get them but that he shouldn't waste them.
Amane giggled at the sight of the two of them and told them that they looked like two newlyweds. Kiriko froze up when she heard this. she looked around and noticed there were newlyweds all around them doing the exact same thing. erma wanted to join in on the fun so she took seina and did what kiriko did, showing him some different soaps and explaining their different special properties. amane scooped up seina from her when she was done and did the same. Seina panicked, but luckily kiriko regained her composure and yelled at both of them.
"Stop it. Let me do this. Even if you are familiar with seina, you haven't ever lived with him you don't know him like I do! I've bathed him since he was a child, and I know how he likes his food made so LEAVE US ALONE ~~~! ........................ "
"Ho ho ~ did you hear that, Erma?"
"Yes, with my own two ears."Kiriko turned red again.
" so... Seina, how about you get familiar with us?"
erma and amane said rushing seina from both sides pushing against him.


"I won't not forgive you for that!" Seiryo yelled as he barged in ruining the moment.
"What a nice place to run into you." amane said angrily.
Seiryo wreaked of the ocean that amane had made his car swerve into earlier.
"Ha ha ha, yes, that's a wonderful place! And a wonderful time for me to run into my beautiful fiancé being attacked by a primitive man from the frontier of space ... I Seiryo Tennan ............ Shall rescue you!"
seiryo spoke loudly and poetically. He struck a nerve in Amane with his speech, Seiryo began to speak loudly a string of lies skewed in his favor. But Amane endured the mental suffering.
"Amane, I am a proud member of the GP, And my guardian system is second to none, why I even bet it's better than Ms. Misaki over here's. I will defend you from this brute."
"Oh no, but seina and I are in love!"
amane said rubbing against seina to tease seiryo,
"...... And we've already made it to first base."
"you what?"
everyone but amane said.
Seiryo was caught off guard.
amane quickly gave a quick lower middle and high kick to seiryo.
His guardian system shattered and roared out an unpleasant sound.
she kicked him once more in the chest he flew into a square box on the wall.
"It disposed of him? that's odd usually they put Safety devices in place for people..... I guess Tennan must be a special case, That's amazing... who would ever want to disable the personal safety device?" erma said
"He is garbage! and garbage belongs in a garbage bag!" Amane said satisfied like she was reciting a slogan.
"WHAT DOES SHE MEAN BY K I S S I N G... YOU CAN TELL ME SEINA... BE HONEST........ I WON'T GET ANGRY.........." Kiriko said like a demon.
Seina panicked. he could feel kiriko's anger emanating from her and his trouble sense was going crazy.
"SEIIIIINAAAAA!" kiriko said growing angrier
"... .... I don't remember doing like that anything at all."
he said as amane clung to him.
"Oh, you've forgotten?"
amane said making the situation worse. The blood vessels in Kiriko's temple throbbed violently. it was a danger signal that seina knew all too well from seeing it in the past many times. often towards those who bullied him.
"uhm uh ah, a.... Amane ......"
he said trying to warn her but she put her arms around his neck so he couldn't run away and came closer to his face. kiriko's temple throbbed louder.
"Don't you remember... that time... ...."
she said stroking his chest with her fingers. and trailing up to his lips.
Kiriko sounded like she was about to burst an aneurysm.
Erma ran behind a shelf far away behind the scene and seina tried to get away but was unable to. his fate was in god's hands now.
"... you remember when i did it right? C...P...R..."
she said looking towards kiriko with a smile.
kiriko and seina realized both at the same time she meant what had happened on earth at tenchi's house. Seina was relieved the crisis was avoided. but the pent up crazy energy in kiriko needed an exit.
"... ... AMAAAAAAAANE ...... LET HIM GO..."
"Yes please do..." a polite voice from behind them said.
they looked around and noticed everyone in the store was watching them make a scene. the shoppers, the clerks, and even the manager were staring at them.
" ... I'm sorry but I'm going to have to ask you to leave ... Your upsetting the other customers..."
the manager told them
At the largest table at Naashisu kiriko browsed through the catalog of the store they had been kicked out of and picked out the rest of the items they needed for delivery on a monitor
Seina was next to her and Erma was sitting on the other side. amane was over at the counter a bit of the ways away from the table but she was coming back.
"We should go there again soon."
amane said to kiriko
"It's not funny! We got kicked out because of you. That was my favorite shop, and now I'm too ashamed to ever go there again!"
"... ............ Wow really? You know there's another one on this street right?"
Amane said lowering her head towards Kiriko.
but kiriko remained silent looking at the monitor.
Erma chimed in because he didn't want kiriko to stay in the mood she was in.
"Hey Kiriko, please forgive me already, I'm sorry."
"It was all amane's fault"
"...... when i heard we were all going to be living together i thought it would be kind of fun but it turns out it seems like it's going to be pretty hectic after all..."
erma said scratching her head.
kiriko looked at seina and noticed he was happy at erma saying she was looking forward to living together. Seina was used to people telling him they didn't want him anywhere near him. he liked being in space because he was finally needed and accepted by people there.
Kiriko dropped her mood upon seeing this look on his face. She just wanted seina to look happy. she went back to picking out items.
"let's all order at once, hey seina can you go to the kitchen and tell the lady to come and get our order? She likes to be called granny and she's really old, so when you call her it you should say it really loud. got it? "
Seina stood up and felt doubtful about what he was about to do but he looked at kiriko who wasn't paying attention and took her distraction to mean it was ok. he left his seat and headed to the kitchen . he noticed the tub of dirty dishes behind the counter next to the sink and was distracted by the amazing looking leftover food.
(Wow ... it looks tasty, and it smells nostalgic somehow...)
he noticed a woman wearing a cooking clothes was working busily behind the counter he couldn't see her face..
"Um ... ... excuse me.... granny.... could you please take our order?"
But she was busy and couldnt hear him over her work. so he yelled loudly.
 the woman who was wearing the cooking clothes stopped her work and turned her face slowly towards Seina.

Seina had fucked up.
He tried to escape but like an eel she reached out at mach speed and grabbed him by the shoulder squeezing as if the devil himself was trying to rip out his heart.
Seina tried to reach out towards his table for help but amane just stood there laughing and waving to him while kiriko stayed staring at her monitor.
"Hey ...... Seina I KNOW you know better then that."
airi said slowly bringing her face right up next to seina but he couldn't see her eyes, he was too scared to look into them but her red lips shined like blood.
Airi whispered in a cold paralyzing voice.
Seina's face was covered with slap marks as he sat at the table writing in a book over and over again "I will not say granny anymore" as punishment.
"That was mean!" kiriko said
"Sorry, I Couldn't help myself... ...." amane said
"You can stop now." airi said bringing over a big tray of food and rice.
"... you're the president of the academy... why are you working at restaurant?" seina asked
"Once upon a time, I was asked to take care of this shop by the people who owned it, I learned cooking from them as a hobby."
"a hobby?"
"Someone once told me " If you could make delicious food you can live anywhere. "Since then, no matter how busy i am, i always set aside time to cook."
( Who would have expected the president of the Academy To be so competent and homely ............ That doesn't fit her personality at all...)
"...... huh .... It looks like he's thinking something awfully rude again." airi said
"Ah! ... ... No, I am busy admiring your ability to be president while also maintaining a shop ......"
"I'll accept your praise but only half of it, by the way have you been outside to the terrace yet? you should go have a look."
seina went outside to the terrace where he was overtaken by the sight outside.
"It's amazing isn't it?" airi said laying out seina's party's food on a table on the terrace.
"What is this, it seems unnatural... is it a crater?"
"well it's not exactly a crater, a meteorite didn't make it. It was made by a runaway experiment. It's called washu's pore"
"Washu's pore? Washu ... ...."
seina stopped himself he remembered he wasn't supposed to talk about tenchi or his housemates.
Airi nodded at him to affirm that idea.
"Come on, eat your food before it cools down"
"Oh, yes"
everyone payed close attention to seina as he went to take his first bite. he wondered what it would taste like. to his surprise though it tasted exactly like the food in kiriko's house.
"Ah! This is the taste of the food in Kiriko's house"
"well it should the seasonings we use are all the same ones airi does. "
"Wow ... is that so?"
the meals the dorm had provided were good enough but he was glad to finally eat something that he was accustomed to it made the academy feel more like home.
"Come on, let's eat."
"Yes let's!"
and with that they all dug in.
but their happiness didn't last long. soon a damp trashy smelling glove hit seina in the face and slid down onto his food. It was seiryo.
"Seina Yamada, I challenge you to a dual!" seiryo said seriously as garbage slid off of him.
"How dare you enter my shop in such a state"
airi said she was the first to attack. her fist smashed right through seiryo's guardian shield. and then she landed a swift blow to the back of his head.
Seiryo lost consciousness in an instant, his body slowly collapsed.
"Stop!" amane insisted.
just like in the department store, she had set her anklet to maximum output and then she kicked seiryo with her whole body.
Seiryo flew as if he was a flicked piece of food right across the inside of the store into the automatic packaging system installed on the side wall of the cash register.
DING! in spite of the blow from seiryo's body being flung into it, the auto packaging machine went to work like normal and packed him up in a few seconds.
Where should I send him? airi asked amane calmly
"freeze him and send him to a satellite orbiting the most distant planet possible in the delivery area" and with that the packaging machine transported him off.
"well then now that that is out of the way i will go make you a new dish. I'll make it quick" airi said wiping the garbage off of seina with a hand towel before going back into the shop.

"Amane what is the transfer address for our packages? I'm trying to have the items we ordered transferred to the house directly instead of from the ship... there's a lot and it'll be hard for us to carry it all off of the ship into the house and I don't want to waste time because i still have to clean the house."kiriko said
amane looked back at her unamused.
"If you just arrange it with the luggage you bought today, it won't be so hard, as for cleaning up don't worry about it.the housekeepers should have it cleaned up by now ..."
"We don't have an auto keeper?"
"Why? it's such a common thing!"
"Amane's house is a super huge luxury apartment, it's normal to hire a housekeeper, think about it there was a dedicated person at the front desk, that's just how wealthy people do things."
"... ... uhm... ... What is a housekeeper?" seina asked
"huh...? ... Oh, it's like... a Maid."
" a Maid?!"
For men like seina "maid" is one of those words seina only knew from less then wholesome sources. so his enthusiasm was justified. but kiriko noticed it and got a cranky look on her face. amane also noticed it.
"Hey seina ...... If I wore maid clothes, what kind do you think would look best on me?"
A sample image of maid clothes appeared in front of Seina.
"Hey! Did you forget why we are all living together with seina? no funny business!" kiriko said getting up to shield seina's eyes from the monitor.
(Maids ......) seina thought to himself.
"Don't worry kiriko the maids come from the same company that all the aristocrats use to clean the houses of the heads of the various countries. It will be fine. they have a very good reputation and are well equipped to deal with emergencies." amane said
"But there's always Seina's probability problem."
"well Mikami-sama was the one who instructed us to use it"
"Thanks a lot Mikami!" kiriko said with a bad feeling.
it was only when they finally returned to amane's house that she knew her feelings were correct.

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End of chapter