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GXP 9 chapter 11

 11 "Washu's Tour"

 "Mia. Miya"  With Ryo-Ohki in the lead, Tenchi headed to the field in the strong sunlight. Normally, except for the harvest season, only two people went with Tenchi to the fields, but today there were a lot of people. It gave off the atmosphere of a picnic or a hike. Ryo-Ohki was happy practically floating.

 "Mia! Myamya Myamya Mia!"  The smell of grass and the smell of soil mixed together. Fuku was also excited and they were running around like dogs unleashed from their chains on a walk.
At that time, Fuku discovered an interesting game ..well she thought it was a game.  
She plunged into withered weeds and got entangled with it. "Mia aa Ann! Mia! Mia!"  and then she would be rescued by Seina, the foolish Fuku repeatedly did the same thing again and again and again.

 Hey, you just took a bath! What are you thinking?"  Fuku 's hair was now filled with sticky grass seeds from head to toe.
"Fuku-chan seems to be having fun"  Tenchi said pleasingly.
"Well, yes, actually there are natural residential areas like the royal ships have in the Kamidake ....when I took her to the sea, she  ran into the waves just like this actually, she got thrown by the waves and was buried in the sand. her tail looked  just like a sea urchin."

 "Was she okay?"
"We dug her up in a hurry, but she was laughing happily ... ...."  Behind Seina Fuku thrust into the bushes again and got entangled.
"So, did she repeate the same thing over and over like now?"
"Even though I knew she couldn't drown I was worried ... ... Amane seems to think she has a death wish."  Seina pulled out Fuku from with the bushes and sighed while patting off the insects and dust.

"Ryo-Ohki was also like that when she was small, she would chase the butterflies and hit trees and walls, or fall in the river, it was a serious problem."
"Did you reprimand her?"
"Oh yeah ...... We had to as often as possible, and we had to keep an eye on her all the time but she learned not to do it little by little. Ryo-Ohki has really calmed down with age, I think that Fuku will be the same way."  

Ringo was looking pleasantly at two as they talked. "Huh... Why are you  looking at us like that ...?" Tenchi and Seina, who noticed her gaze asked what was wrong.
 "You two look like two dads swapping child raising tips"
Tenchi and Seina, looked at each other at the same time and they both turned red, the Ringo laughed. "... Well then, shall we start working on the field ?"  Tenchi said
He climbed a slope and stood at the edge of the field.     

Around 3 o'clock, Sasami ran to the field with a big basket of snacks, Noike came traveling in the car along the road with large baskets to collect the harvested carrots.

"Oh!"  Sasami came up to the top of the hill and came to a position where she could see the area where she stopped in surprise. It was because there were carrots planted as far as the eye could see and all the ones that were ready had been harvested. Usually it took the Masaki family about three days to complete that task.

 "Wow Tenchi-nichan this is amazing."  Sasami said with a sigh while approaching Tenchi and seina who were resting beside a carrot mountain.

 "Having everyone here is so handy, usually this takes me quite a while."  Tenchi said with a bit of a bitter smile.  In the Masaki family, Ryoko, Ayeka, and Mihoshi never did any of the field work. In contrast, the Yamada family was full of workers and cooks like Noike and Sasami.

 "Oh, this is amazing are you already done? "  
Noike asked as she stopped the truck and brought out a big case from the back. she looked around happily
"Tenchi, let's clean up the carrots before we have tea."
 "No, with this many, we won't be able to get them all carried to be washed in one trip, so let's do it after tea."
 "Well I guess your right... well then Kiriko, Karen, please set things up."  Noike instructed. Kiriko and Karen spread a blanket under a nice tree and spread out a small table full of food. Then Noike and Sasami began to line up desserts in baskets on top. There were so many kinds and kinds they could open up a small shop with it.
 "Oh!"  Needless to say, everyone was surprised not only Ryo-Ohki and Fuku.

 "This looks amazing doesn't it?"
 "I made these as examples of what we should sell at Seina's shop, they're my prototype desserts." Karen said. Noike who saw Tenchi 's reactions was very satisfied.
Kiriko smiled nicely and presented a basket of wet hand towels.
They wiped their hands and waited for Sasami to give them the ok to dig in.
"Come on, Let's eat!"
 "Mmm this is delicious!"

 Washu was analyzing Seina's personal data in her laboratory. Washu's was excited.

 "Hmm i see... everything is going well so far ... but ... ...."  Washu, who was in a good mood, took a look at another window on which some data was displayed, suddenly she put on a serious face and  sighed a little.

 Washu wiped out the window and shook it off before she got up.
 "Well, I guess I should collect data from the others now ... ehehehee " Washu had on a terrifying smile. She put on a lab coat and went into a long distance transfer gate.     

 "Yooohoooo ~~! How are you?"  Washu came out in Airi's office at the Academy. At that moment, a time freezing protective barrier for security went off, and the time around Airi's secretaries stopped.

 "Washu, what are you doing here so suddenly?"  Airi obviously had on an upset face.
It was rude to come without an appointment.

 "Airi I'm here to ... ... Yeah, no actually I don't need it...."

 "That's an odd Sudden greeting, what's not needed?"
 "Oh, Mikami, I want to take a scan of your person data please. Please get ready for me right away."  Ignoring Airi, Washu approached Mikami. It was an order rather than a request.
 "my personal data?" Washu-sama's order confused her
".... What is it about, if you don't mind me asking?"  
If the other party was Washu, resistance was futile, but at the very least by knowing she could help her get the information she needed.

"It's Regarding Seina, isn't it ... she must want to know your feelings to see if you deserve to be with him" Airi, as only a philosopher would noticed the general intention of washu.
 "Wow Washu, is that it !?"
 "Well in that case, test me! I'm the best!"
 "If you are feeling sexually frustrated, you should take that up with your husband, you don't have to hide from him. Tenchi knows you exist already. "
"Yeah but Seina would be better ... ... ♡"
 "If it's because your into Shotas, then you can always build you and him some younger bodies to use, you're a philosopher after all..."
 "But yosho won't be into that."
 "Well I'm sure he'd be excited to see that face your making right now thinking about it,  I'm sure he would be up for it if you asked like that..."  

"No no... Test me for Seina! Test me for Seina!"  Airi latched onto Washu and burst into tears.
 "Oh my! what a gloomy girl!"  Suddenly Airi was frozen in time. It was for very brief  moment but there was a very quickly accelerated technological battle that had just happened that was on a level of speed that was invisible to ordinary people. But obviously washu had won.

 "Come now, Mikami, that annoyance is no longer a problem for us"
 "... ... I understand, I can't refuse if it's for Seina."  Mikami smiled
"Good girl, I will show you heaven for being such a good girl."
 "……Heaven??"  At that moment, Mikami was covered a black shadow.    

Washu finished measuring Mikami after having returned to her research facility.
She returned though the very long distance gate was for VIP's and had confidentiality protection.

 "Well then ... ... I guess I should get the most distant ones out of the way first."  Washu jumped to the Mikagami' s bridge.
Washu walked up to Seto who was sitting on her throne quietly.
"Wow ~ ~ ~ ... ..."  she said as she got closer and got in seto's face, and looked at her closely. "What's wrong Washu ... ... why are you here so suddenly ...... ??"
 "Oh, there we go! I'm here to borrow you for a while." Washu pulled Seto by the hand to the gate
"What's wrong? Do you need me for something?"
 "I don't need Seto, But I need I do need you, Mirror."
 "............"  Seto stared at Washu, without changing her expression at all.
But she closed her eyes 
"... ... How did you know?"  she said 
 "How long do you think Naja and I were together?"
 "Do you think we share the same cells? I am not a clone but a mirror of Seto ... ... If there's something you want from Naja, then you'll have to find Seto."  

Although the shadow warrior merely imitated one's figure, she was a mirror warrior with memory and ability copying and all.
 "That's a shame should anything happen to Naja ... ... Ha ha! but besides me I don't think anyone would ever mind."
 "That's true, but ... ... I don't think that Seto's memories are necessary anymore  either... I only want my own."
 "Aren't you only supposed to be able to tie your identity to someone else through the power of a first generation royal Tree? I know it doesn't make any sense but did seina somehow ruin that link?"
 "I don't think anyone expected what has happened because of that child" The mirror said so without changing her expression at all.
 "But if you have only memories of you, then when would that have started?"
 "Why do you ask!?"  At that time, an expression of embarrassment emerged in the facial expression of the mirror. her first memory was of Seina, it was important to her, as important as life. She was no longer a mirror,  because she was determined not to share that memory.
 "You are cute and straightforward.... good girl"  Washu was pleased with Mirror Seto's expression.. It was as if her old girlfriend was there.

 "......... I will consent to my scan. If you promise not to use" Mister slimey No.3 "

 "Wow, so you knew about that already... did mikami tell you?"  Washu frowned a bit with disappointment. The mirror gave a smile in retort.
 "Well if don't you want to taste heaven like Mikami,  I won't stop you..."
 "Hmm should I make Minaho my victim after this?"
 "I don't see why you would...... she has barely had any contact with Seina."
 "Yeah I guess your right... what about Yuzaki and Kanemitu's daughter isn't she Seina's fiance ... ...." "Well yes but you should wait until she grows up."
"I'm not going to use"mister slimey No.3" on her, hmmm do you have any other subordinates I should check?"  
The mirror displayed a list of her subordinates she recommended be tested.
 "Oh wow... way to sell out your own employees"
 "I'm sure they will enjoy it."
"Of course"  the two laughed like demons.

"Kakekekeke! what a pushover! If that was Naja, she wouldn't have fallen for that."  
Washu was skipping down the road happily. After that conversation with the mirror she had carried out a surprise attack on the mirror with "Mr.Slimey No.3", and it was brilliantly successful.

 "I should have taken a video of that... she'll thank me for that some day ....... perhaps....hmm...... Is this the right place?"  Currently Washu was in kirche's cyber space. she passed through the facility set up for the other researchers and headed to a small house on the hill. There were many researchers there, but no one noticed her since she wore spectacles and bandana.
 Washu suddenly stopped and looked around
"Hmm ... ... this is an interesting fantasy"  it was a calm and idyllic countryside which was not all that spectacular, but it was a scene created by Kirche. In a way it was her mental scenery, the place in Kirche's mind in which she wished to live a life with Seina.

Washu approached the door of the house and tried to ring the doorbell, but heard a voice from the backyard.

 "Oh dear! So what do you think is in the letter? "

 "It seems to be various data left by Miki, I'm thinking it might be coordinates ... ...."

 "Hello, young lady"  Washu said speaking behind kirche's turned back as Kirche talked to Hiroshi

"Aaah! I didn't see you there! sorry. I was distracted."  She hurriedly stopped washing the white sheet she was cleaning and ran to Washu. Washu took off her glasses and banana .

 "Well you sure are pretty ... Are you a new researcher?"

 "AAAAAAAH!"  Contrary to Kirche who inquired smilingly, Hiroshi stared at Washu with immense shock on his face, his mouth hung open. 

 "In reality, I came here to greet you before asking to use your personal data."
 "But... But ... ...."

 "If that's what you want ask Airi she already has it"
"Oh is that so, you let her have it so freely?"  She was like a puppy who didn't know how to doubt people. She didn't recognize any danger in giving your data to a philosopher. Washu was a bit sad there was no resistance.

 "It's You,  is it really you ... ... Is this a joke?"  Hiroshi somehow managed to sputter
"Well, I am busy so I'll see you again soon."  Ignoring Hiroshi's question, Washu walked back towards the town.
"Oh! by the way ... ... what's your name?"
 "He seem to be familiar with it, so please ask him."  That being said, Washu bowed to kirche and left, she turned to Hiroshi.

"Hey ... Hiroshi, are you all right? you look like you've seen a ghost"
"Ghosts ...... exactly that might be ... ..."
"If my eyes and memory serve me right, if her that was really her......... that was legendary philosopher, Washu Hakubi."
" Ms. Washu Hakubi!?"  
It was a familiar name to Kirche. No, for anyone living in the academy, the name of Washu was the same as saying the name of Nobunaga , Hideyoshi, or Tokugawa Ieyasu to someone from Japanese.

"That was definitely Washu-sama ..."
 "There have been rumors about her being alive ... ... if she isn't then we may have just really seen a ghost ..."  They kept staring at the place where Washu had stood.  


Tenchi who finished his work was looking in the direction of the Masaki family home which was lit by the setting sun.
"It's a beautiful sight"  Seina said. It was almost time for seina who had spent all day playing in the Masaki village to go home. he would soon have to return to the normal world. So he felt a little sad. "Senpai, are you going to stay here forever? Haven't you ever considered going out into space?"
 "Well ... ... I don't know about the future but for now I still want to do a lot of things here."
 "What do you want to do?"
 "I'd like to grow more crops and make some pottery, we also make tea bowls and dishes etc. I'm learning Bamboo working in Masaki village right now"

 "So did you make that basket that sasami brought us sweets in?"  To Seina's question, Tenchi nodded.
 "... ... so is your end goal self-sufficiency?"
 "Oh ... well kinda, it's a fun idea don't you think?"
 "What about you Seina, what do you want to do?"
 "I'm happy with my current job."

 "Hey Seina,uhm... uh... well... there's no rush to do this anytime soon, but do you think you would ever want to come back here?"
 "I'm not talking about right now, but if you did things could be like they were a long time ago ..."  Seina and Tenchi, and Kai were always together when they were young. But when tenchi entered junior high, they got other friends and when Tenchi entered high school and moved to Kurashiki they saw each other much less frequently.

 "It may be okay here for you, but for me, the earth is a painful place to be ... but if I had to I wouldn't mind living in Masaki village, after all the earth is still my home planet."  

I'm glad you feel that way."  Tenchi didn't say anything more; that was enough for him.
The wind blowing through the valleys was comfortable and the two  stood and watched the scenery for what seemed like forever.

In a place slightly away from Tenchi and Seina, Noike and Kiriko kept silent as they watched the two. Tenchi and Seina  were both still young, but on their backs was a heavy burden. 

The carrots were already fully loaded and they were ready to go home, but the people there were content with watching the atmosphere between the two of them and so they forgot to say anything about it.

It was Washu who greeted Tenchi when he came back to the Masaki family home.

  "Nishia is here with the van. you should help him load up the carrots." Washu said to seina, the girls hurriedly headed for the bath. Seina left Fuku with Sasami and headed off to help Nishia load up the carrots.

 "Hey Tenchi"  Washu called to Tenchi  who was left alone with her, she got closer to him.
 "Seina's test results came back"  she checked to make sure no one was around and then crouched to whisper to Tenchi who was also crouching.
"!! ............ so is it happening to him?"
"I'm afraid so……"
"……I see"  Tenchi's face was pale blue. he seemed to be trembling 
 "I can talk to him about it for you"   she tenderly said with a hand gently on Tenchi's back.

"No ... this is something I have to talk about with him directly."
 "Okay, I understand."  
Washu softly moved her hand to Tenchi's face and gently kissed him like a child.
 "Thank you"  The trembling of Tenchi's hand ceased and his expression returned to normal.
end of chapter
Click here for chapter 12

---------------------------the thing that washu frowns about in the beginning is what tenchi talks to seina about in the chapter 15 tenchi's melancholy ---------