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GXP 9 chapter 17

17 "Memory of the Snow"
 It seemed as if it was snowing.
 Looking out from huge three pane windows, there were big Snow mist tree's as far as the eye could see, and the appearance of their petal's scattering made it look as if it was snowing.
 In the center of a large room, an old man lay in a big bed where some medical equipment was set up, he was accompanied only by a young female nurse .
 The nurse whispered something into the ear of the old man.

"... ... Has Miss Mikami come?"
As if to respond to his question Mikami appeared from the shadow of the sunshine and bowed deeply. her face was subtle but tense looking. it was the face of a young child who came to greet their old father. The old man was the eldest of the Kuramitsu family.

The planet "Seniwa" currently was only inhabited by the Kuramitsu's family members and the nation's Royal Family, as well as the people and facilities necessary for their living. And this house was located on a continent that was half the size of Australia, it was the smallest continent on Seniwa, which was were the Kuramitsu family originated, and here lived the oldest member and his nurse.
"As usual the snow mist's look splendid, we have a few at the academy too."

"It's about time to make my final arrangements."
"Please don't say such a thing..." Mikami 's face seemed to start crying.
"... ... I have lived for a long long time and I'd like to take a break soon."
"Can you understand my feelings?"

"I think now is a good time to go, I've lived a long fortunate life wouldn't you say?"
"I;ll be sad ... ... "Mikami realized that the decision the eldest member had made had been hard for him she smiled a sad heart.
The eldest turned towards the nurse who had refrained from lying down and opened his eyes.
Petals like snow were dancing in the window. The elderly man gazed at it nostalgically.

"Look Miyuki ...... Snow ... ...!"
The Snow Mist seen from the window behind the nurse were suddenly blown up by strong winds, which scattered the petals violently, it looked like a snowstorm.
"Ohhhhhhhhh, Mother!"
Desperately desiring to go out there,he reached out his hands. the young nurse gently reached out and held his weak and trembling hands.
"Miyuki ... ... are you still waiting for me?" Tears flowed from the eldest's eyes.

What he imagined was a sight he had seen a long time ago - a woman with bright red burning hair and his younger sister.
His wide green eyes spread open. And the color of his skin held by the nurse was different from those of the Kuramitsu's. his white skin was similar to the snow mist petals. Yes, he was Washu Hakubi's son, Mikumo Kuramitsu.

Click here for chapter 18