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Showing posts from September, 2019

GXP 5 Index

GXP 5 In this volume Seina gets attacked by pirates... twice... as he deals with the fallout of the last novel. Full PDF Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Original non grammar corrected version: GXP 5

GXP 5 chapter 5

 5 "Loss and determination" Orbiting the main star of the academy was a medical treatment facility. there was a beautiful garden at the top of the GP advanced medical satellite. Many people came to see it and enjoyed relaxing at it's entrance The rest of the floor was filled with information desks. As if to break that silence, Amane jumped out of the elevator. her beautiful face instantly gathered the eyes of everyone there. Amane had clearly been overwhelmed with tears, still no one was able to look away until she disappeared from their view. Amane didn't hesitate to come into seina's hospital room, she went in without knocking. The interior was surprisingly silent, as if there was no one there. Seina leaned up in the sofa-shaped bed, that looked out over the wide garden, the usual noisy NB was sitting casually next to him. it looked like a toy placed in a child's room casually. Amane visually confirmed that Seina was ok, and she sighed with gre...

GXP 5 chapter 4

4 "Baptism of peace and madness" In the president's office of Galaxy Academy, Airi and Mikami were facing each other, and they were holding a conference. "... ... I heard that you're controlling NB and making it do questionable things ...." "What, from who?" Mikami launched a monitor. "It was awful, Ms. Airi! I was so scared! Suddenly I lost control of NB, and it began to do strange things and show sexy images to Seina ............ I am so ashamed that I let him be exposed to such things ... I'm sorry. "  Kirche reflected on the monitor cried. however, Kirche didn't know any better and blamed herself, not Airi. "It's not your fault, don't worry Ms. Kirche, it's all because of Airi-san." "What!? ... ... But I thought only I could control NB ..." "Nevertheless, Airi-sama helped Seina get out of a serious crisis, so no action will be taken against her." Airi suddenly got in f...