10 "Raunchy Show"
"oh seina-chan, how about we get you bathed and into a change of clothes before the banquet."
Tsukuko said, except it was kuisu panta, seina knew this but could only see her at tsukiko.
" no thanks... I'm fine..."
"But you need a bath"
"I can bathe all by my self..."
"I know it's embarrassing but it's my duty to bathe you, if i don't i will be scolded. Please don't make this hard on me"
".... Uhm I can do it myself really."
"Don't be shy, we don't mind" seina heard he looked around and saw more of seto's hooded ladies.
They took of their hoods.
"oh no master this is serious, no one is allowed to see them without their hoods, let alone naked." nb said
" NB Help!"
"I'm sorry I can't"
"Chh... I knew airi didn't fix you yet."
"Well then everybody.... get him! " seto said as she removed her hood
a number of officers appeared from hiding some even dropped from the ceiling, and they came running to Seina .
"Come on seina let's take you to the bath ~~~ ♡"
"" aaaah~~~~~! "
The officers quickly took off Seina's clothes and began to take off their clothes too.
"Hey,what are you doing seto!" NB asked
" NB... you know... you can join us too"
"ah, uhm, but ..."
"there are so many girls he won't notice... Come on, hurry up!"
"............"NB remained silent, then took kirche's shape once seina was far off enough to not be able to see her.
"Tsukiko-chan, Kiriko-chan is still in the big public bath right?"
"Yes, I'll go distract them so they don't get in the way."
"good! Now, is everyone ready?"
"" heeeeeeeeelp~~~~~~! "
Minaho and ringo and joined the rest of the kamidake's crew in a large hot spring bath
"are you OK? Kiriko"
amane asked flicking hot water at her with her finger
"I'm tired, please leave me alone for a bit."
"Come one... don't be such a old lady.... speaking of... Minaho, where is seto...?"
Amane looked around and suddenly became uneasy.
"She's making preparations for lunch ... ... ... ... Oh!"
At that time, a transfer gate opened up on the rock next to Kiriko and a naked Seina came out from there.
Seina fell into a bathtub and desperately clung to whatever he could which in this case was by hugging Kiriko.
"wait.... Kiriko?"
Kiriko's warm and soft body on his bare skin resulted in him getting a boner, and who could blame him.
"wait ... Seina ......! huh! AaaaaaaaaaH!"
Kiriko felt Seina's dick prod her lower body and she reflexively panicked and threw him off of her.
"Watch out!"
Hakure's girls ended up becoming a human wall which absorbed seina's momentum. ringo caught him
"Ah! Sorry ...."
seina apologized to ringo for his erect state
fortunately Ringo didn't throw him across the room because of it.
Ringo turned red and was shedding tears.
"Ahahahaha, way to go Seina!"
Seto and Kuisu Tsukiko came out of the gate knocking over Kiriko.
"Oh, is that why Kiriko is over here by herself ..."
"What are you thinking Seto-sama ...... This is the women's bath!"
then the accounting department came out of the gate one after another.
"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah !!"
Kiriko was trampled
the luncheon welcoming Seina was held in a gorgeous dining room. the luncheon was a semi standing buffet style luncheon with room for people to move and talk and places to sit in case you wanted to eat, this custom was a remnant from when Juraians were Space pirates.
The luxurious air of the luncheon was clouded by the fact that Kiriko was sitting down angrily bandaged like a mummy.
Seto picked up a glass to give a speech.
"Everyone, I really appreciate your hard work, Seina, I'd like to thank you again."
"...... No, please don't."
"oh no I must, Everyone please raise your glasses."
Everyone except for Kiriko picked up their glass.
as everyone cheered, Kiriko suddenly took an entire bottle of Shinju sake popped the top off and started drinking it from the bottle.
"... .... Kiriko..... chan?"
"Oh ... don't mind her." Seto said
Seina and Ringo were gazing at each other awkwardly, they were both bright red in embarrassment.
"so ... ringo... why are you and seina looking at each other like that... you didnt try anything with him back in the bath that we should know about did you?" gyokuren teased
Seto Interrupted her
"Don't you want to know what was in that package you brought seina?"
"What's inside the package? ... ... Of course I would like to know ... Why did the pirates go after us so persistently. That's not like them..."
Seto made a signal to her officers. The officers quickly moved back and a privacy wall was stretched out around them
"this is the contents of that package!"
an image of a man who was awkward, stupid looking, and chubby was displayed in the center of the table.
"Does this person have something to do with the luggage?"
"Oh, sorry, this a match making photo for Amane. ahahahaha, by the way, he's the same age as you Amane, and the second son of a wholesale shop, his mother is just wonderful."
"I don't need any dates right now ... Seto-sama, my love life is just fine as it is right now, please get back to business."
"But I have so many more...."
"Fine... fine... but we're talking about this later."
seto looked disappointed and made the image vanish, then something else was projected
"...... Seto-sama... is this also a mistake?" Kiriko said shocked
"Is that a royal Tree seed !?"
"Correct. a Third generation, royal tree's seed."Seto nodded
"But how did they get such a thing?"
"... .... several thousand years ago, when the Shank Guild was still prospering, an incident occurred in which a royal ship was destroyed. since then it has been missing, it seems that only recently Tarrant discovered it. they probably had been searching for it in secret just like we have."
"No wonder they chased us!"
"This tree's master is not in this world anymore ... If they had germinated it Tarrant or some other space pirate could have possibly became its master and succeed in making next generation seeds, thank you seina, protecting this seed is the same as protecting a member of the royal family. Oh right... and I mustn't forget to thank you too Ryoko."
"In fact, I have a surprise gift prepared just for you !"
the privacy wall was lowered and the officers started preparations.
"Come on, Erma, please change back into Ryoko."
"What !?
Erma was confused as she was dragged off somewhere by the officers.
"What, what's going on !?"
"Oh don't worry, It's something fun... please keep eating."
seina resumed eating until soon a privacy wall went up again, a spotlight illuminated the stage in the room and Seto got up on stage with a microphone .
"Sorry Everyone, I didn't mean to keep you waiting.I hope your ready for a fabulous show! our guest tonight is a very special person, please give them some applause!"
the officers cheers deafened seina
"Come on... get out here" Seto pulled Ryoko · Balta out from back stage. she was in a fancy dress.
"Seto, why did you give me this dress?"
Ryoko was puzzled she examined the symbol on the gowns neckline
"these clothes bear the symbol of the Balta family who were wiped out, I only have their last name ceremoniously I can't accept this ..."
"Come on, Ryoko, Are you ready to meet your grandfather?"
"uhm.... but I'm an orphan ...."
seto snapped her fingers. a spotlight illuminated a certain point on the stage and fan fair music played
An elderly man came up elegantly from the floor of the stage in front of seto. the cheers of the officers continued.
Ryoko was confused. the man sang and his voice was pretty good. they applauded when he finished.
"Uhm... What's going on... ...."
"Why is the General of the Balta Guild here. he's supposed to be dead !!"
the man stuck up a peace sign and laughed
"Ha ha ha! The balta guild is still alive and well, and you are my great-grand daughter."
Ryoko was in a state of confusion, those words made no sense to her.
"Yeah yeah, calm down"
Two bar code-like genetic data graphs were displayed on a screen in the air.
"This is the genetic data of Ryoko on top and this is the genetic data of Commander Balta which is registered in the official data bank of the GP"
Two genetic data charts slid over each other and overlaped. And a part of it was expanded.
"There are many Space pirates with Balta's surname, but mostly because their ancestors were a part of the Balta guild ..."
"Th-This is……"
"I know you understand the meaning of this data, yes, you are a true match meaning you are the rightful successor to the name of Balta"
"so ... .... I'm not just a Balta in name!?"
"No, Ryoko-sama you directly descended from the leader of the Balta guild."
Ryoko's adjutant emerged in a spotlight .
"What do you mean!?"
"Ryoko-sama I've known since your mother entrusted me to you, I had to raise you while lying about your identity, to protect you from Daruma and Tarrant."
"If they had known you would have been killed."Suddenly komachi was projected next to the adjutant.
Komachi why are you here?"
"I agreed to as part of a trade, lucky for you Daruma hasn't noticed yet, but Tarrant seems to have known. that seems to be why he got Erma involved in assassinating Seina."
"So I'm really the great-grandchild of general Balta?"
"I'm afraid so. "
Komachi said, she saw Seina glance at her as if he wanted to ask a question, but she knew what it was and she smiled and nodded at him
"Seiryo is doing fine."
Seina looked happy
"Agh I had finally forgotten about that jerk ......" amane said loudly
"Yes, ... but ... but!"
"Oh, my great-granddaughter I love you I'm so happy to be re-united!"
general balta spread out his hands wide around ryoko and hugged her while shedding tears
"Oh my how much bigger you've gotten!way bigger ... ... especially in your chest and butt!

"please get off of me!"
"oh well as your grandfather I will always remember you as that little girl."
"Then why are you stroking my butt!"
"I just want to make sure you're built well enough to bear me a successor."
everyone looked a bit embarrassed for ryoko.
"……a successor"
Ryoko, looked confused she looked at Seto to ask for help in getting away from him.
"Balta hasn't been destroyed. Currently, it exists as an autonomous state in Juraian territory ruled by General Balta, but ... as soon as it is approved at the next Galactic Federation General Assembly, it will be an it's own independent monarchy."
"so then that means.... Ryoko ... is a princess?"
"Well yes, but once it's approved by the Galactic Federation, it will take time to stabilize it as a country.... there are still many problems to be solved."
"so... have you found a companion to be your king yet?"
ryoko looked at Seina.
"Hey wait a moment! ... ...." the other girls interjected
"Surely, there is no reason to hurry things now is there general Balta." Seto interrupted.
"Well, yes that is so.... anyways for today its just good enough that you are recognized as my heir."
"... But, honestly, I am confused ... ... I ... ... my parents died and I thought that I was all alone..."
"well take your time to accept it... your room will be built in the royal palace, and I'll have the royal band practice for your welcome parade, ha ha ha"
commander balta slid up next to amane and put his hands on her waist
"you know I wouldn't mind making another heir myself !"
"get off away from me or you won't ever be able to have another heir again!"
"why do i get the feeling that you staged this so you could record it to watch later?" kanemitsu asked seto
"I don't know what your talking about... this is an official private meeting, I cant... shit.... but it's too bad, this has been great. I should've recorded it."
"Airi has been having me record it for her I have everything From the beginning to end" Nb said
"Huh really NB, that's great!"
"I'm sorry but i can't share it with you... I have to keep it confidential!"
Seto hurriedly started chasing NB.
End of chapter
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